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Network of Excellence Universities Meeting. Thursday 19 th September BCS London Sue Sentance & Simon Humphreys. Objectives of today. Understand the way the Network of Excellence CPD will work 2013-2015 Update you on progress in the NOE this year
Network of Excellence Universities Meeting Thursday 19th September BCS London Sue Sentance & Simon Humphreys
Objectives of today • Understand the way the Network of Excellence CPD will work 2013-2015 • Update you on progress in the NOE this year • Understand the contribution your institution can make • Share/introduce strategies/materials for delivering CPD • Meet colleagues with similar aims
Update on the Network of Excellence Simon Humphreys • The NOE team • Where are we now? • Recruitment of Master Teachers
The Network of Excellence Team Simon Humphreys Mark Dorling Sue Sentance Nick Cook Debbie Smith … plus 8 regional coordinators and 1 primary coordinator
Network of Teaching Excellence of Computer Science Key providers CPD Functions University CAS Master Teacher IT Professional CAS Hub Leader (Regional) Lead School Education Dept CS Dept Provide Subject Knowledge Enhancement (pre-training) Provide Professional Development courses Mentor/coach Build community of practice Pre-service teachers Secondary and Primary Teachers In Network of Excellence registered schools
Headlines • 770 registered schools • 200 Lead Schools • 79 Master Teachers • 33 Trainee Master Teachers • Further support from both industry and the education sector
Regional Coordinators Role is to: • Provide support to the Master Teachers as they plan, prepare, deliver and reflect on their CPD interventions. • Oversee the overall provision of CPD opportunities and activities in their region in association with other training partners especially the Universities in their patch.
Quality Assurance - feedback Our feedback loop will involve: • Participants • Trainers • Peers • Pupils
Issues with Primary Schools • Head teachers in primary schools are currently very focussed on maths and English, which means they are likely to delay changes in other areas • CAS network has extensive secondary school membership compared to primary, which may have left primary schoolteachers feeling less inclined to join • Computing is one of many curriculum areas for which a primary teacher has responsibility and is not yet a priority area for consideration • Fewer teachers in primary who might regard themselves as subject specialists in this area or lack confidence in their own subject knowledge to commit to the programme • Budget constraints on primary schools making teacher release to be a Master Teacher more difficult
Primary Task Force • Primary Guidance document • Autumn 2013 CAS newsletter which focuses on resources and support for specifically primary schools • Arranging, in association with university partners, a number of regional conferences for primary teachers during this academic year. • Ensuring that all messages and communications from the Network are worded to be equally attractive to primary teachers • Working with other partner organisations
“Make it Happen” A non-executive board has been formed to support the work of the NoE Team. • Simon Peyton Jones (Chair CAS, Microsoft Research) • Lance Howarth (CEO Raspberry Pi Foundation, former VP ARM) • Bill Mitchell (Director, BCS Academy)Chris Mairs (Chief Scientist and former CTO Metaswitch Networks) • John Cooper (Chairman, Ensoft) • Achim Jung (Professor Computer Science, Birmingham University) • Clare Riley (Group Manager, Education Relations, Microsoft UK) • Andrea Carr (CEO Rising Stars, BESA) • Simon Humphreys (Coordinator Network of Excellence) The group have oversight of the direction of the Network, how it connects and supports both Computing At School and other partner groups in this same space.
