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IT Skills in Supporting ELT. Introduction to Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL). Dr Wang Lixun Department of English, HKIEd. What is CALL?. Any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, improves his or her language.
IT Skills in Supporting ELT Introduction to Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) Dr Wang Lixun Department of English, HKIEd
What is CALL? • Any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, improves his or her language. (Beatty, K. (2003) Teaching and Researching Computer-assisted Language Learning. London: Longman. p.7)
Computer as a tool in ESL Learning Computers are tools • to support teaching and enhance learning (e.g. powerpoint presentation, software for learning) • For inquiry and problem solving (e.g. database, Web) • To communicate ideas & information (e.g. email, online chat, discussion board)
Machine Translation • Started in the 1950s • Cold War political motivations • A couple of online Machine Translation systems:http://www.foreignword.com/Tools/transnow.htm http://babelfish.altavista.com/
Human-Machine Conversation • Eliza: a software seeking clarification and simulates a sympathetic listener through a series of general comments, requests for explanations and paraphrases of the learners’ comments with additional question tags.http://www-ai.ijs.si/eliza/eliza.html
Computer-based Language Exercises • Multiple-choice • True or False • Text reconstruction • Gap-filling • Speed-reading • Listening comprehension • Vocabulary games • Interesting things for ESL students http://www.manythings.org/fq/ • Activities for ESL Students http://a4esl.org/
Language Games • Hangman http://www.billsgames.com/hangman/ • Crossword puzzleshttp://vlc.polyu.edu.hk/xword/XWordApp/default.htm • Chicktionary http://www.primarygames.com/reading.htm
Speech Synthesizer • Text-to-speech synthesizer: ReadPlease 2003 http://www.readplease.com/english/downloads/#rp2003 • Text-to-speech synthesizer:RealSpeak http://www.scansoft.com/speechworks/realspeak/demo/default.asp Step 1 :select file quality [realspeak solo(better quality)]Step 2 :select language [English, U.S.]Step 3 :select speaker (if any) [English, U.S.-Jennifer]Step 4 :type in the text in the box provided.Step 5 :press [next], wave file will be generated.Step 6: save and open the .wav file.
Multimedia learning environment • SimulationWho is Oscar Lake? http://www.languagepub.com/oscar/oscar.html • Electronic storybooks Clifford’s Interactive Storybookshttp://teacher.scholastic.com/clifford1/ • Film makingD.Film MovieMakerhttp://www.dfilm.com/new_site/movie_2.0.html
Learning through the Internet • Tandem learning (through emails)http://www.languages.dk/tandem/ • Online Bulletin board (discussion board, forum) • Online chat (r u ready 2 go?) video conferencing • MUD (Multi-User Dungeons)http://www.livinginternet.com/d/d.htm • WebQuestshttp://webquest.org/ • Web Blogging (online journal)http://www.blogger.com/start
Artificial intelligence • Virtual Learning based on artificial intelligence http://www.isi.edu/%7Ejmoore/Mankin/MankinTLWeb.mov
TEEM Teachers Evaluating Educational Materials http://www.teem.org.uk • This is a very useful site that includes teachers’ evaluations of a large number of software and websites. It also includes detailed case studies of how teachers used the resources as well as publishers’ information. Highly recommended.
Technology driving CALL • Past (from 1950s): basic textual gap-filling tasks and other simple exercises • Present: hyperlinked, interactive multimedia presentations with sound, animation, full-motion video, and artificial intelligence.
The role of the teacher when using computers in ESL Learning • The traditional role of the teacher has been to present ready-made information and to organise learning experiences for students • How can IT be used in the classroom to facilitate or even take over those roles to some extent? • The computer provides access to additional sources of information. It has the potential to reduce student’s dependency on the teacher, so that they become more autonomous and active learners. • If students are more autonomous in their learning, the teacher’s role can be less didactic, and gain the freedom to function as ‘enablers of quality learning experiences” (Somekh & Davies, 1991)
Seven competencies in IT for teachers of English • Positive attitudes towards IT • Understanding the educational potential of IT • Ability to use IT effectively in subject teaching • Ability to manage IT use in the classroom • Ability to evaluate IT use • Ability to ensure differentiation and progression • Technical capability to use an appropriate range of IT resources and to update these skillsThe National Council of Educational Technology, UK