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Primary school number 6 in Świdnica. Language Days the Constutution Day Talent Day.
Primaryschoolnumber 6 in Świdnica LanguageDays theConstutution Day Talent Day
Languagedays 07-04-2011 12-04-2011Duringtheselangaugedaysourstudentstook part invariouslanguagecompetitions. TheypreparedspecialculturepostersinEnglish and German langauge, ouryoungeststudentswrotespecial spring cards for theirparents. We organisedexhibition of theirworks.
On 12th of April 2011 ourstudentspreparedspeciallangaugeevening for theirparents and for theteachers.
Theysangsongs and recitepoemsaboutupcoming spring YOU DID GREAT!
Parentstookphotoes of theirkids and otherstudentscouldadmiretheircolleagueswork
Talent Day • The first European TalentDay was held on April 9th, 2011. This coincided with the Hungarian EU Presidential Conference on Talent Support, held in Budapest on April 7-9, 2011. Conference delegates proposed March 25, birthday of BélaBartók, as EU TalentDay. This event will now be celebrated annually on the new date.
Talent Day in UE Talent support programmes may boost the self-esteem and social success of talented people.
Childrendidn’thaveregilarlessons but specialactivities to supporttheirtalents and skills.
Specialdayinourschool Somechildrenhadchessclassesotherscoulddraworpaint. Therewerechildrenwho show theirmagicalskills and thosewhopeformed on thestage.
Constitution of May 3, 1791 Itwas Europe's first and the world's second modern codified national constitution, following the 1788 ratification of the United States Constitution
The May 3 Constitution • The May 3 Constitution was designed to redress long-standing political defects of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and its traditional system of "Golden Liberty" conveying disproportionate rights and privileges to the nobility.
The May 3 Constitution • The Constitution introduced political equality between townspeople and nobility (szlachta) and placed the peasants under the protection of the government,thus mitigating the worst abuses of serfdom.
The May 3 Constitution • The Constitution abolished pernicious parliamentary institutions such as the liberum veto, which at one time had put the sejm at the mercy of any deputy who might choose, or be bribed by an interest or foreign power, to undo legislation passed by that sejm.