Universities and the Network of ExcellenceSue Sentance New programme of study Different ways universities can contribute New systems for running NOE-badged CPD events
New programme of study Finalised 11th September The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils: • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-computing-programmes-of-study
Key Stage 1 Pupils should be taught to: • understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions • create and debug simple programs • use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs • use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content • recognise common uses of information technology beyond school • use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies
Key Stage 2 Pupils should be taught to: • design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts • use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output • use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs • understand computer networks, including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the World Wide Web, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration • use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content • select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
Key Stage 3 Pupils should be taught to: • design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems and physical systems • understand several key algorithms that reflect computational thinking [for example, ones for sorting and searching]; use logical reasoning to compare the utility of alternative algorithms for the same problem • use 2 or more programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures [for example, lists, tables or arrays]; design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions • understand simple Boolean logic [for example, AND, OR and NOT] and some of its uses in circuits and programming; understand how numbers can be represented in binary, and be able to carry out simple operations on binary numbers [for example, binary addition, and conversion between binary and decimal] • understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems • understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer system; understand how data of various types (including text, sounds and pictures) can be represented and manipulated digitally, in the form of binary digits • undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users • create, reuse, revise and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability • understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct, and know how to report concerns
Key Stage 4 All pupils should be taught to: • develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology • develop and apply their analytic, problem-solving, design, and computational thinking skills • understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to report a range of concerns
What do teachers need to know? Document published by Teaching Agency Range and Content becomes a itemised checklist of what (all) Computing teachers should know about Computer Science
Network of Excellence CPD events University CPD Events Master Teacher CPD Events • Benefits to NOE: • Quality Assurance • Minimise duplication • Evaluation of impact • Self-sustaining Common Booking and Feedback systems
Key Small fee for admin support University CPD events procedure NOE Admin University Before CPD event After CPD event On the day NOE Admin: Update database with register to show attendees University: Log into Event Brite using university login to locate register University: Plan CPD event NOE Admin: Share completed feedback with university University: Complete online data entry form describing event here University: Run CPD Session NOE Admin: Prepare and send e-certificates to teachers NOE Admin: Create event using Event Brite University: Ask delegates to complete online feedback form here NOE Admin (10 weeks later): Send out follow up feedback forms NOE Admin: Promote event to local schools/Course is advertised on CAS Online University: Complete Event Brite register for Admin NOE Admin: Share completed feedback with university
Steps to running an NOE-badged CPD session • Fill in form if you wish your event to be NOE-badged and submit online to NOE team • NOE Team will do the administration. Fees from booking will go directly to you (if you allow pay by invoice, you will need to chase these). • Remember to take register on EventBrite • Ensure that delegates fill in online feedback forms • Tell delegates that they will receive e-certificates from NOE • NOE team will share feedback with you for your university’s records • NOE team will invoice you for 10% of the booking fee for providing the administration for you every 3 months.
Purpose of Evaluation of NoE programme Numbers How many courses/teachers/length? Satisfaction Feedback of teachers on course delivery Effectiveness Feedback of teachers on their professional development Impact Impact of CPD events on classroom practice Students Take-up of Computing coursesfrom KS4 (longer term) … what else? … Most important
Being an “Approved NOE CPD Provider” CAS will approve all organisations who run good quality events which are NOE-badged. To be an approved CPD provider: Run regular NOE-badged events Receive good feedback from delegates Take part in quality assurance systems Send us a short report each year of work with teachers
Regions (for this exercise only!!) North East West South
What makes effective CPD? CUREE (2012) “Understanding What Enables High Quality Professional Learning” • “CPD is more likely to benefit teachers if it is: • Collaborative • Supported by specialist expertise • Sustained over time • Focused on aspirations for students • Exploring evidence from trying new things”
“Off-the-peg” courses We have written two short (6 hour) courses, both of which would hopefully lead to further courses and building up your relationship with the teachers – encourage teachers to share their use of the course with the group several weeks later. • Introduction to Python Programming • How a computer works (including low-level programming) Take/use/adapt as you would like. It would be great to see as many universities as possible offer at least one course this academic term.
Discussion: Three/four groups More of you! Education Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science
Activity – Strategies and misconceptions • Choose one or more topics (see “What a teacher should know”) , e.g. • Using a boolean variable in a while loop • Using a for loop to iterate through an array/list • IP addresses and domain names • For your topic can you think of • Strategies for teaching this topic (involving active learning) • Resourcesyou could make available to help and support teachers • Common misconceptions from your own experience that you think might affect teachers • Education group • Follow up with some ideas for practitioner research projects that teachers could do to help them become more reflective and research-oriented in the classroom • Feedback • Write up suggestions on flip chart paper and share
Model of teacher professional development in the UK Established Hubs & Online forums Working towards Workshops/ Training courses Network of Excellence Model (from university to school to school) Community of Practice Cascade Training Action Research Accreditation Modeling good practice CAS Master Teacher (model inspired by Kennedy, 2005)
Model of teacher professional development in the UK Established Hubs & Online forums Working towards Workshops/ Training courses Network of Excellence Model (from university to school to school) Community of Practice Cascade Training Action Research Accreditation Modeling good practice CAS Master Teacher (model inspired by Kennedy, 2005)
Practitioner Research appeal • Teachers may like to get involved in small-scale practitioner research projects • Universities (Education departments?) assist with • Design of study • Finding literature • research methods • Writing up • Research-oriented practice has been shown to add impact to student learning • If interested, please contact Sue