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Verdugo, M.A. 1 , Vicente, E. 1 , Guillén, V. 1 , Jordán de Urríes , F.B. 1 , Gómez-Vela, M. 1 , Arias, B. 2 & Navas, P. 1 1 INICO- Universidad de Salamanca; 2 INICO-Universidad de Valladolid. http://inico.usal.es verdugo @usal.es. INTRODUCTION. GOAL.
Verdugo, M.A.1, Vicente, E.1, Guillén, V.1, Jordán de Urríes, F.B.1, Gómez-Vela, M.1, Arias, B.2 & Navas, P.1 1 INICO- Universidad de Salamanca; 2 INICO-Universidad de Valladolid http://inico.usal.esverdugo@usal.es INTRODUCTION GOAL Current studies underline the importance of supports in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities to be able to express self-determination (Shogren & Broussard, 2011). According to Schalock et al., (2010) supports are understood as a main element to achieve improved personal outcomes, as, for example, the improvement of quality of life and self-determination. The main goal is to analyze the relationship between support needs and self-determination in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. With the aim of studying the nature of the relationship between both constructs, scores from the Support Intensity Scale for Children and the self-determination ARC-INICO scale were obtained. CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY:RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUPPORT NEEDS AND SELF-DETERMINATION METHOD Instruments Sample N=35 RESULTS This poster has beenwrittenwithintheframework of theresearchproject I+D PSI2009-10953 fundedbytheSpanishMinistry of Science and Innovation and thefundationtocontractresearcherscofinancedbytheEuropean Social Fund (Orden EDU/1867/2009). CONCLUSIONS These results show the existence of a significant and inverse correlation between support needs and self-determination in students with intellectual disabilities. Students who obtained higher scores in the Support Intensity Scale for Children had lower scores in self-determination ARC-INICO scale. Besides, there are significant and inverse correlations between most sections of both scales, except “Scholar learning”. Finally, the future research, with a larger sample, will analyze the relationship among support needs and self-determination carefully. Furthermore, the influence of personal and environmental factors will be analyzed through multiple regression procedures. Pictures from INICO Photography Contest Schalock, R. L., Borthwick-Duffy, S.A., Bradley, V. J., Buntinx, W.H.E, Coulter, D., Craig, E. M., …Yeager, M. H. (2010). Intellectualdisability, definition, classification and systems of supports (11ª Ed.). Washington, DC: American AssociationonIntellectual and DevelopmentalDisabilities. Schalock, R. & Verdugo, M.A. (2002). Quality of life for human service practitioners. Washington, DC: American Associationon Mental Retardation. Shogren, K. A. & Broussard, R. (2011). Exploring the Perceptions of Self-Determination of Individuals with Intellectual Disability. Intellectual and DevelopmentalDisabilities, 49(2), 86-102. Thompson, J. R., Bradley, V. J., Buntinx, W.H.W, Schalock, R. L., Shogren, K. A, Snell, M. E., …Yeager, M. H. (2010). Conceptualizando los apoyos y las necesidades de apoyo de personas con discapacidad. Siglo Cero, 41, 7-22. Wehmeyer, M. L. (2001). Assessment in Self-Determination: Guiding Instruction and Transition Planning. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 26(4), 41-49. REFERENCES