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The Basic Plan for MSU EMERGENCY ACTION TEAMS. Laws and Regulations. MiOSHA regulates the standards established in emergency preparedness plans for situations requiring evacuation. The standards indicate that these plans: Shall be written
Laws and Regulations • MiOSHA regulates the standards established in emergency preparedness plans for situations requiring evacuation. The standards indicate that these plans: • Shall be written • Shall specify the designated actions when responding to emergency circumstances • That the designated actions will ensure a safe response. These regulations direct the MSU Emergency Action Teams.
Laws and Regulations • MiOSHA further sets standards guiding the Emergency Action Team planning: • Emergency Escape procedures and routes • Procedures for employees who remain within facility to operate critical operations • Procedures for all employees after emergency evacuations/sheltering has been completed • Rally points • Sweep checks and accountability lists
Laws and Regulations • MiOSHA regulates the necessity to conduct annual Evacuation Drills for employees and the Emergency Action Teams of MSU • These drills are normally scheduled in May of each year and accomplished in a cooperative effort with MSU Police Homeland Security Division, Fire Marshall, Physical Plant and the personnel of MSU community (emergency coordinators/ teams and building personnel)
MiOSHA further regulates training and review of the plan: Standards and keeping MSU safe
Fire Safety Code • FIRE PREVENTION CODE (EXCERPT) • Act 207 of 1941 • 29.19 Fire drills in schools, colleges, universities, and school dormitories; unrestricted emergency egress; compliance; record; minimum drills; weather conditions; tornado safety drills; location of drills; security measures; drills during lunch and recess periods; protective apparatus or equipment; development of model. • Sec. 19. (1) The chief administrative officer and the teachers of all schools, including state supported schools, colleges, and universities and the owner, or owner's representative, of all school dormitories shall have a fire drill each month and ensure unrestricted emergency egress during school hours and when the school is open to the public. Each teacher in a school, including a state supported school, college, or university and the owner or owner's representative of a dormitory shall comply with these requirements and • keep a record of the drills.
Fire Safety Code, Act 207 • The drills shall be conducted in coordination with the local emergency management coordinator appointed under section 9 of the emergency management act, 1976 PA 390, MCL 30.409, the county sheriff for the county or the chief of police or fire chief for the municipality where the school is located, or the designee of the sheriff, chief of police, or fire chief and consistently with applicable federal, state, and local emergency operations plans.
Guidelines to keep MSU safe • Fire alarm systems and extinguishing devices are present for the protection of the building and occupants-No person should disable a fire protection or alarm system without the permission of the incident commander (police or fire department authority) • No person shall render a system or device inoperable during a potential emergency unless by direction of the incident commander (police or fire authority) • This includes those in the employ of the building management or any one else who shuts off an alarm system, sprinkler system, or any other system that could affect the outcome of a fire response without the permission of the incident commander
Emergency Action Team Leader Agenda • This training will • Review the MSU basic emergency plan • Provide Emergency Team Review: • Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader • Role of the Emergency Action Team Floor Coordinators • Procedures for Evacuation/Sheltering emergencies • How to handle special situations
Emergency Plan concepts • First AidIdentify persons with Red Cross training w/in your building • Medical Triage • Crime Prevention • Evacuation • Sheltering in place recommendations • Rally Sites MSU Homeland Security
Review plans and communicate with personnel: This is MSU’s basic plan and it can be found on the MSU Police website- A “hardcopy” must be available for personnel within each facility.
Some facilities may have supplemental operational written plans addressing safety procedures for specific labs, unique facility operations, or research regulations.
Personnel must be aware of MSU’s basic plan and have available any written supplemental safety plans specific to a particular facility. • Personnel should know who the Emergency Action Team members are to assist in times of emergency
Emergency Action Team Leaders should annually review and attend to any team member changes or replacements. Emergency Action Team Leaders and Floor Coordinators should be familiar with building posting information and necessary changes to request updates from MSU Police.
Building Postings • The building posting includes: A floor plan with- • The building’s emergency evacuation routes, and rally points • Fire Extinguisher locations • Pull station locations • Fire rated stairwell locations • In some cases, emergency showers, eyewash stations, gas shutoff locations • Emergency phone locations • People with different abilities entrance/exit locations • Severe weather shelter locations
Emergency Communication • MSU Alert: Call 1(888)-MSU-ALERT to receive a recorded message with emergency information. • Emergency Action Team Pagers notifications to EAT Leader or representative, and/ or building representative. • Phone trees MSU Police recommend that the Emergency Action Teams have building notification phone trees in place.
Emergency Communication • Connect ED: allows MSU to send information to the community in the event of an emergency via: landlines, cell phones, email, and text messages. Please go to http://alert.msu.edu to enroll your cell phone in the program. Community Siren system: The sirens are activated in the event of a tornado warning. Seek shelter immediately.
