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Memory & Inspiration. William Wordsworth. “And as I mounted up the hill The music in my heart I bore, Long after it was heard no more .” [ The Solitary Reaper ]. “ Lyrical Ballads ” “ Preface ”.
Memory & Inspiration William Wordsworth “And as I mounted up the hill The music in my heart I bore, Long after it was heard no more.” [The SolitaryReaper]
“LyricalBallads”“Preface” It is considered the manifesto of the Romantic poetry because defines a new type of poetry: • “language really used by men” to be appreciated by a wider audience • Poet as a prophet: “endued with more lively sensibility […]and a more comprehensible soul, than are supposed to be common among mankind” • Imagination of the poet can “colour” the objects observed, that is presents them in an unusual aspect • Task of the memory “emotion recollected in tranquillity”. It is not the original emotion, but past feelings contemplated and reorganized.
“We are seven” • "We Are Seven" waswritten in 1798, whenWordsworthwasonly 18 yearsold. • The poemiscomposedofsixteenfour-linestanzas, and endswithonefive-line stanza. Each stanza hasanababrhyming pattern. • The poemisaninterestingconversationbetween a man and a young girl. • The speaker begins the poemwith the questionofwhat a childshouldknowofdeath. • Sheseemsalmosttobe in denialabout the deathsofhersiblings, especiallybecauseshecontinuestospendtimewiththem and singtothem. • Sherefusestobecomeincapacitatedbygrief, or to cast the deceased out ofher life.
“My heart leaps up” My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So wasitwhenmy life began; So isitnow I am a man; So beitwhen I shallgrowold, Or let me die! The Childisfatherof the Man; And I couldwishmydaystobe Boundeachtoeachbynaturalpiety.
“Daffodils” • Thispoemwasinspiredby a walkwithhissister, and bywhatshewroteaboutthiswalk. • Composition and contents • Importanceofmemory and imagination in thiswriting