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YITAK is a consortium financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program, aiming to send students from 12 universities to host organizations in the EU for internships. The host organizations have no financial liability, and the interns receive a monthly grant from the consortium.
What is YITAK?(Slide# 3) • Is There Financial ConstributionExpectedfrom Host Organization? (Slide# 13) • WhataretheResponsibilities of the Host Organization? (Slide# 18) • Can a Host Organization Select theIntern? (Slide# 17) • Profiles of theInterns? (Slide# 19) Click on the link fortherelevantpage
YITAK is a consortiumthat is financedbyEuropeanUnionunderErasmus+ Program. Thecoordinator of thisconsortium is Ankara Chamber of Commerce and it has 12 Universities as members. Thisconsortium is aimingtosendstudentsfromthese 12 Universitiestohostorganizations in EU. The total Internshipperiod is calculatedfor 594 Month/Intern. What is YİTAK (Ankara Consortiumfor New JobExperiences)
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. It will seek to address the following challenges. • TheErasmus+ programmeaimstoboostskillsandemployability, as well as modernisingEducation, Training, andYouthwork. The seven yearprogrammewillhave a budget of €14.7 billion; a 40% increasecomparedtocurrentspendinglevels, reflectingtheEU'scommitmenttoinvesting in theseareas. • Erasmus+ willprovideopportunitiesforover 4 millionEuropeanstostudy, train, gainworkexperienceandvolunteerabroad. What is Erasmus+ ?
Erasmus+ willsupporttransnationalpartnershipsamongEducation, Training, andYouthinstitutionsandorganisationstofostercooperationandbridgetheworlds of Educationandwork in ordertotackletheskillsgapswearefacing in Europe. ItwillalsosupportnationaleffortstomoderniseEducation, Training, andYouthsystems. Inthefield of Sport, therewill be supportforgrassrootsprojectsandcross-borderchallengessuch as combatingmatch-fixing, doping, violenceandracism. • Erasmus+ bringstogether seven existing EU programmes in thefields of Education, Training, andYouth; it willforthefirst time providesupportforSport. As an integratedprogramme, Erasmus+ offersmoreopportunitiesforcooperationacrosstheEducation , Training , Youth , andSportsectorsand is easiertoaccessthanitspredecessors, withsimplifiedfundingrules. What is Erasmus+ ?
The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is responsible for the management of certain parts of the EU's funding programmes in the fields of education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering. • EACEA is entrusted with the implementation of programmes and activities on behalf of the European Commission. • Erasmus+ programmeis executed in theprogrammecountriesviatherelatednationalagency. • TurkishNationalAgnecy is theinstitutionthatperformsErasmus+ programmeactivities. What is Erasmus+ ?
In order to achieve its objectives, the Erasmus+ Programme implements the following Actions: • Key Action 1– Mobility Of Individuals • Key Action 2– Cooperation For Innovation And The Exchange Of Good Practices • Key Action 3– Support For Policy Reforms • Jean MonnetActivities • Sport What is Erasmus+ ?
Erasmus+ Programme Mobility Of Individualsactionsupports: • Mobility of learners and staff: opportunities for students, trainees, young people and volunteers, as well as for professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, staff of education institutions and civil society organisations to undertake a learning and/or professionalexperience in another country; • Joint Master Degrees: high-level integrated international study programmes delivered by consortia of higher education institutionsthat award full degree scholarships to the best master students worldwide; • Master Student Loan Guarantee:higher education students can get a loan backed up by the Programme to go abroad for a full Master Degree. Students should address themselves to national banks or student loan agencies. What is Erasmus+ ?
Total InternshipPeriod: 593 months Total Number of Interns: 198 Students (3 Months/Intern ) Minimum and Maximum InternshipPeriod: From2 to 12 months Project Budget: € 351,150.00 296,550.00 Euro forthegrantsto be paidtointerns, 54,600.00 Euro forthemanagementcoststo be paidtotheCoordinator YİTAK ConsortiumbyTheNumbers
The host organization has NO financial liability. The students will receive monthly grant (circa 500 Euro/month) from our consortium. • The health insurance and liability insurance is the Interns’ responsibility. • Transportation and accommodation is Interns’ responsibility (Though it is appreciated if the host organization help advising the intern) Zero Financial Burdentothe Host Organizations
Each partner, willreceivetheapplication of thestudentsandwillselectthebeststudents as perthe GPA Averagesand Language Abilitiesof thestudents. • Theselectionprocess of theinternsshall be conduct in a fairandtransparentway as it is underlinedbyTurkishNationalAgency • Each partner, shallprovideallkinds of consultacyservicestoitsownstudents. CandidateInternSelection
A pool of hostorganizationsandpositionsofferedshall be formed. • Thestudentsshall be abletoselectthehostorganizationaccordingtotheirpeferences. • Studentsshallselect 4 countriesthat is part of the program. • Later, theyshallselectthe Host Organizationthattheywishto be placed. • Uponapproval of thehostorganizationthematchingbetweenthecandidateandthehostorganizationprocessshall be completed. FirmSelectionByTheIntern
Shouldmorethanonestudentapplyfor a positionofferedby Host Organization; • Best matchingstudentforthepositionshall be selectedbyExpertshiredfrom an HR company. • HR Companyshallinformthepartnersandthecoordinatoraboutthematchingcriteria. Onlyaftertheapprovalfromallpartiesthepalcementshall be realized. Besides, allthedocumentationprocessshall be conductedbythesame HR company • HR companyshallconductallactivitiesunderthesupervisionandmangement of thecoordinator of theconsortium. Matching
Host organization should provide ATO (Ankara Chamber of Commerce) the necessary conditions for candidate profile (Age, gender, school department, expertise, driving license if needed) • A through screen process shall start in the candidate interns’ CV database • Matching student profiles shall be submitted to the host organization • At this point, host organization shall conduct its own assessment process (e.g. interview with the candidate, cover/motivation letter etc.) • Should there be no fitting match the host organization is NOT obliged to accept the application of the candidate • If there is a match, the host organization shall inform ATO immediately about the acceptance. Can Host Organization Select theIntern?
Host organization is expected to provide necessary documents for visa processes. (However, the costs arising from the application will be covered by the intern.) • Host organization needs to fill the first 4 page and sign EU Commission’s Learning Agreement (you can find it attached) • Host organization needs to carry out weekly and monthly evaluation and monitoring reports (request of EU Commission’s Learning Agreement) • Host organization should stay in close contact with ATO (Ankara Chamber of Commerce)and report any kind of abuse, misbehavior or termination of internship. • Host organization should provide ATO the necessary conditions for candidate profile (Age, gender, school department, expertise, driving license if needed) Responsibilities of the Host Organization
CandidateInternsare; • Successfulstudentsstudying in Universitieslocated in Ankara, • Holding high GPA Average , • Aimingtowork in top rankingcompanies, • Aware of thecontribution of workingabroadexperience, • Proficient in ForeignLanguages, • SelectedbyUniversities’ ownselectionprocess. Interns’ Profiles