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ALCOHOL AND YOU ADVERTISEMENT CLAIMS OF VARIOUS BRANDS:-To appeal to the opposite sex. Change their social strata and status. Add glamour to otherwise colourless life. WHATEVER WE THINK ABOUT ITS USE,It is socially and culturally accepted to: Mark the birth of a new child.Recognizes particular social landmarks along life's way. Show respect to the elders and the deceased.The quantity and quality is one of the yardsticks for assessing how successful communities host our monthly meetings. Many drink for the sheer pleasure of it. NEGATIVE STATISTICS:The flip-side of the coin shows a different picture:Alcohol is implicated in 50% of all murders.One in four sexual offences. 88% of criminal damage.78% of assault cases and 83% of disturbances of the peace. Accounts for over 20,000 cases of domestic accidentsAccounts 1 in 5 cases of accidents in the work place Over 200 deaths from drawing annually
in 5 cases of five out brakes WHAT IS ALCOHOL What is there about this substance that wields so much power and has such a wide ranging effect? Alcoholic solutions are used in Domestic Commercial Manufacturing processesThe brand that is used as a drink is Ethyl alcohol (C2 H5 OH) and is usually present in different concentrations depending on the drink used. METHOD OF PRODUCTION Fermentation beer Distillation Whisky • Ethyl alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and not a stimulate as many believe. When ethyl alcohol is ingestion, it undergoes digestion in the body first to acetaldehyde, then accelerate and finally into waste products of carbon dioxide (C02) and water (H20). It takes approximately one hour to load the system with alcohol and about 10-12 hours for it to be broken down into co2 and H2O and eliminated from the body through breath and urine.
The calories provided by alcohol ingestion are often referred to as empty calories because they do not provide any nutrient value to the body, they are stored in the body fat, hence the joking reference in beer-drinkers bully. EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL Alcohol is -Socially acceptable in most countries. -Contra banned in some countries on religious grounds -While it may be a matter of personal choice and taste to drink alcohol, we should be aware that it does have adverse effects. These adverse effects literally occur from the moment of use and might be expected to increase with the amount and/or particular alcoholic drink chosen. Since many of the changes that take place are incremental and are not noticed immediately , the continued use of alcohol may lead to a false sense of security in matters regarding health risks. THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL AS IT GOES THROUGH THE BODY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING.MOUTH • -Increasing thickening of the tissues lining the mouth. -Gradual loss of taste compensated by the increasing spices. -Recent research has shown that these changes are pre-malignant. • PANCREASES: • -The pancreatic cells become irritated swell and bleed. -Blocks the flow of digestion enzymes. -Predisposes to diabetes.
STOMACH & INTESTINES-Alcohol gastritis in 30% alcohol uses -Stomach/Duodena ulcer-heals with cessation of alcohol HEART-Alcohol inflames and damages heart muscles. -Leads to fatty degeneration. -Increased risk of hardening of arteries. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM-Blood vessels close to skin dilates. -Individual feels warm. -Individual loses heat. -The body becomes chilled (cold clammy skin). - Slows down the circulation of white blood cells. -Lowers body immunity. LIVER -Inflammation of liver cells (Hepatitis) -Jaundice (obstructive)-Fatty liver -Cirrhosis -Hepatoma -Nutritional deficiencies (alcohol in place of flood)
BRAIN -Depressant. • -Anesthetic. • -Analgesic . • -Gradual destruction of brain cortex. • -Nerves cells destroyed cannot be regenerated. • -Loss of control. • -Slows reflex action. • -High concentrations in nervous tissue. • SEX GLANDS AND WOMB • -Swelling of the prostrate gland. • -Increases libido. • -Decreases performance. • -1st trimester abortion. • -Physical injury to developing foetus in heavy drinkers during pregnancy. • KIDNEYS/BLADDER • -Increase fluid loss-dehydrations (hang-over) • -Inflammation of the bladder • -Increase urinary frequency
TOLERANCE • -People who appear to be in control even after consuming high levies of alcohol. • -Their drinking patterns has become established at various levels: • -They use more alcohol to become drunk. • -It is a dangerous practice because of the serious physical effects of alcohol • -Those who get drunk at low levels of alcohol are at advantage. • SENSIBLE DRINKING • In the light of damage sustained, is there really such thing as sensible drinking? • ACUTE AND CHRONIC EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL • -The negative statistic clearly shows the effect of alcohol on the society. • -These effect can be classified as : • Acute • Chronic • ACUTE : • -Drunkenness • -Crime • -Drinking and driving (increased risk of RTA) • -Hooliganism • -Family violence (women and children)
CHRONIC • -Alcohol dependence • -Physical and mental illness • -Social problems (family, friends, community) • -Unemployment • -Suicide • RE-COVERING FROM ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY • -Some peoples personal circumstances are so depressing as to be overwhelming and these • factors need careful attention for the individuals long term benefit. • -Alcohol dependence is worldwide and often includes other addictions. • Step 1 • -Acknowledge that the problem exists. • -Outlining steps to deal with it. • -Once the person with the dependence admits his or her problem, they can be encouraged to find the motivation to change their harmful behaviour and seek treatment and help (Attitudinal change) • -Support the individual’s motivation at every stage. • Depending on the severity of the problem, clinical help may be necessary and long term treatment outlined. • -Individuals should follow carefully, instructions for immediate treatment and any subsequent steps that need to be taken and be surrounded with the necessary emotional and spiritual support that will enable them to gain strength in their decision to maintain a changed lifestyle. • -Practical support may also be necessary for some individuals until they • are able to fully play their part at various levels of involvement in the home and workplace. • Sadly, some of the physical damage done may not be repaired, but a healthy lifestyle may offset any further deterioration in the person’s condition. • Sobriety can be maintained if the motivation and support is, and remain strong.
Keeping clear of drinking opportunities and cultivating the friendship of non-drinkers will help to provide the conditions for the individual to flourish. • Increased involvement in spirituality building programs and religious activities will no doubt add extra dimension to the support. • The WHO recognizes that spiritual motivation for health behavioural changes is potent and more long-lasting than many other motivations. • The advertisements for various brands of alcohol tell us nothing of the problems listed above. We should not be fooled by the superficial glamour portrayed. Many millions of people worldwide enjoy the things that the advertisements picture without the use of alcohol. Indeed without alcohol many enjoy these things even more by having real quality of life. • Thanks so much for your patience and attention. • Merry Christmas and Happy “Alcohol –Free” New year. • References • 1. Vibrant Health in the 21st Century by Clemence Mitchel etal. (p 78-85) • 2. Donaldson, David (1998)Alcohol Consumption World Wide and the relationship • with cancer, Journal of the Royal Society of Health, Vol 118 No 2 p 75 • 3. Editorial (1991) • Heart Disease and Drink- The health message remains clear, Alcohol Alerts, • Nov/Dec p 3. • Dr. Patrick Nwaobodo Ugwu .