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The Growth of Targeted Youth Crime Prevention Bob Ashford Head of Youth Justice Strategy Youth Justice Board for England and Wales. Overview. The Role of the Youth Justice Board The Research Case for prevention YJB Prevention Programmes Performance Framework
The Growth of Targeted Youth Crime PreventionBob AshfordHead of Youth Justice StrategyYouth Justice Board for England and Wales
Overview • The Role of the Youth Justice Board • The Research Case for prevention • YJB Prevention Programmes • Performance Framework • Links to new Government Strategies - the Youth Crime Action Plan
Youth justice reforms • Crime and Disorder Act 1998 • New local and national structures • Reformed sentencing framework • Reforms to secure facilities • Cutting delays • Focus on prevention and early intervention • New culture
National structure Youth Justice Board • Independent non-departmental government body • Advise on operation of the system and content of national standards • monitor performance • Identify effective practice • Commission and purchase secure places – the purchaser-provider divide
Local structure Youth Offending Teams • Multi-agency - police, probation, health, education and social services • Links to other statutory and community agencies • Multi-agency steering group • Local funding with additional YJB grants • Responsible for provision of youth justice services and local youth justice plans
Prevention: where have we come from? Audit Commission report 1996 “ efforts to prevent offending and other anti-social behaviour by young people need to be coordinated between the different agencies involved; they should also be targeted on deprived areas with high crime rates, and piloted and evaluated”
Where have we come from? Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Principal Aim To prevent offending by children and young people YJB Statutory Duty To Promote Effective Practice
Targeted services Early identification of risk factors Intervention at pre-delinquency stage Concentrate on high/medium-risk group Whole family approach Neighbourhood and Community engagement YJB Strategy
Family Poor parental supervision and discipline Conflict History of criminal activity Parental attitudes that condone antisocial and criminal behaviour Low income Poor Housing Personal Hyperactivity and impulsivity Low intelligence and cognitive impairment Alienation and lack of social commitment Attitudes that condone offending and drug misuse Friendship with peers involved in crime and drug misuse School Aggressive behaviour (including bullying) Lack of commitment (including truancy) School disorganisation Community Living in a disorganised neighbourhood Disorganisation and neglect Availability of drugs High population turnover and lack of neighbourhood attachment Risk Factors
Individual Female gender Resilient temperament Sense of self efficacy Positive, outgoing disposition High intelligence Social Bonding Stable, warm, affectionate relationship with one or both parents Link with teachers and with other adults and peers who hold positive attitudes, and ‘model’ positive social behaviour Healthy Standards Prevailing attitudes across a community Views of parents Promotion of healthy standards within school Opportunities for involvement, social and reasoning skills, recognition and due praise From: Anderson B., Beinhart P., Farrington D., Longman J., Sturgis P. and Utting, D. (2001). Risk & Protective Factors associated with Youth crime and Effective Interventions to Prevent it. YJB Research Note. November. Protective Factors
The Menu: YIPNeighbourhood-Based Youth Crime Prevention 73% of young offenders were arrested for fewer offences after engaging with the YIP – MHB Evaluation 2003
The Menu: ParentingPrevention Additions Between 2004 and 2006, the number of parenting interventions through YOTs doubled to 11,000. Audits showed improvements in quality and 95% of parents were satisfied with the interventions.
Multi-Agency Identification Engagement Assessment Universal Provision Planning Exit Strategy Review Programme Delivery Programme Methodology
Youth Crime Prevention – Major Government Investment Streams Since 1999-2000 • YJB prevention programmes - £100m since 1999-2000 • Multiple funding streams to YOTs and Third Sector • Children’s Fund: £150m since 2003 • (PAYP: £160m since 2003) Total = £410m By comparison: • YJB custody spend since 99-00 = £1.7bn
Youth Crime Prevention – 2005 On: Major New Unified Funding Stream Programme Expansion to: YIP: 114 projects YISP: 220 panels Parenting: 84 programmes SSP*: 3 partnerships ISO: 6 schemes Innovative: 39 initiatives *Overall there are over 450 SSPs in England. 2006-07 partnership funding estimated at over £27m. Programmes expected to engage at least 50,000 young people between 2006 and 2008
Failure to prevent future crime is costly to the taxpayer given the expense of correctional services Preventative measures have been shown to be much more cost effective than later interventions but public funds are devoted primarily to the detection and punishment of crime Costs by age 27 to public services of not intervening • The value to diverting an individual from offending is on average £172,000 (NPV) • Crime and ASB also cost public services proportionally a great deal. A recent study found they accounted for 64% of the £70,000 cost of public services used by a cohort of socially excluded children with conduct disorder over 18 years Crime Reduction Review, Home Office 2004; Scott, S. (2001) Cost of social exclusion: Antisocial children grow up
Audit Commission 2004 “ targeted and well-managed early intervention programmes can be effective if they are properly co-ordinated both nationally and locally, such as those managed by Yots” “ better still, mainstream agencies, such as schools and health services, should take full responsibility for preventing offending by young people”
The Youth Crime Action Plan • Youth disorder continues to be of growing concern to the public, fuelled in part by high profile • Gang and gun crime. • MORI– around 25% of young people have been victims of crime. • Need to join up services to young people • The Youth Crime Action Plan is being developed trilaterally by the Home Office, DCSF and MoJ, with other partners including ACPO and the YJB. • It will culminate in two publications next year – the Action Plan to set the strategic direction and outline the policy reform necessary to achieve our aims, and a Practitioners’ Toolkit to help drive change on the ground
We are developing policy across two main themes, with two cross-cutting issues Preventing first time entrants to the Criminal Justice System Dealing more effectively with offending Serious Violence Victimisation
Prevention Overview • Strong Research Base • Strong Delivery Base • Links to wider governmental agendas