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Stock primary Number facts awards. June 2014. Essential for moving on easily to most other things in mathematics including division, fractions, decimals, percentages and algebra Can answer questions more quickly and be able to focus on using other maths strategies in more complex problems
Stock primary Number facts awards June 2014
Essential for moving on easily to most other things in mathematics including division, fractions, decimals, percentages and algebra • Can answer questions more quickly and be able to focus on using other maths strategies in more complex problems • Increase confidence levels as this part of the question is not a struggle. • Play a vital role in everyday life. Why learn times tables?
Many children in years 5 and 6 still do not know their times tables • They then struggle to solve complex problems • New National Curriculum places huge emphasis on basic number skills at a young age and for quick recall • New National Curriculum states: - all pupils becomefluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. • Children need to know their tables immediately, not by counting in the number to get there Why have things changed?
Year 1: • count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of twos, fives and tens • represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 • Year 2: • recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers • Year 3: • recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables • Year 4: • recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12 • Year 5: • multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts • multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 • Year 6: • perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers • identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers How have things changed?
Rainbow awards (Reception and Year 1) Red: Add 1 Orange: Subtract 1 Yellow: Add 10 Green: Subtract 10 Blue: Number bond to 10 Indigo: Number bonds to 20 Violet: Doubles Our Number Facts Challenges
Times tables awards (Years 2-4) • Copper: Multiply and divide by 2, 5 and 10 • Bronze: Multiply and divide by 3, 4 and 8 • Silver: Multiply and divide by 6, 7 and 9 • Gold: Multiply and divide by 11 and 12 Our Number Facts Challenges
Number facts awards (Years 5 and 6) • Ruby award – x10, 100, 1000; x 10,100, 1000 with decimals; using number facts to times and divide e.g. 30 x 4 = , (Yr 5/6) • Emerald award –15x and 20x, 13x and 14x, 16x and 17x, 18x and 19x, tables (Yr 5/6) • Sapphire – Fractions of numbers, converting between fractions and decimals, percentages of numbers, converting between fractions, decimals and percentages, calculations involving decimals (+-x÷) • Kryptonite – A mixture of all number facts. Award for each 3 tests successfully completed. Our Number Facts Challenges
Rainbow awards consist of two tests: a timed test and a quicker test. (60 seconds and 40 seconds) • For all the rest, except Sapphire and Kryptonite, your child will do a timed test, a quicker test and a division facts test. They must get full marks to receive a sticker on their record book. • Stickers are given for each correct test completed in the time limit. • Certificates are given when an award in completed. How does it work?
Learn a little at a time. If you start a new times table, don’t try to master it all overnight. Start with 1 x 5, 2 x 5 one day, then add more in when they are used to the sequence. • Try different strategies: all children learn in different ways, so what worked for an older sibling may not work for another child. • Constant revision of all of the tables is important, as they are easy to forget when you move on to a new set. Helping your child at home
Demonstrate using concrete apparatus so that children can see, for example, 3 lots of 4 as 3 rows of 4 matchsticks. • Use real-life situations to develop understanding of times tables, for example: “If you save 3p every day, how much do you think you would have saved in a week?” • There is no ‘right’ way to learn the times tables, and it helps to know lots of tricks, ‘cheats’ and links between times tables facts. Helping your child at home
Each player selects five `answers' from one of the times tables. • Roll two die, add the dots together. • Multiply that total by whichever table it is you are doing • e.g. you are learning the 6 x table • five and two is rolled on the dice • five and two is 7 • 7 x 6 = 42 • Any player who has 42 on their `Bingo card' can cross it off. The next player rolls the dice. Bingo
Stock Primary School website • Tips for learning tables • Apps Playground – recommended Maths apps Resources