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Unlocking Political Savvy: Essential Competency for Trainers & Developers Network

Discover the importance of political savvy in navigating organizational politics. Learn how to develop critical political skills to enhance coaching, mentoring, and consulting roles. Gain insights into effective influence strategies for career success and leadership transitions.

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Unlocking Political Savvy: Essential Competency for Trainers & Developers Network

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  1. Political Savvy for Trainers & Developers Network Michelle Brailsford

  2. Organizational Politics: A Value-Laden Definition “Poly-tics,” meaning “many blood sucking parasites”

  3. Organizational Politics: A Value-Free Definition “Informal, unofficial, and sometimes behind the scenes influence efforts to sell ideas, win support, increase power, impact the organization, or achieve other targeted ends.”

  4. For us as professionals? For our clients/line managers? Within our organisations? Why focus on Political Savvy as a key competency?

  5. Political Skills critical to role of Coach/Mentor: Helps mentee develop formal / informal networks and opens doors Demonstrates the impact and consequences of actions on others, the / organisation Identifies political connections Aids the individual to learn and modify behaviour by reflection, analysis and judgment  Helps individual read the emotional currents and power relationships For ourselves?

  6. Political Skills important for consultants: Assembles political coalitions, builds behind the scenes support for ideas, gives or withholds information in order to have specific effects, uses group process skills to lead or direct a group. Uses complex influence strategies tailored to individual situations, structures situations or jobs or changing organizational structure to encourage desired behavior, uses complex political maneuvering to reach a goal or have an effect. For ourselves?

  7. 600 global managers found “navigating organisational politics” to be a key issue with 65% saying it was either difficult or very difficult. Leaders at all levels complain that politics is among their main challenges...almost half of first level leaders have been unable to address this challenge effectively. DDI Leadership Transitions 2006 For our clients?

  8. The report shows that the majority of business leaders have developed their political skills through bitter experience. 88 per cent say that 'learning from mistakes' has been key. Leading with Political Awareness, Chartered Management Institute For Our Clients?

  9. Underestimated, Seen Narrowly Passed Over, Topped Out Unaware of Real “Scorecard” Not Getting Credit Not Able to Sell Ideas Lack of Cross-Cultural Sensitivity Hurt Career Speaking Out Not in Key Networks Sabotaged : “I Didn’t See It Coming” For our clients?

  10. “Nobody works in an organisation where everybody agrees. Companies are full of competing interests. Politics is the art of reconciling different interests and positions so that people can work together and get things done.” Within Our Organisations

  11. "Man is by nature a political animal." Aristotle

  12. Power of Ideas Substance power Focus on feedback and learning Highlights integrity More open agendas Meritocracy-baseddecisions Results / ideas speak for themselves Power of Person Position power Focus on image and perceptions Highlights success More private agendas Relationship-based decisions Self-promotion Two Political Styles

  13. Under Political Over Political UNDER BORDERLINE LESS LESS MORE MORE BORDERLINE OVERLY POLITICAL UNDER P OLITICAL- 2 POLITICAL- 1 POLITICAL- 1 POLITICAL 2 OVERLY POLITICAL POLITICAL POLITICAL “ I m p a c t w i t h I n t e g r i t y ” LP4 LP3 LP2 LP1 MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 The Power Of Savvy Zone “Impact with Integrity”

  14. Mental Influence Strategies Effective Influence Self-Talk Read Power, Agendas, and Unwritten Rules Know Your Reputation and Perceptions of You …Know the Real Scorecard

  15. Networking Managing the Airwaves Promoting Self With Decent Boldness Improving Your Power Image Respecting Turf & Ego Detecting and Addressing Hidden Agendas Using Astute Influence Vocabulary Stakeholder Mapping & Ethical Lobbying Strategic Influence Strategies

  16. Practice Ethical Lobbying Manage Your Political Favors Bank Account • The Power of Favors • The Power of Appreciation • Avoid Sabotaging Others Plot the Political Landscape • Analyze the Stakeholders • Study their Agenda • Blend Agendas • Compromise Your Agenda

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