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Short vowel

Short vowel. Double the last letter. Add. - ie. k o p. kop. p. ie. d a k. dak. k. ie. Short vowel ending in. -l. -m. -n. -r. Double the last letter. Add. - etjie. blo m. blom. m. etjie. ka r. kar. r. etjie. Twin vowel. Drop one vowel. Add. - ie. kr ee f. kr e f ie.

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Short vowel

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Short vowel Double the last letter Add -ie kop kop p ie dak dak k ie

  2. Short vowel ending in -l -m -n -r Double the last letter Add -etjie blom blom m etjie kar kar r etjie

  3. Twin vowel Drop one vowel Add -ie kreef krefie saag sagie

  4. One syllable words ending in -ng Add -etjie ring ring etjie slang slang etjie

  5. Two or more syllable words ending in -ng Drop the -g Add -kie koning ( ko-ning) konin kie

  6. Words ending in –l / -n / -r that are NOT a short vowel add -tjie stoel tjie stoel leer leer tjie been tjie been

  7. Words ending in -m that are NOTa short vowel add -pie boom pie boom arm arm pie brui-de-gom pie bruidegom

  8. Words ending in - t - d or add -jie hand hand jie kaart kaart jie

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