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Dive into the plot of Macbeth through engaging photo collages depicting key scenes from the play. Explore themes of ambition, betrayal, and the supernatural.
Macbeth Photo Collage Scene Summaries - Period 1
Act 1, Scene 1 Summary: Three witches plot with ill intentions to meet up with Macbeth. Key Lines (10-11): “Fair is foul and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air.” Literary Devices Used Here: Alliteration, Metaphor, Foreshadowing and Rhyming Couplet
Act 1, Scene 2 Gabriel De Mare Reynoso, Sidney Woods Summary: The king finds out that Macbeth helped defend him against traitors and not the thane of Cowder. key lines: pg. 274 Lines 63-65 and 67
Act 1, Scene 3 Rachael Mansell Summary: The witches predict that Macbeth will be the Thane of Glamis, the Thane of Cawdor, and the King of Scotland. key lines: pg. 276 lines 49-51
Act 1 scene 4 Ivette Summary: The king asks if the thane of cawdor has been executed. The king also gives macbeth the title of thane of cawdor. key lines: 34-43 and 44-53
ACT 1, Scene 5 Summary: A messenger tells Lady Macbeth that King Duncan will be arriving to her home and she then speaks to Macbeth about what they should do to kill the King. But Macbeth is not sure what to do yet, so he tells her that they will speak further about it when the time comes. Key Lines:
Act 1, Scene 6-Meleah McCaleb Summary: King Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s castle to honor him and Lady Macbeth greets him while they wait for Macbeth to arrive. Key Lines (20-22): “Where’s the Thane of Cawdor? We coursed him at the heels and had a purpose To be his purveyor: but he rides well,”
Act 1, Scene 7 Mia Stover Summary: Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to kill the king but he does not want to. He eventually wants to kill the king Key Lines: 31-37 Literary Devices: Foreshadowing (lines 61-72), allusion (line 32)
Act 2 Scene 1 Ivy DeWig Summary: Macbeth tells Banquo he needs to talk to him later and then sees a vision of a bloody dagger that entices him to kill the king. Key Lines: (60-61) “Whiles I threat, he lives: Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives.”
Act 2 scene 2 Summary: Macbeth decides to kill the king while he is at their home.
Act 2, Scene 3 Marco Diaz Summary: King Duncan’s sons run away because they are scared that they had become secondary targets after their father’s death Key Lines (96-101): “Your royal father is murdered/ O, by whom?/ Those of his chamber, as it seemed, had done’t:/ Their hands and faces were all badged with blood;/ So were their daggers, which unwiped we found/ Upon their pillows. They stared and they were distracted./ No man’s life was to be trusted with them.” hiiii
Act 2, Scene 4:Diego Goldsby Summary: The old man, Macduff, and Ross meet in the courtyard and they talk about how it is suspicious that King Duncan’s sons ran away. Key lines: (10-14)
Act 3 Scene 1 : Fariz, Yeselin Summary: Macbeth is being coronated to be King, while Banquo is getting ambitious because his Line will eventually sit on the throne. Key Line:
Act 3, Seene 2, Marc and Adam Summary: Lady Macbeth is trying to convince Macbeth to get over the murders he has done and the ones he is planning to do. Key Lines: Lines 13-17 hi i can’t get over the murders Just get over it!
Act 3, scene 3, Tommy and Gavin Summary: Murderers are planning to execute a duty that was assigned my Macbeth but while they talk, Banquo and his son, Fleance show up. The murderers kill Banquo. Key line: (16) “O, treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!” hi
ACT 3, SCENE 4 Tatsuro, David M., Brianna Summary: Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost at dinner, and it makes him paranoid. Key Line: (80- 81) “That, when the brains were out, the man would die, And there an end; but now they rise again, “ Literary Device Used Here:
Act 3, Scene 5, Michael, David, Max Summary: Hecate is angry that she was not apart of the witches acts. She wants them to undo what they did. Key Lines: 3-9 “To trade and traffic with Macbeth… Hath been but for a wayward son.”
Act 3, Scene 6, William Bernabe/Nate Llorens In this scene Banquos murder is blamed on Fleance who fled from the place. The others also conspire in hoping to save Scottland from Macbeth. Key Line (5-7)
Act 4 , Scene 1 - AJ, Maxwell, Sidney p.1 Summary: The witches send Macbeth different apparitions to beware of Macduff. Key Lines: 71-94
Act 4, Scene 2: Marc and Fariz In scene 2 Lady Macduff and her son have been killed by a murderer hired by Macbeth, Key Lines 80-83
Act 4, Scene 3 Mia Stover and Gavin Beavers Summary: Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty by pretending to be more evil than Macbeth to see if Macduff is loyal to Scotland. Important lines: 235-240
Act 5 scene 1 Ivette and spencer Lady macbeth sleep walks and begins to talk about the blood that she has on her hands and how it will never come off. lines: 50-65
Act 5, Scene 2 Tommy Nigro, Gabriel De Mare Reynoso Macbeth and his Noblemen discuss their plans to attack the British army that is making it’s way towards them. Key lines: 1-5
Act 5 Scene 3 Michael, Ivy • Macbeth discovers that Lady Macbeth has kicked the bucket, and he shows no emotion towards it. He says he won’t be afraid of death anymore. • Line 59 “ I will not be afraid of death and bane…” • Just Kidding, haha, Macbeth discovers that Lady Macbeth has been having trouble sleeping, and Macbeth says for the doctor to give her an antidote. • Line 38 “That keep her from her rest”
Act 5, Scene 4 Marco Diaz/Kristin Larson Summary: Malcolm, Menteith, Siward, and Macduff are discussing the delivery of the wood of Birnam to battle, against Macbeth. (Camo) Key Lines: “What wood is this before us?/The Wood of Birnam.” Line 3 “Thoughts speculative their unsure hopes relate,/But certain issue strokes must arbitrate.” Lines 19-20
Act 5, Scene 5. David C. and Nate L. In act 5 scene 5, Macbeth receives information that his wife has been killed and he is angered that she has to die when he has an important fight coming up. He is not saddened by her death only maddened. Key lines: 16-19
Act 5 scene 6 Wiliam and Rachael In this scene Malcolm, Siward and, Macduff are arriving at Dunsinane Castle and Malcolm order the English soldiers to draw down their swords Key lines - lines 9 and 10
Act 5 Scene 7 by:Yeselin and Tatsuro Summary: Macbeth's castle in Dunsinane is surrounded by enemy soldiers. Macbeth encounters a young knight who is soon slayed. Macbeth leaves and Macduff enters. Macbeth's knights and soldiers have joined Macduff’s side. They all enter the castle. Key Lines: 8 and 29 “The devil himself could not pronounce a title more hateful to mine ear. We have met with foes that strike beside us.”
Act 5 scene 8 By: Brianna and Lizeth Summary: Macbeth enters in another part of the battlefield claiming that he will not die on his own sword, Macbeth and Macduff fight and Macduff kills Macbeth and brings back his head. Key Lines: Lines: 43, 54- 59