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scanning identification problem and anticipating potential problem issues. analysis Identify the main causes of conflict. Council community partnerships Police Community Local Authority businessman. Assessment action a success or not and follow-up action and benefits of action.
scanning • identification problem and anticipating potential problem issues analysis Identify the main causes of conflict • Council community partnerships • Police • Community • Local Authority • businessman Assessment action a success or not and follow-up action and benefits of action Response Determine the choice of answering the conflict. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT ADOPTED BY THE PNTL IN SOLVING PROBLEMS IN THE COMMUNITY (Case Studies: Marsecal Art Conflict and IDPs Conflict) Bernardo Idalina Leto1,2; NanangPamuji Mugasejati2; Arifah Rahmawati2. 1). Researcher scientific of CNIC-UNTL; 2) Program Peace and Conflict Resolution, Gajah Mada University, Indonesia. chi_nox23@yahoo.com INTRODUCTION Policia National Timor-Leste (PNTL) is one of the state institutions responsibility for security. PNTL in the future should be the police fully prepared to serve the public within the meaning of PNTL should be a professional police officer. Being a professional police in the concept now is to become a police civilian character. Thus the paradigm offered is community policing or in the Tetum language called PoliciaComunitaria. The philosophy or style of community policing is the equal partnership between police, communities and local government. Other elements are solving problems. Empowering communities to find solutions to solve their own problems. Background topic selections by observed an circumstance in that time where PNTL is still under straightening up process themselves post devastations PNTL institutions when Timor Leste to be involved in multi-crises at beginning 2006, but PNTL (UPC) made cooperation with communities had been succeed resolving IDPs conflict and Arte Marsiais conflict (self-defense group conflicts) by applying BAHA conflict management that so forth called SARA. The thing that make it is very interest and important to examine for promoting polices forces duties hereinafter. PNTL is one of the state institutions that often must dealt with communities conflict, in hence, knowledge and identifying for conflict management is a necessity for each PNTL members. METHODS This research using both primary and secondary data gained from research field. Interviewed with PNTL functionaries, UPC commander and his staffs, also interviewed with several public figures in communities that integrated in communities partnership forum, and several other groups of people. OBJECTIVES The research is supposed to elaborate comprehensively about cooperation between polices and community in resolving conflict IDPs and conflict Arte Marsiais (self-defense group conflict) that had been in Timor Leste in which executing conflict management BAHA. This research conducted by viewed how effective BAHA conflict management in resolving two conflicts that occurred in Timor Leste communities. Results andDiscussion CONCLUSIONS The Conclusion are: (1) The conflict Management adopted by PNTL is BAHA (B=buka, A=Analiza, H=hatan and A=Avaliasaun or SARA (S=scanning, A=analysis, R=Response and A=Assessment) (2) Two conflicts national scopes taken places in Timor Leste several years earlier namely IDPs conflict and Arte Marsiais conflict can be resolving according to cooperation's polices and community by applying BAHA conflict management; (3)) BAHA conflict management adopted by PNTL need to exploratedmore deeply and detail for perfecting. Referencies SatjiptoRahardjo, Polisi Sipil, Jakarta:Kompas,cet I, 2002. SatjiptoRahardjo, Membangun Polisi Sipil,Jakarta:Kompas ,cet II,2007. Eko Prasetyo,dkk, Peran Polisi dalam konflik Sosial-Politik di Indonesia,Yogyakarta: PUSHAM UII Yogyakarta, cet I, 2004. Jim Thomas, Negotiate to Win, Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007. Ann Jackman, How to Negotiate, Jakarta: Erlangga, 2005. Konstitusi Timor Leste, bagian V,pasal 147 hal 6,Dili, 2002. SatjiptoRahardjo, Polisi Sipil, Jakarta:Kompas,cet I, 2002. SatjiptoRahardjo, Membangun Polisi Sipil,Jakarta:Kompas ,cet II,2007. Eko Prasetyo,dkk, Peran Polisi dalam konflik Sosial-Politik di Indonesia,Yogyakarta: PUSHAM UII Yogyakarta, cet I, 2004. Simon Fisher,dkk, Mengelola Konflik ketrampilan dan strategi untuk bertindak,London:Zed Books Ltd, 2000. Hugh Miall,dkk, Resolusi Damai Konflik Kontemporer, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada,2002. Konstitusi Timor Leste, bagian V,pasal 147 hal 6,Dili, 2002. Academi PNTL, Livro Treinamentu ba UPC, Dili:Academi PNTL, 2007