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Case presentation Introduction. This document is designed to assist candidates prepare for the case presentation for The Orthodontic society of Ireland.
Case presentation Introduction This document is designed to assist candidates prepare for the case presentation for The Orthodontic society of Ireland. Radiographic examination during treatment may not be relevant for all cases. Delete unnecessary pages where appropriate. Some cases may require the presentation of additional information. Where necessary and relevant, add pages. Please use Arial (normal), font size 11 or greater, in all text boxes. Where the space provided is insufficient, small alterations in page format are permissible. Hard copy or digital images can be included in the pages reserved for Photographs and Radiographs. Please note that minor rotation or trimming of digital images is acceptable. Manipulation of digital images to modify the information initially recorded is not.
Case presentation Clinicians Number: Date of Presentation: Case: Case summary:
Section 1. Pre-treatment assessment: Patient details: Initials: Gender: Date of birth: Age at start of treatment: Presenting Complaint: Relevant Medical History: Extra Oral Examination: Intra Oral Examination: Soft Tissues: Oral Hygiene: Dental Health: Teeth present:
Occlusal features. Incisor relationship: Overjet (mm): Overbite: Centrelines: Left buccal segments: Right buccal segments: Crossbites: Other occlusal features: Space analysis: Pre-treatment – Radiographic Examination Radiographs taken: Relevant (non-cephalometric) radiographic findings:
Pre-treatment - Extra Oral views Profile Full face Smile
Pre-treatment - Intra oral views Labial view Overjet view here if indicated Right Buccal Segment view Left Buccal Segment view Lower occlusal (indicate if mirror) Upper occlusal (indicate if mirror)
Relevant pre-treatment Intra Oral views (if relevant) Radiographs
Pre-treatment Cephalometric analysis Source of normative data: Interpretation of pre-treatment Cephalometric analysis:
Diagnostic summary: Problem list: Aims and objectives of treatment: Treatment plan:
Section 2 - Treatment Date of treatment start: Patient age at start of treatment: Date of completion (active treatment): Date of completion (retention): Key stages in treatment progress: (use additional page if necessary)
Mid-treatment - Extra Oral views (if relevant) Profile Full face Smile
Mid-treatment - Intra oral views (if relevant) Labial view Overjet view here if indicated Right Buccal Segment view Left Buccal Segment view Lower occlusal (indicate if mirror) Upper occlusal (indicate if mirror)
Mid treatment Radiographic Examination(if relevant) Radiographs taken (and dates): Relevant (non-cephalometric) radiographic findings: Mid treatment Cephalometric analysis(if relevant)
Cephalometric superimpositions Summary of changes demonstrated in mid-treatment records:
Section 3 - Post-treatment assessment: Occlusal features: Incisor relationship: Overjet (mm): Overbite: Centrelines: Left buccal segments: Right buccal segments: Crossbites: Other occlusal features:
End of treatment - Extra Oral views Profile Full face Smile
End of treatment - Intra oral views Labial view Overjet view here if indicated Right BS view Left BS view Lower occlusal (indicate if mirror) Upper occlusal (indicate if mirror)
Radiographic Examination at the end (towards the end) of treatment Radiographs taken (and dates): Relevant (non-cephalometric) radiographic findings: ‘End’ of treatment Cephalometric analysis
Cephalometric superimpositions Interpretation of end of treatment Cephalometric analysis:
Black : Pre treatment Green : Debond Red : 1 year post Debond