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Search for doubly charged Higgs bosons in e- μ channel at √s=7TeV at CMS. Oct. 17, 2012 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University). Contents. Introduction Samples HLT and Skim Lepton and event selection Signal & background efficiency Limit Conclusion. Introduction.
Search for doubly charged Higgs bosons ine-μ channelat √s=7TeV at CMS Oct. 17, 2012 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
Contents • Introduction • Samples • HLT and Skim • Lepton and event selection • Signal & background efficiency • Limit • Conclusion
Introduction • In models with expanded Higgs sector, one can have Higgs triplets. Doubly charged Higgs • Pair production : through Drell-Yan process • Decays : • In this analysis, we only consider e-μ decays (Br(H++ l+l+)=1 is assumed, l+l+ = e+e+ or e+μ+ or μ+μ+) in CMS_NOTE2006_081 cross section (hep-ph/9610237)
Samples • Used CMSSW version : 4_4_2 • MC signal samples (√s=7TeV) : full simulation data → H++H-- to l+l+l-l- → M(H±±) = 150, 170, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500GeV • MC background samples : full simulation data → ZZJetsTo4L, WZJetsTo3LNu TTTo2L2Nu2B, DYJetsToLL • Data samples : 2011 data, Lint = 4.983 fb-1 calculated by Michael Spira
HLT efficiencies(Nhlt/Ngen) • Used paths : HLT_DoubleMu7 HLT_Ele17_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_Ele8_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL HLT_Mu8_Ele17_CaloIdL HLT_Mu17_Ele8_CaloIdL
Skim efficiencies(Nskim/Nhlt) • Skim conditions : firstpt>15 GeV && secondpt>10 GeV for leptons
Lepton & event selection • Electron selection pT>10 GeV, |η|<2.5, |d0|<0.02, eidLoose • Muon selection pT>10 GeV, |η|<2.4, global muon, good muon, hits_val>20, nstation>=1 • Preselection : nlep+>=2, nlep->=2, relIso<0.5, Mll>10 GeV - relative isolation : (IsoPttrack + IsoPtecal + IsoPthcal)/pt < 0.5 • Event selection - mass dependent cut - quad-lepton mass : M4l > cut value
Electron cut variables ne>=2, pt>10, |η|<2.5, |d0|<0.02, eidLoose, relIso<0.2
Muon cut variables nm>=2, pt>10, |η|<2.5, good muon, hits_val>20, nsation>=1, relIso<0.2
Mll ne>=2, pt>20, |η|<2.5, |d0|<0.02, eidLoose, relIso<0.2 nm>=2, pt>20, |η|<2.5, mu_good, mu_hits_val>20, mu_nstation>0, relIso<0.2 Mee Mμμ Mμμ Mee
M4l for event selection (150GeV) preselction - nlep+>=2, nlep->=2, relIso<0.5, Mll>10 expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H-- to eeeμ H++H--to eeμμ GeV GeV GeV expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H-- to eμeμ H++H--μμμμ H++H--to eμμμ GeV GeV GeV
M4l for event selection (250GeV) preselction - nlep+>=2, nlep->=2, relIso<0.5, Mll>10 expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H-- to eeeμ H++H--to eeμμ GeV GeV GeV expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H-- to eμeμ H++H--μμμμ H++H--to eμμμ GeV GeV GeV
M4l for event selection (400GeV) preselction - nlep+>=2, nlep->=2, relIso<0.5, Mll>10 expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H-- to eeeμ H++H--to eeμμ GeV GeV GeV expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H-- to eμeμ H++H--μμμμ H++H--to eμμμ GeV GeV GeV
ScL VS cut value of M4l preselction - nlep+>=2, nlep->=2, relIso<0.5, Mll>10 H++H–to eeee (150GeV) H++H-- to μμμμ (250GeV) GeV GeV H++H-- to eμeμ (400GeV) GeV
Mass of H++ (150GeV) preselction - nlep+>=2, nlep->=2, relIso<0.5, Mll>10 expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H--to eeμμ H++H-- to eeeμ GeV GeV GeV H++H-- to eμeμ H++H--μμμμ expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H--to eμμμ GeV GeV GeV
Mass of H++ (250GeV) preselction - nlep+>=2, nlep->=2, relIso<0.5, Mll>10 expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H-- to eeeμ H++H--to eeμμ GeV GeV GeV expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H-- to eμeμ H++H--to eμμμ H++H--μμμμ GeV GeV GeV
Mass of H++ (400GeV) preselction - nlep+>=2, nlep->=2, relIso<0.5, Mll>10 expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H-- to eeeμ H++H--to eeμμ GeV GeV GeV expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H-- to eμeμ H++H--μμμμ H++H--to eμμμ GeV GeV GeV
Mass of H++ (150GeV) preselection, M4l expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H--to eeμμ H++H-- to eeeμ GeV GeV GeV H++H-- to eμeμ expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H--to eμμμ H++H--μμμμ GeV GeV GeV
Mass of H++ (250GeV) preselection, M4l expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H-- to eeeμ H++H--to eeμμ GeV GeV GeV expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H-- to eμeμ H++H--to eμμμ H++H--μμμμ GeV GeV GeV
Mass of H++ (400GeV) preselection, M4l expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H–to eeee H++H-- to eeeμ H++H--to eeμμ GeV GeV GeV expected # of event expected # of event expected # of event H++H-- to eμeμ H++H--μμμμ H++H--to eμμμ GeV GeV GeV
Exclusion limit for 4l_pair(Lint = 4.983fb-1) preselection, M4l eeee Expected Limit : 355 GeV Observed Limit : 357 GeV eeem Expected Limit : 377 GeV Observed Limit : 377 GeV eemm Expected Limit : 394 GeV Observed Limit : 394 GeV emmm Expected Limit : 404 GeV Observed Limit : 404 GeV mmmm Expected Limit : 405 GeV Observed Limit : 408 GeV emem Expected Limit : 374 GeV Observed Limit : 380 GeV
Conclusion • No signal excess is observed. • 95% Confidence Level lower limits are set on the H++ mass of 357GeV in the eeee channel, of 380GeV in the eμeμ, of 408GeV in the μμμμ.
