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WORLD WAR II. AMERICAN NEUTRALITY. Origins? George Washington Monroe Doctrine Failure to join the League of Nations. LEND-LEASE ACT. FDR found a way around the Neutrality Acts to provide aid, including warships to Great Britain

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  2. AMERICAN NEUTRALITY • Origins? • George Washington • Monroe Doctrine • Failure to join the League of Nations

  3. LEND-LEASE ACT • FDR found a way around the Neutrality Acts to provide aid, including warships to Great Britain • He convinced Congress to sign the Lend-Lease which allowed the US to sell or lend war materials: • “to any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States!” • FDR said the US would become the Arsenal of Democracy

  4. US response to Japanese aggression • US bans sale items to Japan that include war materials: iron, steel and oil • Extreme militarists gaining power in Japan • Japan wanted lands in Asia and Pacific • US interfering in plans

  5. NEUTRALITY SHATTERED1941 • December 7, 1941 Japanese War planes attacked the US fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii • FDR called it a date that would “live in infamy”! • Attack fueled nationalism and patriotism • Congress declared war on Japan the day after the attack

  6. USS Arizona

  7. Go to Pearl Harbor Photos

  8. Major Events of World War II • Europe: • 1939 Germany Invades Poland – Blitzkrieg • 1940 Most of Europe falls to the Nazis - France & Battle of Britain • June 6, 1944 D-Day Allied invasion of Normandy, France across English Channel • December 1944 – Battle of Bulge – last Nazi offensive • April 1945 US and USSR forces meet at Elbe River and Hitler kills himself • May 8th 1945 V-E Day

  9. Major Events of World War II • Asia • 1941-1942 Japan seizes most of SE Asia and is on move towards Australia • US begins Island hopping campaign • 1942 Battle of Midway – US gains supremacy in Pacific • 1944-1945 bitter battles on Iwo Jima and Okinawa • August 6, 1945 Truman agrees to use Atomic bomb on Hiroshima • August 9, 1945 US drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki • August 14, 1945 Hirohito announces Japanese defeat to people

  10. Wartime Diplomacy • Atlantic Charter Meeting 1941 – FDR & Churchill meet over ensuring lasting peace • Yalta 1945 Roosevelt. Churchill and Stalin outlined division of postwar Germany and planned for trials of war criminals - Nuremberg

  11. Wartime Diplomacy • Potsdam 1945 – Truman and other Allied leaders warned Japan to surrender to prevent utter destruction…..

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