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Learn about Airbus Defense and Space's revolutionary approach to building megaconstellations in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), including their efficient manufacturing processes and innovative satellite technologies. Discover how Airbus is leading the way in enabling new applications in space exploration and communication.
Airbus Defense and Space Enabling Large LEOConstellations AIRBUS DEFENSE AND SPACE,Inc. TimDeaver UUI - ECO#-2019- Airbus DSI-0624-CK. This document does not contain any export controlled information as defined by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the Export AdministrationRegulations.
Enabling Low Earth Orbit MegaConstellations • In 2018 Airbusdelivered • 24 LEO and GEOsatellites • European ServiceModule • "This is our last year for double digit satellite deliveries. With the mass production of small, lower- cost satellites for OneWeb starting in 2019, satellite deliveries will be in the tripledigits.” • TomEnders COMPLEXGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE LTE based space to groundnetwork UUI - ECO#-2019- Airbus DSI-0624-CK. This document does not contain any export controlled information as defined by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the Export AdministrationRegulations. 2
Airbus OneWeb Satellites JointVenture Closing the DigitalDivide OneWebsatellite Manufacturing facility inFlorida UUI - ECO#-2019- Airbus DSI-0624-CK. This document does not contain any export controlled information as defined by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the Export AdministrationRegulations. 3
Revolutionizing Satellite Manufacturing – Automation at everylevel • Design formanufacturability • Design fortest • Design forcost • Supply chainmanagement • Flexible manufacturingfacility • to build othersatellites UUI - ECO#-2019- Airbus DSI-0624-CK. This document does not contain any export controlled information as defined by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the Export AdministrationRegulations. 4
Florida Manufacturing Facility – Open forbusiness • Located near Kennedy SpaceCenter • 2 satellites per day – 40 satellites permonth The machine that makes themachine UUI - ECO#-2019- Airbus DSI-0624-CK. This document does not contain any export controlled information as defined by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the Export AdministrationRegulations. 5
Enabling NewApplications ARROWPlatform limited customization Targeting newapplications OneWebconstellation: 600 - 900satellites Radio Frequency sensing,tracking EarthObservation with highrevisit Communications andIoT/M2M Position,Navigation and Timing(PNT) Otheropportunities: Tug,ADR… PNT (Position, Navigation, and Timing) – GPS / Galileo augmentation oralternatives Active Debris Removal(ADR) Internet of Things (IoT) Machine to Machine(M2M) UUI - ECO#-2019- Airbus DSI-0624-CK. This document does not contain any export controlled information as defined by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the Export AdministrationRegulations. 6
Thankyou TimDeaver Director US Space Programs Airbus Defense and Space,Inc. Tim.deaver@airbusna.com