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Major Scientific Achievements in and beyond the CGIAR in Latin America and the Caribbean; Reflections and Lessons. Jesus Moncada de la Fuente. Science Forum CGIAR Annual General Meeting December 4, 2007, Beijing, China. Reflections and Lessons. Agricultural research achievements
Major Scientific Achievements in and beyond the CGIAR in Latin America and the Caribbean;Reflections and Lessons Jesus Moncadade la Fuente Science Forum CGIAR Annual General Meeting December 4, 2007, Beijing, China
Reflections and Lessons • Agricultural research achievements • Today’s challenge: to satisfy news demand for a more diverse, holistic and complex research agenda • The evolution of research institutions and policy • Public awareness and support
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) • The region has a rich tradition of agricultural innovations, dating back to Pre-Columbian times. • Today, public and private institutions continue to do research and transfer technology.
Latin America: The cradle of the CGIAR System • In 1943, Mexico & the Rockefeller Foundation created the Office of Special Studies (OEE). • In the 1950s the OEE’s success fostered the creation of National Institutes for Agricultural Research in Mexico and other LAC countries. • And inspired the foundation of IRRI & CIMMYT, and ultimately of the CGIAR system.
The Shuttle Breeding Strategy • Used Mexico’s diverse ecological regions to apply strong selection pressure to wheat lines. • Resulted in varieties with wide global adaptation, which India, Pakistan, and others used successfully. • By 1950, Mexico was self-sufficient in wheat. The Green Revolution had begun. Source: Agricultural Research in “El Horno – CEVAMEX”. Where it all began. An Overview, México. INIFAP. Special Issue. No. 2. September 2004.
Human capital was developed • Shuttle breeding required scientists to travel to various breeding sites to track progress in wheat line selections. The personal sacrifice produced gratifying rewards. • A new World-System was being built, combining international collaboration, applied science, and training. Source: Agricultural Research in “El Horno – CEVAMEX”. Where it all began. An Overview, México. INIFAP. Special Issue. No. 2. September 2004.
The Initial Objective: Food Security The National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) put science to work from the start: • They targeted staple crops, and focused on improving yields and quality through plant breeding, and better management practices; • Genetic resistance to pests and disease reduced the need for purchased inputs; • Scientists and producers collaborated on staple crop breeding strategies. Access to free, improved germplasm and tools developed by CIMMYT, CIAT, CIP & other CGIAR centers contributed to NARIs achievements.
Soil and water constraints were addressed Soil acidity is a widespread characteristic of high rainfall areas of Latin America’s tropics. • Improved maize varieties, tolerant of high aluminum concentrations, were developed. • So were water and fertilizer-efficient staple crop varieties.
Soil Erosion To manage its soil’s sustainably, Latin America must reduce soil erosion and the accelerated loss of soil organic matter. • Reduced or zero tillage practices have been developed or adapted to local conditions. • A wealth of soil biology / fertility knowledge has been acquired along with rational, cost effective, inorganic and organic fertilizer practices. • Green manures and more effective legume inoculants for atmospheric nitrogen fixation have been adopted.
Integrated Pest Management National and international centers have developed and promoted Integrated Pest Management systems (IPM): • A cost effective, environmentally sensitive approach, IPM is less hazardous to humans and environments. • Staple and industrial crops, fruits, vegetables and export oriented commodities, as well as livestock and forestry have benefited.
Agricultural Innovation outside the CGIAR • Local public & private programs have generated or imported technologies for non-CGIAR priority crops, such as, sugarcane, coffee, cacao, cotton, fruits & vegetables. • Private industry has developed transgenic varieties (gmos) in such crops as, soybeans, cotton, canola & vegetable seeds. Public & private sector collaboration is a welcome challenge in LAC.
Technological Spillovers • In Latin America’s southern cone high growth commodities like: soybeans, chicken, beef, and biofuels have benefited from technological spillovers. • They also benefited from innovations generated locally by public and private organizations.
Assessing the Achievements • LAC successfully generated and adapted science based technological innovations that contributed greatly to agricultural productivity. However, • There were marked regional differences. • The achievements carried significant environmental and social costs. • The main beneficiaries were medium and large, market-oriented producers, particularly the better equippedand organized.
Society’s New Demands • More conscious of health and environmental issues and social inequities, today’s society has new expectations and demands that call for a more complex and holistic agenda. • The NARIs are not yet fully satisfying these new demands. • To do so, the NARIs must find ways to reconcile apparently conflicting objectives: • Competitiveness and sustainability • Social and cultural inclusion
Strategic objectives for Latin America’s NARIs The region needs research strategies and innovations that: • Favor minimum input, environmentally sensitive, equitable, and agroecological approaches. • Respond to the need of specific commodities, production systems, and water basins. • Help to increase agricultural products’ value added. • Support market and subsistence - oriented production systems and new, high-value, export-oriented agricultural products.
Latin America’s Regional Research Agendas To satisfy the new public demand, Latin America must produce regionally relevant public goods, specifically addressing, • Food safety • Nutrition / health • Plant and animal health • Water efficiency • Biodiversity • Waste & Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS) • Air Pollution
Global Environmental Concerns Several issues—shared globally— add to the complexity of such a new agenda: • Deterioration of the natural resource base • Global warming • A looming energy crisis Such a complex agenda will test regional and global solidarity.
Inter-Institutional Cooperation • No NARI has the capacity to tackle such a diverse agenda alone. • Society could benefit from better coordinated research initiatives and inter institutional synergies. • This can be done through existing organizations and networks at the national, sub-regional, regional and continental levels.
The evolution of research institutions and policy Innovation and participatory development strategies
From NARIs to NARSs • The current trend for NARIs to evolve into National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) is commendable. It deserves strong public and private support. • Participatory development networks, organized by commodity, food or agro-industries, or water basin, should be encouraged. • Innovative participatory technology transfer strategies, should be supported.
