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The Skills Pledge ‘Make a Lasting Impression’. June Williams Skills Pledge Policy Learning and Skills Council National Office. Sample Certificate – only available to employers through the official route once employers details have been overprinted
The Skills Pledge‘Make a Lasting Impression’ June Williams Skills Pledge Policy Learning and Skills Council National Office
Sample Certificate – only available to employers through the official route once employers details have been overprinted Blank copies have been supplied to regions for PR purposes only THE SKILLS PLEDGE CERTIFICATE
What is it ? • a voluntary public commitment • by the leadership of a company or organisation • for all employers, any size - private, public or voluntary • to support all employees to gain skills for personal growth and enhance business productivity. • a core commitment is to help employees of participating organisations’ to achieve basic literacy and numeracy levels and a full Level 2 qualification (equivalent to five good GCSEs). • a simple structure for identifying and meeting skills needs to support those in, and those entering, employment • supported by Government funding to support training for those who do not have these core skills and skills for all employees to improve skills • A culture change tool, not an just an action plan
Current Skills Pledges 4.7 million employees 5,919 employers
Overall picture • The Skills Pledge is a public commitment by an employer to train their staff and help them achieve their full potential • Basic skills and level 2 are at the core of the Skills Pledge because this represents a commitment to a culture of staff development starting with those who have the lowest level of skills and qualifications, but it does not preclude those employers who want to go beyond this core commitment from doing so. Indeed they are actively encouraged to. • Our ambition is for 8 million people to be covered by the Skills Pledge by 2010. This means 200,000 people to be covered every month • Month on month we are exceeding that 200K profile, and already there are nearly 4,000 employers who have made the commitment, covering well over 4 million employees
How to… • A Skills Pledge can be made online or call a Train to Gain skills broker • Assessment of training needs can be done with the help of a Train to Gain skills broker or online • Employers draw up their own Skills Pledge plan and priorities setting out their chosen skills and training.
How to… • The Train to Gain service offers advice through skills brokers and online • Employers can access support for indentifying training through the Train to Gain Service and through providers, benefit from funding for range of skills for eligible people and skills. • Each organisation decides on timeframes for fulfilling Skills Pledge based on its own unique needs
Better skills mean a better future – for all • People lacking basic skills are most at risk in a global economy as skills provide the flexibility to change jobs and careers as the economy changes (Leitch Review of Skills) • Almost three quarters (74%) of those who will be in the workforce in 2020 so training those already in the workforce is vital • Skills affect a person’s chances of getting a job • More than half of those with no qualifications are also not in a job • Three quarters of those with five good GCSEs (Level 2) are in work • Four fifths of people with two A’ Levels or the equivalent (Level 3 qualifications have a job and almost 90 per cent of those with a degree or above (Level 4)have jobs, according to Further Education and Skills: Key facts and Figures • There are approximately six million unskilled workers in the economy – by 2020 we will only need half a million, so training those already in the workforce is vital • Employees recognise that the Government’s Train to Gain service gives them an opportunity to gain qualifications, to improve their skills for their current job; and to enhance their wider employability (Train to Gain evaluation, 07) • Four fifths (80%) of learners felt they had gained skills to help them do a better job in the future (Train to Gain evaluation, 07)
Avoiding the ‘undistinguished mediocrity’ • Skills Pledge offers a simple structure for identifying and meeting skills needs to support those in, and those entering employment… • …and an ongoing public commitment to maintain skills and support qualifications • It is supported by advice, skills solutions and funding support… • … and now, by emerging good practice based on the positive experiences of employers and learners.
Avoiding the ‘undistinguished mediocrity’ 77% find it easy to sign up to the Skills Pledge Easy in terms of process… non bureaucratic 83% felt it helped the organisation to make a public commitment “A public declaration to the workforce that we are committed to development of their skills” “A commitment from the organisation to equip employees with appropriate training to do the job” “I believe it is what you should be doing in business, if you don’t sign up more fool you” “It should improve business and our staff have become more productive and more skilled” 3 in 5 respondents have increased the breadth of their training provision “It (making the Skills Pledge) means a lot – means we do what we say we will do regarding training” “A commitment to develop our staff to a higher calibre and look forward to where we will be in 10-15 years time”
Avoiding the ‘undistinguished mediocrity’ At this early stage 63% are already providing more training opportunities than before “We are starting to see the results already. More people carrying on after Level 2” “Will help us build skill levels and help with literacy and numeracy. Also I think it is a corporate responsibility” 34% now have a training plan that didn’t before “People can gain financially if they put training plans into action” “Encourages companies to start doing training” Over 80% are likely to recommend the Skills Pledge “Literacy & Numeracy skills are essential, if people have these they can go much further, important we pass this on” “Good for the economy to have Level 2 qualifications. People feel empowered with qualifications to their name” “Increases competitiveness in the UK and will make us look more attractive globally” “Better trained workforce will eventually lead to a better economy” “Better skilled staff means better profit”
WHAT WE’VE GOT PLANNED… A series of research projects are planed to track the progress and find out more about employers making the Skills Pledge… RESEARCH - EXISTING • Findings from 2007/08 research ready to publish through LSC bulletins, Online alerts, TTG and Broker communications. This will also be used in planning, PR and messaging. RESEARCH – FUTURE • 3 future projects planned: • i) repeat of 07/08 research project (ready for Mar 09) • ii) Longitudinal research linked to existing case studies, following the employers Skills Pledge journey (Sept 08 – Mar 09) • iii) FTSE 500 barriers, awareness and challenges research. What’s stopping these companies making the Pledge? (Sept – Dec 08)
What’s Available? • Display Stands • The Findings • Case Studies • Q & A • How to Make the Skills Pledge (Customer Journey) • Updated Website
WHAT ELSE.… Celebration and milestones – activity and resources we’ll be using to acknowledge the success of the Skills Pledge… • 5 million employee press release • David Lammy piece to camera • Pledgeometer
For more information : 0800 015 55 45 lsc.gov.uk/skillspledge