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This overview provides information on the timeline, organizational structure, collaboration issues, conferences and publications, manpower needs, engaging collaborators, and meetings of the GEM Proto-Collaboration. It also includes details on the current collaboration, institutional board structure, and upcoming publications and conference contributions.
The GEM Proto-Collaboration(“GEMs for CMS”)Marcus Hohlmann, Florida TechInterim Chair of Proto-Collaboration Board 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors CERN, June 24, 2011
Overview • Timeline so far • Current organizational structure • Collaboration issues • Conferences & Publications (author list) • Manpower needs & Engaging collaborators • Meetings • Regular technical meetings • CMS weeks • Collaboration / Institution Board • Funding M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN
Collaboration Timeline • March 28, 2011 Constitutional meeting of institutional team leaders during CMS week and formation of proto-collaboration • April 2011 Internal approvals of: • organizational structure • name “GEM Collaboration (GEMs for CMS)” (to evolve into “CMS GEM Collaboration” if approved by CMS) • common fund to cover operating costs Initial author list assembled • May 2011 • Formal letter sent to CMS management notifying of formation of proto-collaboration; acknowledged by CMS CB chair, T. Rodrigo (May 5) • Integration of talks by GEM Collaboration into CMS CINCO approval system for conference contributions M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN
Current Collaboration • The GEM collaboration currently comprises • 76 collaborators (see author list on GEM coll. twiki) • 15 institutions Bari (INFN & Univ.), Beijing, Bhubaneswar (NISER), CERN, Delhi, Florida Tech, Frascati, Gent, Islamabad (NCP), Kolkata, Mumbai (BARC & TIFR), Napoli, INFN Pisa/Siena, Warsaw, and Wayne State • 7 countries (plus CERN) Belgium, China, CERN, India, Italy, Pakistan, Poland, USA • Additional groups are interested in joining: • ULB Brussels, Belgium (Gilles De Lentdecker) • Tsinghua U., China (Chunhua Jian) • 2nd group (instrumentation) from BARC, India (Abhijit Bhattacharyya) • Panjab U., India (Jasbir B. Singh) • KODEL, Seoul, Korea (Sung Park) M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN
Collaboration / Institution Board Organizational Structure Institutions: Bari (INFN & Univ.), Beijing, CERN, U. Delhi, Florida Tech, Frascati, Gent, Kolkata, Napoli, Mumbai (BARC & TIFR), NCP (Pakistan), NISER (India), INFN Pisa/Siena, Wayne State, and Warsaw (currently 15 institutions with 76 collaborators) Interim CB/IB Chair: Marcus Hohlmann, Florida Tech Interim Deputy Chair: Duccio Abbaneo, CERN Interim Resource Manager Michael Tytgat, Gent Interim Project Manager Archana Sharma, CERN Interim Deputy Michael Tytgat, Gent Interim Publications & Conf. Board Stefano Bianco, Frascati Marcus Hohlmann, Florida Tech Interim Detector Coordinator A. Sharma / A. Marinov Interim Software Coordinator Marcello Maggi … Interim Test Beam Coordinator Stefano Colafranceschi Interim Electronics Coordinator Paul Aspell Interim Physics/Simulation Coordinator M. Maggi / T. Moulik Interim Data Analysis Coordinator S. Colafranceschi / W. Li Interim CMSTrigger Liaison Karol Bunkowski M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN
Publications • 2010 • Characterization of GEM Detectors for Application in the CMS Muon Detection System2010 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Rec. 1416-1422; RD51 Note 2010-005; arXiv:1012.3675v1 • Construction of the first full-size GEM-based prototype for the CMS high-eta muon system2010 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Rec. 1909-1913; RD51 Note 2010-008; arXiv:1012.1524v2 • Gas Flow Simulations for Gaseous Detectors2010 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. Conf. Rec. 1454-1456; RD51 Note 2010-009 • 2011: • Thermal Stretching of Large-Area GEM Foils Using an Infrared Heating Method; RD51 Note 2011-004 • Planned publications: • Proc. 2011 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp., Valencia, Spain (Oct 2011) • Construction and Performance of Large-Area Triple-GEM Prototypes for Future Upgrades of the CMS Forward Muon System • Test beam results of the GE1/1 prototype for CMS high-eta muon system future upgrade • possibly others ? M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN
Conference Contributions 2011: ANIMMA 2011: The Second International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications, 6-9 June, 2011, Gent, Belgium Characterization of a Full-Size Triple-GEM Prototype for the CMS Muon Detection System, Andrey Marinov (abstract, talk) TIPP 2011: Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics, 9-14 June 2011, Chicago, IL, USA 1. Performance of a Large-Area Triple-GEM Detector in a Particle Beam, Paul E. Karchin (abstract, talk) 2. Simulation of a Triple-GEM detector for a potential CMS muon tracking and trigger upgrade, Tania Moulik (abstract, talk) EPS-HEP 2011: EPS High Energy Physics Conference, 21-27 Jul 2011, Grenoble, Isère, France 1. Performance studies of large-area triple-GEM prototypes for future upgrades of the CMS forward muon system, Salvatore Tupputi (abstract, talk accepted) 2. Possibly a poster on advanced construction techniques for GEM detectors (tbc), Michal Zientek MPGD 2011: 2nd International Conference on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors, 29 Aug-1Sep 2011, Kobe University, Japan 1. An overview on the design, construction and performance of large area triple-GEM prototypes for future upgrades of the CMS forward muon system, Archana Sharma (abstract, talk accepted) 2.Test Beam Performance of Triple-GEM Prototypes for the Upgrade of the CMS Muon System in the Forward Region,Michael Tytgat (abstract, poster accepted) ICATPP 2011: 3rd Int’l Conference on on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics: Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, and Detectors for Physics Applications, 3-7 Oct 2011, Como, Italy 1. A dedicated beam test for the full scale GEMs for CMS prototype in a strong magnetic field, Michal Zientek (tbc). 2.Title to be announced, Stefano Colafranceschi (tbc) 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 23-29 October 2011, Valencia, Spain 1. Construction and Performance of Large-Area Triple-GEM Prototypes for Future Upgrades of the CMS Forward Muon System,Michael Tytgat (abstract, talk tbc) 2.Test beam results of the GE1/1 prototype for CMS high-eta muon system future upgrade, Stefano Colafranceschi (abstract, tbc) Good cross section of speakers from pool of currently active collaborators M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN
Manpower Issues • Even though the collaboration comprises ~80 people, much of the work is currently shouldered by a relatively small group of people. They are the ones that also participate regularly in the weekly technical working meetings. • We need to engage all collaborators actively: • Task coordinators to identify specific tasks and manpower needs • Team leaders to identify expertise and interest of their team members (ongoing) • Match needs with human resources (CB with task coordinators and team leaders) and assign people to working groups M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN
Meetings • Weekly technical working meetings (ongoing): • Detector R&D meeting, Tuesdays, 14:00 CET • Electronics R&D meeting, Thursdays, 14:00 CET • Trigger issues covered in CMS trigger upgrade meetings • CMS weeks • Plan on having regular technical meetings of the GEM collaboration at all future CMS weeks • Also have a CB/IB meeting at every CMS week, e.g. at the end of the technical meeting M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN
Funding • In 2011, collaboration is “self-funding” with 3,000 SFr contributions to a common fund from each institution (cash or in-kind). • This covers cost for prototype development and summer test beam effort • The next steps towards more solid funding are • Produce Technical Proposal • Get approval by CMS as official upgrade project • Approach various national funding agencies for project funding • For details, see Michael Tytgat’s talk (next) M. Hohlmann, 2nd CMS Workshop on High-eta Muon Upgrade with GEM Detectors, CERN