Based on Producers’ Opinions … • Technology is not the only factor limiting agricultural productivity and sustainability. • Experience suggests that innovation is also needed in: marketing, credit, infrastructure, producer organizations, and education. • Generating such innovations and participatory development strategies requires concerted efforts by governments and communities.
Public and Private Sector Interaction Public–Private Hybrid Organizations
Mexico’s Fundación Produce Model • This institutional innovation in Mexico speaks for a vital stakeholder base with a strong political voice in support of agricultural research and technology transfer. • Produce has supported the transformation of public agricultural research organizations and influenced the design and realization of agricultural research and innovation policies. Over the last ten years Fundación Produce has influenced relations between producers and the federal and state governments. Source: Ekboir, J.M, et al, 2006. Las Fundaciones Produce a diez años de su creación: pensando en el futuro. Informe Final de Evaluación. International Food Policy Research Institute. (IFPRI). Coordinadora Nacional de las Fundaciones Produce. (COFUPRO A.C.) México D.F.
Public Awareness • Improved dialogue between NARIs and its greater constituency is needed to create and improve awareness of the economic, social and ecological impacts of agricultural research. • Transparency and accountability should guide the interaction.
Key Considerations in Designing Agricultural Research Strategy for the Future
Latin America’s challenge: A pro - poor agricultural research agenda • Agricultural research has alleviated some rural and urban poverty by lowering food prices and increasing wages & employment in the nonagricultural sector, however, • It has not eradicated poverty, which may be worsening as markets liberalize and agriculture’s importance diminishes relative to other sectors.
Latin America’s challenge: A pro - poor agricultural research agenda • “Until recently reducing poverty was a secondary goal of agricultural research”. • “The primary focus was on increasing food supplies and reducing food prices”. • “This was often good news for the poor, as increased productivity lowered food prices and more jobs, cutting poverty significantly” • “However, benefits did not materialize for all poor people, and some indigent people were negatively impacted” Source: Meinzen-Dick, R., M.Adato, L.Haddad and P.Hazell. Science and Poverty. An Interdisciplinary Assesment of the Impact of Agricultural Research. Washington, D.C. IFPRI.2004
A Query… • Is it fair to expect scientists incorporate equity into an already complex research agenda? • Or to blame them when apparently scale-neutral technology benefits large farmers or rich consumers due to government policies they don’t control. • Nickel (1989) postulates that “research policy and strategy can be designed in a manner so the benefits contribute to poverty alleviation”. Source: Nickel, J. L. 1989. Research Management for Development. Open Letter to a New Agricultural Research Director. . Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura. IICA. San José de Costarica.
Stable Production as a Pro-poor Strategy • “Pro poor agricultural researchers must look beyond simply boosting productivity.” • “Stable yields for example, may actually be more important to farmers than higher but more variable yields (Mexico’s case) as they make people less vulnerably economically.” • “By breeding new crop varieties –such as those resistant to drought, flooding, and pests– agricultural researchers may reduce farmers’ vulnerability to climatic and biological shocks.” Source: Bellon, M.R. 2003. Métodos de investigación participativa para evaluar tecnologías: Manual para científicos que trabajan con agricultores. Mexico, D.F. CIMMYT.
Agricultural Research is No Silver Bullet • Agricultural research by itself cannot solve all the socio-economical problems and inequities plaguing the rural sector. However, • More sharply focused research strategies can be designed to contribute to the alleviation of poverty and/or its negative consequences. Latin America’s challenge: a pro-poor agricultural research agenda
A New Green Revolution ? • New developments in molecular biology, nanotechnology, bioinformatics etc, offer new opportunities to solve problems in Latin America. • However, such Hi-Tech endeavours are associated with high costs and a high degree of privatization and patenting. • The large commercial Hi-Tech companies will probably focus on crops and animal products with large markets. A Trust Fund is needed to finance frontier knowledge utilization…Regional and global solidarity will be tested
Funding for research in Latin America is declining • Since the mid-1980s, budget restricting macro-economic and sector-specific policies have limited public funds for R&D; • The LAC region currently invests less than 0.5% of its total agricultural income in R&D, well below what is advisable; • Richer countries have better research intensity ratios; smaller and poorer countries are slipping behind. Source: Hertford, R., P.G. Pardey and S.R. Wood. 2004. A Strategic Look at Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean: Prospects for Research and Development. IFPRI. BID. FONTAGRO.
Returns on Agricultural R&D • Agricultural research is one of the best investments for developing countries to meet their goals. • Returns on agricultural R&D investment in LAC and elsewhere have been high, suggesting that more, not less, funding for research is indicated. • A concerted commitment by government and society is required to fund agricultural research more adequately. Source: Hertford, R., P.G. Pardey and S.R. Wood. 2004. A Strategic Look at Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean: Prospects for Research and Development. IFPRI. BID. FONTAGRO.
FONTAGRO • Launched in 1998, with support from the Inter-American Development Bank. • A unique strategy created by LAC countries to finance technology development for the rural sector. A praiseworthy initiative.
In Conclusion 1- Revalue Agriculture and the Rural Space • Societies and governments face the challenge of recognizing that agriculture and the rural environment are not only engines, for economic development that generate employment, income, and social stability. • They also play other roles essential for the quality of both rural and urban life, such as helping to maintain ecological balances and providing opportunities for recreation.
In Conclusion 2 - Agriculture concerns society as a whole • Agricultural problems concern not only producers, but society as a whole. • The current rural-urban interface is unbalanced, unequal and ecologically unsustainable. • Agriculture and the rural–urban space deserve to be holistically developed, given their decisive influence on the wellbeing of present and future generations.
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