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Summary of the Workshop

Summary of the Workshop. Number of the participants - 47. Participating Labs:. 1. US: FermiLab, JefLab, LBNL, Tech-X Corporation , Muons Inc. 2. EU: Germany - GSI, FZ Juelich , MPI, I KP J. Gutenberg-Univ.(Mainz), Helmholtz-Institut (Mainz) Great Britain - J.Adams Institute

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Summary of the Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Summary of the Workshop Number of the participants - 47 Participating Labs: 1. US: FermiLab, JefLab, LBNL, Tech-X Corporation, Muons Inc. 2. EU: Germany- GSI, FZ Juelich, MPI, IKP J. Gutenberg-Univ.(Mainz), Helmholtz-Institut (Mainz) Great Britain - J.Adams Institute Denmark - Aarhus University Switzerland – CERN; University of Geneva 3. China: IMP, CAS 4. Japan: ICR Kyoto University Reports: 5. Russia: Budker INP, Alikhanov ITEP, Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk), JINR (member states) 6. Ukraine: NSC KIPT Reports: Invited - 21 Original - 6 Posters - 18

  2. Discussed topics Facilities with cooling application - 9 Electron cooling -22 Stochastic cooling - 9 Muon and (ionisation) frictional cooling - 4 Cooling and storage in traps - 2 Medical applications - 1 Laser cooling - 1 Among of them New projectsof facilities under development: NICA, FAIR, ELENA at CERN, Cryogenic Storage Ring at MPI, LEPTA at JINR, EI Collider at Jlab, eRHIC at BNL Novel ideas under development:coherent electron cooling, frictional cooling

  3. Facilities and experiments with cooling application around the World: US Tevatron (Fermilab), RHIC (BNL) EU AD: ALPHA, ATRAP, ASACUSA (CERN), COSY (FZJ), ESR & SIS-18 (GSI), TSR (MPI) Japan S-LSR (Kyoto Univ.) China CSRmand CSRe (IMP CAS) Russia LEPTA (JINR)

  4. Proceedingsof COOL’11 • Deadline is over. Now uploaded 24 from 45 papers. Not enough! • New deadline is October 1, 2011 • Please upload by usual way: http://oraweb.cern.ch/pls/cool2011/profile.html Or send by E-mail to Maksim Kuzin M.V.Kuzin@inp.nsk.su

  5. Presentations ??? Site COOL’11 If no objections?!

  6. COOL’2013 COOL’2013 COOL’2011

  7. COOL PAC Meeting September 13, 2011 Choice of COOL’2013 host Lab. Two applications have been sent to I. Meshkov (Co-Chairman of COOL’11):CERN and FZ Juelich • Expressed their opinion by e-mails to I. Meshkov: • Manfred Grieser • Hakan Danared • Sergei Nagaitsev • Alexander Skrinsky • Attended: • Igor Meshkov • Markus Steck • Jürgen Dietrich • Takeshi Katayama • Dieter Möhl • Akira Noda • Vasily Parkhomchuk • Dieter Prasuhn • Andrew Sessler • Gerard Tranquille (Tommi Eriksson ) • Xiaodong Yang • Andreas Wolf

  8. COOL PAC Meeting September 13, 2011 Choice of COOL’2013 host Lab. Two applications:CERN and FZ Juelich Result of closed voting: CERN 8 - pro FZJ 6 - pro Neutral 1 COOL’2013 will be hosted by CERN Workshop venue at Chamonix or Annecy

  9. COOL PAC Meeting September 13, 2011 Far future: COOL’2015 Expression of interest (Preliminary application)  Jefferson Lab

  10. Erice 1995 Karlsruhe 1984 Legnaro 1990 Montreux 1993 Boat “Suvorov” 1996 Lanzhou 2009 Bad Kreuznach 2007 Novosibirsk 1997 Dubna 1998 Eagle Ridge 2005 Fuji Foot 2003 Bad Honnef 2001 Uppsala 1999 1948 - 1990

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