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Empowering Gender Equality: The Vital Role of Social Protection Systems in Sustainable Growth

Discover how social protection systems can support gender equality & sustainable growth. Explore GDP/capita & gender equality stats, Sweden's case on unemployment & childcare, plus the importance of comprehensive policies for societal advancement. Learn how parental support tools, childcare, and equality legislation can pave the way for economic, sustainable, and human growth in EU countries.

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Empowering Gender Equality: The Vital Role of Social Protection Systems in Sustainable Growth

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  1. The Nordic Way: The role of social protection systems in supporting gender equality and sustainable growth. Ass. professor Dr Åsa Löfström Umea School of Business, Economics and Statistics, Sweden asa.lofstrom@umu.se Brussel October, 19th 2018

  2. Growth • – what do we mean? • Economic growth • Sustainable growth • Reasonable growth • Human growth • Emotional growth

  3. Gender equality – a measure and a tool 1) Growth Gender equality 2) Growth Gender equality 3) Growth Gender equality

  4. GDP/capita and Gender Equality 2015/16 in EU28. Source: EIGE, Eurostat

  5. Gender Equality Index and Fertility Rate (Source: EIGE and OECD family data base) 2005 2015

  6. Unemploymentamongwomen, fertility rate and public spending on childcare.The case of Sweden 1990-2016.

  7. Distribution between cash and childcare in Germany and Sweden. (PercentSource: OECD) Germany Sweden

  8. Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and when the different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favoured. Question: Whatareneededtofulfillthisimportantstatement? Answer: A comprehensive policy in general and a policy for the Social Infrastructure(SI) in particular. The Nordic countriesdidrealizethisearly, althoughtheydidadvance at different rates and with different solutions. SI is necessarytoimprovemen’sresponsibility and aspirations in the family and women’s in private and public sector. SI is not cheapbutnecessary. Howevermost of it must be financed by public finances. The legislationaroundthis must be negotiatedwherebothemployers’ confedaration and unions areinvolved.

  9. All over the world motherhood is still a hindrance for women to be in the paid labor force on decent conditions. But lack of possibilities for men to exercise their charter as active and present fathers must also be seriously recognised. A reasonablepackage, considering men and womenwantschildren, maythereforeconsistof: a) a good and transparent parentalinsurance, b) parentalleave of reasonablelenghtfor bothparents c) childallowances d) affordablechildcare and e) childcare of goodquality And last but not least; Apackage of different toolsdirectedtoparents and parents in spe is an urgent task. Sincethis is alsoabout a child’s right totwoparentsthis must also be doneout of children’sperspective. This is a firstbut an important step for men and womentomake a choise on equalground - for theirownand theirchildren’sfuture. Donecorrectlythiswilllay a gound for : Economic,sustainable as well as human growth in the different EU-countries.

  10. Thank you for your attentionSouth of Lapland - land of the MidnightSun

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