Emergency Communication • Media Sources • Radio • Television • Internet • NOAA weather alerts
Emergency Action Team Pager What is the pager for-Why do we have one?: • The Emergency Action Team Pagers: are one form of communication used to provide emergency situation alerts to the Emergency Action Team Leaders directly from MSU Police. • In certain emergency situations the pagers will be activated by MSU Police and a text message sent with information about an emergency, and updates (including an “all clear” notice). In response to an emergency text message the EAT leader should utilize the phone tree, Avaya phone mass message system, or other appropriate internal department phone contacts to share information with personnel and communicate the emergency message.
Phone Trees and mass-messaging Start: Pager message launched Emergency Action Team Leaders Facility/ Department mainlines Supervisors, Faculty/Staff, Facility Managers, Students Emergency Action Team Floor Coordinators Emergency Action Team Members Update and Test : Phone tree or Avaya phone system mass messaging connections Visitors/Guests Building Occupants
Essentials of developing a phone tree • People and essential contact areas to be included on a phone tree within your respective building • Emergency Action Team Leader • Emergency floor coordinators • Main office lines & supervisors • Reception locations where a person is likely to be contacted during most of the working business hours to receive emergency information • Deans of colleges or primary research representatives
Building Systems • Team members should be aware of additional emergency response enhancements or special considerations for their building; • PA systems –The police may use in emergencies for announcements • HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system automated shut off with Physical Plant and or manual shut-off • Emergency generator systems within building-learn what you can about what the generator operates
The Primary Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader: Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader ADVISE & ASSIST
Basic job of the Emergency Action Team Leader Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader • Have enough team members to account for the building size and number of occupants- This should be enough members to assist those that may be present in a normal business day in order to facilitate a safe evacuation or sheltering • Have “back-ups” or “stand-by” personnel when leader is unavailable Announce the type of emergency & Advise others of the appropriate response to the situation • If evacuating or sheltering, once you arrive at the designated rally or sheltering areas • Report to the Team Leader (your area’s status) • if no team leader is present report this information collectively with fellow team members • In the event of an evacuation report status to a the Police or Fire personnel).
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader Weather Emergency or other reasons for SHELTERING
SEVERE WEATHER GUIDELINES Types of Weather Alerts: Severe Thunderstorm Watch Severe Thunderstorm Warning Tornado Warning Tornado Watch Severe Weather Alerts: in many cases will be made by local TV and radio, computer internet, emergency pagers, & individual weather alerts will provide notification, and for Tornado Warnings the MSU siren system for outdoors campus notification.
Severe weather information When thunderstorms approach, be prepared to move to designated building shelter areas & monitor weather service. If outdoors and shelter is nearby, move to it IF CAUGHT OUTDOORS AND NO SHELTER IS NEAR: • Find a low spot away from trees, fences and poles • If you are in water, get out and move to dry land. • If you are golfing, seek shelter and while doing so do not hold or carry your clubs • For more weather information visit the weather channel on the Web at http://www.weather.com/
Reasons for going to shelter Shelter Information • Tornado Warnings/Severe Weather conditions • Certain Hazmat Emergencies • Some Civil Disorders • Building lock-down
The role of an Emergency Action Team Leader during a Severe Weather Sheltering situation Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader • Advise & assist others • Conduct a “sweep check” of assigned area within the building announcing “EMERGENCY” • Direct others to shelter areas (highlighted in yellow in the emergency floor plan documents ) 4. Wait for all clear
Designated Tornado Shelters: The building’s floor plans and shelter areas for severe weather • Interior room/hallways without windows • Free of Hazards • Make comfort a consideration • Basement/ground level areas of the building are best Caution must be taken when using stairs with windows. Check your building Emergency Floor Plan Maps for sheltering locations
Wait for “all clear” Reviewing the role of the Emergency Action Team Leader Once sheltered don’t leave a shelter area until the “all clear” is given. Normally by radio, cable television, weather service announcements, pager, or emergency response personnel (police, fire). Note: There is no siren to indicate an all clear.
