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Substance Use & Abuse

Substance Use & Abuse. Can you Identify these Drugs?. Crank Amp Ice Prope Dope Go fast P2P Geet Chalk Red rock Zip Tweak Pink Glass Poor Man’s Coke Gack. They are ALL street names for…. Crystal Meth. What is Crystal Meth?. A purer, more potent form of speed

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Substance Use & Abuse

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Substance Use & Abuse

  2. Can you Identify these Drugs? Crank Amp Ice Prope Dope Go fast P2P Geet Chalk Red rock Zip Tweak Pink Glass Poor Man’s Coke Gack

  3. They are ALL street names for… Crystal Meth

  4. What is Crystal Meth? • A purer, more potent form of speed • Ingested, smoked, injected, or taken orally • Prolonged high (orally – 30-60 minutes; snorted – 2-5 minutes) • Easy to find • Cheap • Short & long term effects

  5. Most Commonly Used Ingredients: • Ephepdrine or pseudoephedrine • Red phosphorus • Hydrochloric acid • Drain cleaner • Battery acid • Lye • Lantern fuel • Antifreeze

  6. Crystal Meth “Cooking” • Recipes on the internet • Cooked up in Meth Labs – widespread • Signs of a meth lab in your neighbourhood: • Activity, lights, guard dogs • Short visits, windows covered • Garbage that includes empty containers • Strong chemical smell

  7. For more info on Crystal Meth: Council on Drug Abuse Fifth Estate (I Googled crystal meth and received over 2,000,000 hits!!!)

  8. Substance Use & Abuse Resources Lungs are for Life – K-12 – OPHEA, Lung Association Take Action – K-12 – OPHEA & CAMH, X-curricular Health Canada Resources – Substance Use Statistics Course Profiles – Grade 9-10 OPHEA Curriculum Support Documents

  9. Other Resources: Centre for Addiction & Mental Health NBDHU LCBO Virtual Party Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse

  10. Substance Abuse – is it an issue? • Est. 4 out of 10 people in Ontario have had a family member or friend who have experienced a problem with substance abuse • Prevention needs to start early! • “Just say no” approach DOES NOT WORK! • A comprehensive, collaborative approach is required (schools, community partners)

  11. Acknowledge the Research… • Youth will adopt adult behaviours to express their independence – this is normal • MOST do not progress to dependency or problematic use • Youth who feel attached to their schools are less likely to engage in substance abuse practices (sense of BELONGING)

  12. What can teachers do? • Mutual respect • Model appropriate interpersonal behaviour • Stimulate student participation • Promote democratic attitudes and values • Develop knowledge base • Up-to-date information • Examine personal values & beliefs/reflect on experiences • Bring enthusiasm and commitment to the content • Self-awareness as a role model

  13. The Ontario Curriculum

  14. Popcorn Pressure Grade 5 – demonstrate resistance techniques and assertiveness skills to deal with peer pressure… Grade 7 – Demonstrate strategies that can be used to counter pressures to smoke, drink, and take drugs, …. Grade 9 – demonstrate and use both decision-making and assertion skills with respect to media influences and peer pressure….

  15. “Contrary to popular belief, the peer effect is not entirely due to “PRESSURE” from peers to use, but often indicates a choice by some young people to hang out with friends who use substances and hold similar attitudes.” (ww.ccsa.ca ) Assertiveness Skills and Refusal Techniques

  16. Where Do You Stand? Grade 7 – Outline a variety of issues related to substance use and abuse Grade 8 – Outline the possible negative consequences of substance use and abuse Grade 10 – Demonstrate knowledge of the legal aspects of substance use & abuse

  17. Where Do You Stand? • Alcohol & tobacco are the most dangerous drugs • Marijuana should be made legal • Smoking should be allowed on school property • Drug use is a normal part of growing up • You can use drugs without becoming addicted

  18. Guidelines… • No right or wrong answers • All opinions are valued and respected • You may change your opinions (“corners”) if you wish without judgment • If you are not sure, you may stand in the middle until you hear the various arguments • Once you move to a “corner”, discuss the issue with the others, then prepare to raise your points with the rest of the class

  19. So…… • Be resourceful! • Be relevant! • Be real!

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