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Exploring Gas Laws: Phases of Matter and Motion

Compare and contrast phases of matter based on atomic/molecular motion; understand gas behavior in relation to temperature, pressure, and volume using Boyle’s, Charles’s, and Gay-Lussac’s Laws.

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Exploring Gas Laws: Phases of Matter and Motion

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  1. Gas Laws

  2. Standards SPS5. Students will compare and contrast the phases of matter as they relate to atomic and molecular motion. a. Compare and contrast the atomic/molecular motion of solids, liquids, gases and plasmas. b. Relate temperature, pressure, and volume of gases to the behavior of gases.

  3. Essential Questions • Why does it take longer to cook grits in Denver than in Savannah? • What floats your boat? How are mass and volume related to density? • How do the arrangement and energy of particles determine the phases of matter? • How do changes in pressure, volume, or temperature of a gas relate to each other?

  4. Words To Know • Pressure • Atmosphere (atm) • Compressible • Boyle’s Law • Temperature • Charles’s Law • Gay-Lussac’s Law

  5. Animation: Pressure and Temperature • Pressure and Volume

  6. Description • Gas particles are in constant motion. • The particles of gases are not held by the forces that solids and liquids are. • Gases are compressible (they can be squeezed into small spaces or expanded to fill very large spaces. • Gases have 3 unique properties: Temperature, Pressure and Volume. • The properties can be predicted by three gas laws: • Boyle’s Law • Charles’s Law • Gay-Lussac’s Law

  7. Pressure • When the particles are colliding against the walls of the container, they exert a force on the sides. The collective force of all the particles exerts a pressure on the walls. • Pressure is the amount of force exerted over a certain area. • The more particles that hit the sides, the higher the pressure. • Pressure is described in units called atmospheres (atm). • One atm, is equal to the pressure of air at sea level.

  8. Compressibility • Since the particles of gases are not in contact with each other, there is a lot of space between them. This makes them compressible. • Compressible means that they are easily pushed into smaller spaces.

  9. Boyle’s Law • When gases are compressed, their particles are closer together and they collide with the container walls more often. • When the volume of the container decreases, the pressure increases. • When the volume of the container increases, the pressure decreases. • Boyles law states: • For a fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature, the volume of the gas increases as the pressure decreases.

  10. Boyle’s Law in Real Life • When the cap on the soda is closed, it is under pressure. The gas particles are not allowed to escape. • When the soda is not under pressure, the particles are allowed to spread out and escape causing the soda to go flat.

  11. Charles’s Law • The faster the particles move, the higher the temperature of the substance. • The slower the particles move, the lower the temperature of the substance. • When the temperature of a gas increases, its particles speed up and collide with the sides of the container. • As the temperature increases, the volume of the gas increases. • As the temperature decreases, the volume of the gas decreases.

  12. Charles’s Law • States that for a fixed amount of gas at constant pressure, the volume of the gas increases as the temperature increases.

  13. Charles’s Law Real-Life Example • Tires inflated on a warm day look flat on a cold day. (The temperature decreases, so the volume decreases).

  14. Charles’s Law Real-Life Example • Balloons blown up during a hot day will decrease in size overnight as the temperature cools. (The temperature decreases, so the volume decreases).

  15. Gay-Lussac’s Law • When the temperature of a gas increases, its particles hit the sides of the container more often. • Gay-Lussac’s Law refers to containers that have rigid sides (sides cannot move). • As the temperature increases, the collision of the particles increase causing the pressure to increase.

  16. Gay-Lussac’s Law • States that as the volume remains constant, the pressure of the gas increases as the temperature increases.

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