Rationale PDHPE is an important subject for all students as it allows students to develop in each student the knowledge and understanding skills and values and attitudes needed to lead healthy, active and fulfilling lives. In doing so, it will form the basis for students to adopt a responsible and productive role in society.
STUDENTS DEVELOPMENTS PDHPE provides for the intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development of students. It involves students learning and practising ways of maintaining active, healthy lifestyles and improving health. Students can learn to interact with their fellow peers allowing them to develop and maintain positive relationships. Develop positive attitudes and interest in physical activity and understand the importance of it.
HEALTHY FOOD CHOICES A healthy diet improves kids energy levels, support growth and development, prevent illness and improve moods. Positive messages towards healthy eating is vital for children as they develop the ability to distinguish between healthy food and ‘sometimes’ food. Provide a healthy food environment at school and home.
FAIR PLAY Students develop an understanding about the importance of fair play practices. Fair play assists in making sport and games fun for all students. Fair play can promisingly shape behaviour in all areas of the students life and within play. Students are driven to cooperate and communicate in a fair and suitable manner. <Reference> Board of Studies(2007). Personal development, health and physical education K-6 syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies, NSW.