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader Be Prepared for the unexpected There may be a need for a “lock-down” of your building-as directed by police personnel or other emergency responders Situations may include: • Crime in progress • Civil disorder • Hazmat response *Use of your established phone tree may be appropriate in these situations*
Reasons to Evacuate the building The Emergency Action Team Leader • Fires • Explosion or threat of explosives when directed to by emergency personnel (police/fire) • Some Hazmat emergencies • When directed by emergency personnel
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader & all MSU personnel • Pull the alarm if you suspect a FIRE situation & call 911 as you exit. • 2. Pull the alarm when otherwise directed by emergency personnel or when you’re aware of an emergency requiring an evacuation • 3. Remember to Call 9 - 1 – 1 Never assume others have called 911! This may include the necessity to dial an 8 or a 9 to exit your building phone system before dialing the 9-1-1 sequence
False Alarms- “known or not known” • If a fire system is activated, i.e., the alarm is sounding) an evacuation must begin to take place • Evacuation is your first priority! Checking the annunciation panel is the responsibility of fire personnel • If it is determined (early) that the alarm is false, coordinate communication efforts with Police/Fire 911 or 355-2222 and with other emergency action team leaders to mitigate the response • DO NOT ever shut off a fire alarm system without the authority of Police or Fire personnel • If it is “unknown” complete the evacuation process and subsequently communicate with responding police/fire units to gather information and assist. SAFETY FIRST! • A call to 911 in “unknown” circumstances may give you information or you may start to gather information by calling the 355-2222 police desk line -Keep in mind that a call to 911or 355-2222 may also alert authorities to a malfunctioning system that they may be otherwise unaware of
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader Advise & Assist Assist persons to evacuate the building using the nearest (safe) exit location & encourage them to go to the rally point(s) As a team leader when you have completed a “sweep check” for your work area proceed to the designated rally site
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader What is a Sweep check? • It is: • To Walk through your workplace & make aware, as many people as safely possible, of a given emergency situation • If time permits, knock on closed doors and announce the known emergency (because it may be difficult to hear alarms in some closed offices) • If time permits, close doors as you leave to secure and preserve property • Assist persons with special needs in the evacuation process
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader MSU Police recommend using a type of written check list… To determine whether or not: • A Sweep check was completed for all areas of the facility • All persons from your designated area have evacuated • Assist in realizing the number of personnel unaccounted for • T o account for personnel/visitors with special needs and documenting their last known location at the time of the emergency in the event a First Responder must further assist them in evacuating
EMERGENCY ACTION TEAM LEADER’S EVACUATION CHECK LIST FLOOR: • Check List • Sweep check of assigned area completed: • Everyone in assigned area has left the building: • There is no one unaccounted for at the rally site: • There is no one that has special needs: • Make notes on any item NOT checked off ) Special note to the Facility Emergency Action Team Leader: Example of a written checklist-
Persons with different abilities: How to Assist 3. Mobility Impaired and for people who use wheelchairs: Evacuation from basements or upper floors can be difficult because elevators may not be used during an emergency. Three courses of action are possible. All employees should receive instructions so they may provide assistance. Some may .... a. proceed to an enclosed, safe, fire rated stairwell or one of the emergency areas designated for people with disabilities and wait for assistance. Their location must be reported by dialing 9-1-1 or by actually reporting to the nearest emergency responder immediately. (fire, police, etc.) OR b. remain in the room. If the hazard is not near the location and the room is well constructed, this may be the best choice. Their location must be reported by dialing 9-1-1 or by actually reporting to the nearest emergency responder immediately. (fire, police, etc.) OR c. be assisted in using the stairs or ramps to evacuate. However, great care must be taken in moving a person who uses a wheelchair or may have impaired mobility.
Assisting others with special needs Whether it is hearing, sight, or mobility assistance that is needed here are a few guidelines: • Use a “buddy system” for persons with different abilities • Communicate with an individual that may require assistances in the evacuation process • Arrange a plan in advance to assist, should an emergency occur. • Ifyou’re unable to safely evacuate a person with mobility related assistance, leave them in a fire-rated stairwell and immediately report their location to police/fire responding units The fire personnel will complete the evacuation or provide necessary assistance
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader Ideally, report to your Emergency Action Team Leader at the designated rally site or shelter location ***Present your check list and any information that you may have regarding the emergency situation. Are all personnel accounted for? ***
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader Other duties • You may be requested to assist in monitoring entrances to the building • Assist emergency responders with needed information • If requested, assist emergency responders in keeping an appropriate distance between evacuated persons and the emergency situation……..
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader Be Prepared for the unexpected Hazardous Material releases that require evacuations or sheltering in place may …. • involve responding to emergency communication messages for necessary actions and information. • Use of different evacuation route You should always have two pre-planned routes of escape • Use of pre-determined sheltering in place locations • Change rally sites at the direction of Emergency response personnel
Role of the Emergency Action Team Leader At the designated rally site the Emergency Action Team Leader should do the following: • Collect Team Leader's Checklists • Report to the Incident Commander on the status of your evacuation (especially persons with different abilities) Also, present any specific information that you may have learned regarding the emergency
EAT Leader Master Checklist Example Emergency Action Team Leader Man in Rm 102 wouldn’t leave