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Word Sorts. ~ Cindy Gambill. Word sorts are small group, categorizing, and classifying activities Great strategy that reinforces new vocabulary or concepts Helps students recognize common relationships. Can be used in any content area K-12
WordSorts ~ CindyGambill
Word sorts are small group, categorizing, and classifying activities • Great strategy that reinforces new vocabulary or concepts • Helps students recognize common relationships
Can be used in any content area K-12 • Pre-reading Activity: helps students make predictive connections • After-reading Activity: helps students clarify and extend understanding
Word Sort Basics: • Instructor lists critical terms or • concepts from the lesson • Individual students or small groups • sort terms into categories • Students must defend • their grouping decisions
Word Sort Variations Open: Students determine the categories. Closed: The teacher provides the categories for the students. No right or wrong way for students to sort words in either version.
Science Word Sort • Strand 2: Life Science • Standard 4: Populations and Ecosystems • LS.4.5.14 • Categorize organisms by the function they serve in ecosystems and food webs: • predator/prey • parasitism • producer/consumer/decomposer • scavenger • herbivore/omnivore/carnivore
Science Word Sort - Example Word Bank Rabbit Human Vulture Head lice Fungi Sheep Wolf Hawk Mosquito Bacteria Snake Carnivores Herbivores Predators Scavengers Omnivores Parasites Decomposers
Language Arts Word Sort Strand: Reading Standard 10: Variety of text • R.10.7.9 • Identify the use of poetic devices, including: • comparison • alliteration • repetition • onomatopoeia • rhyme
Language Arts Word Sort - Example • Poetry Devices • Snug as a bug in a rug • gurgle and hiss • fast and furious • Love is like a rose • I was glad, so very, very glad • Twinkle, twinkle little star • Boil and brew • Snap, crackle, & pop • busy as a bee • tried and true Alliteration Comparison Repetition Rhyme Onomatopoeia
Social Studies Word Sort Strand: Civics Standard 4: Government • C.4.5.1 • Recognize that the Arkansas and the United States • governments are composed of three branches • Executive • Legislative • Judicial
Mathematics Number Sort Strand: Number and Operations Standard 1 Number Sense NO.1.7.6 Recognize subsets of the realnumber system (natural,whole, integers, rational, and irrational numbers)
Mathematics Number Sort Number Bank -2; -1; -1/2; 0; ¼; .314159; 2/3; .75; 1; 2; 3 Natural Whole Integers Rational Irrational Real
References "Educators." Arkansas Department of Education. Web. 04 July 2010. http://arkansased.org/educators/curriculum/frameworks.html "Making Meaning with Word Sorts." Daisy. Web. 05 July 2010. http://kms.sdcoe.net/getvocal/94.html "Number Types." Purplemath. Web. 05 July 2010. http://www.purplemath.com/modules/numtypes.htm "Poetic Devices." California Fedeartion of Chaparral Poets, Inc. Web. 05 July 2010. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:l2ydareB4K0J:www.chaparralpoets.org/devices.pdf+repetition+poetic+device&hl=en&gl=us "Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers." CHS ONLINE. Web. 04 July 2010. http://www.chs.k12.nf.ca/science/b3201/WebCT-Copy/units/unit1-05.htm "Reading Strategies - Classroom Strategies - Literacy Strategies - FOR-PD Reading Strategy of the Month." Reading Research and Instruction - Florida Online Reading Professional Development (FOR-PD). Web. 29 June 2010. http://forpd.ucf.edu/strategies/stratword_sorts.html Vacca, Richard T., and Jo Anne L. Vacca. Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning across the Curriculum. Boston: Pearson/Allyn&Bacon, 2008. Print. "What Good Readers Do." Google. Web. 29 June 2010. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wB6HA9ZO8aMJ:missouricareereducation.org/pd/BBDoc/Presentations/BB05-Schnak.doc+pre-reading+organizer&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us "Wordle - Create." Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds. Web. 05 July 2010. http://www.wordle.net/create