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Time Management. Use Your Time Productively. You have about 40 minutes each period to get your work done. That’s plenty of time to get any of your homework finished as long as you focus on your work and don’t get distracted by what others are doing.
Use Your Time Productively • You have about 40 minutes each period to get your work done. • That’s plenty of time to get any of your homework finished as long as you focus on your work and don’t get distracted by what others are doing. • The more work you can get finished in class means the less you will have to take home for homework.
Stay On Task • Staying on task is a really important thing for you guys. • You need to work and focus on 1 assignment at a time until you finish it, and then move on to the next thing instead of trying to do a little bit of each assignment and not getting any of them completely finished. • Also don’t just stare off into space and give up if you get stuck on something or just don’t feel like doing it. Raise your hand and ask for help if you need it.
Wasting Time • Wasting time is a big thing some of you guys do. • Coming into class and then having to go back to your locker because you don’t have your book or your homework is just a waste of time. • If you don’t have time to go to your locker between certain classes because it will make you late, then you need to start taking your book or homework with you the period earlier so you already have it with you.
Ask For Help • If your stuck on a problem or have a question, instead of just sitting there and staring off into space, just ask a teacher or senior mentor for help. • Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help that’s what we’re here for. • If you need supplies for a project, or a book for a certain class, or even index cards to help you study just ask and we can get you what you need.
Don’t Procrastinate! • Procrastination means to put something off till the last minute. • If you put something off till right before it’s due then your going to be rushed, your answers might not be right cause you didn’t take your time, and the work might not get done at all because you feel like you don’t have enough time to finish it.
Balance Your Time • Balancing your time is sometimes a tough thing to do, but it is also a very important thing when it comes to getting all your work done and still having free time to do what you want. • Get your homework out of the way first thing when you get home, so you can go and hangout with friends, play Xbox, go on Facebook, etc.
Making An Effort • You guys have to make the effort to try and do the best you can do. • We can give you guys all the supplies you need or answer any of your questions, but in the end it’s YOUthat has to decide that your willing to work hard and that you want to get good grades and be able to feel proud about your hard work.