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This proposal aims to register a new crop variety in Nepal, providing detailed information on its background, importance, agronomic traits, disease and pest management, and stakeholder preferences. The presentation template includes trial data, economic analysis, and assessment of distinctness, uniformity, and stability.
PresentationTemplateforRelease/ Registration of New Variety TITLE OF PROPOSAL Proposed by:
Background Information….. Position of this crop variety in Nepal. Status…………… Importance……………….. …………………… ……………………
General Information • Common Name: • Botanical Name: • Proposed Name/s: • Original Designation/Symbolic name used in Testing: • Pedigree/ Genotype : • Cross (Parents): • Country of Origin: • Source of Material ( Name of institution, farmer/farming community), experiment and the year in which it was first introduced, etc.): • Trial Years: • Trials Conducted By:
Trials Information Types of Trial/ Studies Conducted
(A) Varietal Trial Experimental Details
Mean data on phenology and growth Location 1 Soybean: Lodging score: 0= almost all plants upright, 2 = either all plants leaning slightly, or a few plants down, 3 = either all plants leaning moderately (45O angle), or 25-50% down, 4 = either all plants leaning considerably, or 50-80% down, 5 = all plants down Rice: 0 = totally upright, 9= totally lodged
Mean data on yield and yield components Location 1
Summary of Agronomic Traits Mean data on days to 50% flowering and 90% maturity, plant height, branches/plant, final stand and lodging (….) across sites (……) and years (…..)
Summary of Agronomic Traits Mean data on yield and yield components of genotypes (…) across sites (……) and years (…..) *Grain yield and seed weight adjusted to known seed moisture content to find out Yield potential ?
(B) Initial Soil Parameters Experimental Details
Fertilizer recommendation via Nutrient Response Curve along with economic analysis Note: • Researcher can use several tools to recommend fertilizer dose which should be a valid and well referenced method. • Fertilizer recommendation only on the basis of significant yield approach is not acceptable.
(C) Disease Damage Scoring • Information regarding disease management (if any) • Time of disease scoring : Days after seeding or transplanting / stage of crop. • Disease management: • Name of treatment apply: • Dose, method and mode of application: • Time and number of apply:
Disease Scoring data Note: Disease Reaction (DR) : 0-2 = Resistant (R); 3-4 = Moderately resistant (MR); 5-7 = Susceptible (S); 8-9 = Highly susceptible (HS) Example : scoring for rice blast: 0 = immune; 1= brown spot in pin point size; 2= 1-2 mm diameter; 3= size 1-2mm but many lesions; 4= ≥3mm size, infection with ≤ 4% leaf area; 5= ≥3mm size, infection with 4-10 % leaf area; 6= ≥3mm size , infection with ≥11-25%; 7= ≥3mm size , infection with ≥26-50%; 8= ≥3mm size , infection with ≥51-75%; 9= ≥3mm size , infection with >75%
Disease Scoring…… • Disease Scoring should be included for major diseases of respective crops • Example: Rice: blast, bacterial leaf blight, brown spot etc. • Wheat: Rust, foliar blight etc. • Maize: GLS, NLB, SLB, ear rot etc. • Potato/tomato: late blight, wilt, viral disease etc. • Please show picture of disease in field condition, if possible
(D) Insect-Pest Damage Scoring • Information regarding insect pest management (if any) • Time of scoring : Days after seeding or transplanting / stage of crop. • Insect Pest management: • Name of treatment apply: • Dose, method and mode of application: • Time and number of apply:
Insect-Pest Scoring data Varietal resistance scoring (0-9 scale) to major insect pests BPH: 0-9 scale: 0 = no damage (HR), 1 = slight yellowing of the plant (R), 3 = Leaves partially yellow (MR), 5 = Leaves with pronounced yellowing and some stunting (MS), 7 = Wilting of the plant (S), 9 = Death of whole plant (HS). Stem borer: 0-9 scale: 0 = no white ear (HR), 1 = 1-5% white ear (R), 3 = 6-10% white ear (MR), 5 = 11-15% white ear (MS), 7 = 16-25% white ear (S), 9 = 26% & above white ear (HS). Percent white ear or dead heart (in 10 hills) = no of dead heart or white ears ÷ no of effective or productive tillers × 100. HR: highly resistant, R: resistant, MR: moderately resistant, MS: moderately susceptible, S: susceptible, HS: highly susceptible.
Observation Nursery / IET /CVT • Major agronomical traits along with Yield performance of genotypes in farmers field ?
Farmers Field Trial (FFT), participatory trials data/information and stakeholders’ preferences • Stakeholders’ overall preference : • Farmers’ response and feedback over the variety including audio-visual clips Major traits of stakeholders’ interest include 1. Agronomic data 2. Stress tolerance 3. Quality traits 4. Economic value 5. Others (specify if any)
Economic Analysis • Cost- Benefit Analysis
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability of the Variety Distinctness • Morphological characteristics • Major identifying characteristics of a crop variety for its authenticity : • Molecular characteristics (if available): Uniformity • Plant height, days to flowering from seeding, days to maturity from seeding, yield • Yield Component ( No. of tillers, grain no., etc)
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability of the Variety…. Stability • Combined analysis report over the location/season/years • Include at least top 10 promising genotypes • Include yearly and location mean grain yield data for each genotype, combine crop duration also ? • If possible, include correlation of maturity, plant height, no. of grains/panicle or pod and seed size to grain yield
Stability Analysis…. Box Plot Analysis GGE Biplot Analysis Other popular models
Recommendation Domain • Agro-ecological zone in altitude metre above sea level (terai, hills, mountains etc.): range in meters and zone range • Moisture regime (irrigated, partially irrigated, rain-fed): • Growing season and condition (e.g. dhab, khoriya etc.): • Cropping pattern: • Production and management ( give details of package of practices if different from normal recommendation already):
Observation remarks of joint M & E team …………………… ……………………. ……………………. ………………...
Need/reasons for National Listing and justification ……………………………… ………………………………. ………………………………………..
Summary of Varietal Characteristics • Agronomic • Plant Height (cm): • Days to flowering from seeding: • Days to maturity from seeding: • Yield(kg/ha): • Yield components (e.g. number of tillers, grain number, grain weight etc.) • Response to stress • Biotic stresses Insect, Diseases, weeds(if any) : • Abiotic stresses (if any)
Summary of Varietal Characteristics • Quality of economically important part of the crop • Nutrition Quality: • Processing Quality: • Organoleptic test ( cooking quality, taste, aroma/ flavor, etc.) : • Other Characteristics (threshing, storability, transportability, market potential etc.) • Morphological characteristics • Major identifying characteristics of a crop variety for its authenticity (distinctness): • Molecular characteristics (if available):