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Establishing a Civil Society Advisory Group and Accelerated Global Learning on Forests, Livelihoods and Climate Change. Rationale. Urgent need to accelerate learning between all actors on REDD; Value of ensuring regular input from independent, technical voices with global perspective;
Establishing a Civil Society Advisory GroupandAccelerated Global Learning on Forests, Livelihoods and Climate Change
Rationale • Urgent need to accelerate learning between all actors on REDD; • Value of ensuring regular input from independent, technical voices with global perspective; • Would help advance best practice, coherence, coordination between different REDD initiatives
Recommendations of UN-REDD Programme • Establish Civil Society Advisory Group on Forests, Livelihoods and Climate Change (CSAG) • Sponsor events to accelerate learning • Precedents: • 1. ITTO CSAG; World Bank EAG; CBD; • 2. Oslo Conference on Forests, Rights and CC; Chatham House Discussions on Illegal Logging
TORS and Principles of CSAG • Offer formal advice to the UN-REDD Policy Board • (expand to FCPF and REDD Contact Group as invited) • Advice not binding on UN-REDD (Policy Board or Secretariat) • Respond to ad hoc requests from UN-REDD Programme for technical assistance; • Design and organize meetings to accelerate learning (side events, conferences) in collaboration with UN-REDD • CSAG not seek funding from UN-REDD except to cover costs of at least one participant in Policy Board meetings Principles: • Don’t attempt to be fully “representative” (that is role of CSO and IP members of Policy Board) • Be completely transparent • Self-governed, flexible, nimble
Status • Interim CSAG established at the Oslo conference on Forests, Rights and Climate Change • Will update governance structure at next meeting (aiming for 13 June)
Proposed Responsibilities of UN-REDD • Issue formal TORs to CSAG and invitation to address Policy Board; • Provide funds for at least one member per meeting; • Provide CSAG with meeting agendas, reports and documentation