backup • Systematic uncertainties • Used samples • Isolation
Systematic uncertainties • Trigger and primary vertex finding : 1.5% • Signal cross section : 10~15% • Luminosity (for signal only) : 4.5%
Used samples (MC) /HPlusPlusHMinusMinusHTo4L_M-150_7TeV-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_m150-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusMinusHTo4L_M-170_7TeV-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_m170-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusMinusHTo4L_M-200_7TeV-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_m200-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusMinusHTo4L_M-250_7TeV-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_m250-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusMinusHTo4L_M-300_7TeV-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_m300-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusMinusHTo4L_M-350_7TeV-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_m350-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusMinusHTo4L_M-400_7TeV-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_m400-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusMinusHTo4L_M-500_7TeV-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_m500-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusHTo3L_M-150_7TeV-calchep-pythia6/seungen-v8-Fall11_m150_3L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusHTo3L_M-170_7TeV-calchep-pythia6/seungen-v8-Fall11_m170_3L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusHTo3L_M-200_7TeV-calchep-pythia6/seungen-v8-Fall11_m200_3L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusHTo3L_M-250_7TeV-calchep-pythia6/seungen-v8-Fall11_m250_3L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusHTo3L_M-300_7TeV-calchep-pythia6/seungen-v8-Fall11_m300_3L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusHTo3L_M-350_7TeV-calchep-pythia6/seungen-v8-Fall11_m350_3L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusHTo3L_M-400_7TeV-calchep-pythia6/seungen-v8-Fall11_m400_3L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /HPlusPlusHMinusHTo3L_M-500_7TeV-calchep-pythia6/seungen-v8-Fall11_m500_3L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /TTTo2L2Nu2B_7TeV-powheg-pythia6/jslee-v3-Fall11_TTTo2L2Nu2B-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /DYJetsToLL_M-10To50_TuneZ2_7TeV-madgraph/jslee-v3-Fall11_DYJetsToLL_M-10To50-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /DYJetsToLL_TuneZ2_M-50_7TeV-madgraph-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_DYJetsToLL_M-50-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /ZZJetsTo4L_TuneZ2_7TeV-madgraph-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_ZZJetsTo4L-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /WZJetsTo3LNu_TuneZ2_7TeV-madgraph-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_WZJetsTo3LNu-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /WWJetsTo2L2Nu_TuneZ2_7TeV-madgraph-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_WWJetsTo2L2Nu-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /T_TuneZ2_tW-channel-DR_7TeV-powheg-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_T_tW-channel-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /T_TuneZ2_t-channel_7TeV-powheg-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_T_t-channel-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /T_TuneZ2_s-channel_7TeV-powheg-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_T_s-channel-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /Tbar_TuneZ2_tW-channel-DR_7TeV-powheg-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_Tbar_tW-channel-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /Tbar_TuneZ2_t-channel_7TeV-powheg-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_Tbar_t-channel-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER /Tbar_TuneZ2_s-channel_7TeV-powheg-tauola/jslee-v3-Fall11_Tbar_s-channel-19f5b766f4bae6d22a03859f25fbe4f1/USER
Used samples (data) /DoubleElectron/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleElectron_Run2011A_05Aug2011_v1-18b4aef7eb2b9c0c6ad92f935cdcdb4a/USER /DoubleElectron/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleElectron_Run2011A_May10ReReco_v1-6125610a3264e06b3ee5c66bc7719b98/USER /DoubleElectron/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleElectron_Run2011A_PromptReco_v4-8592c87ddd778f66ecf538ebdd20a0e4/USER /DoubleElectron/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleElectron_Run2011A_PromptReco_v6-0a1f711a355d99b1e908d4970bed9797/USER /DoubleElectron/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleElectron_Run2011B_PromptReco_v1-0a1f711a355d99b1e908d4970bed9797/USER /DoubleMu/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleMu_Run2011A_05Aug2011_v1-fe1e7fc291a9c826b8925e83aa7c775e/USER /DoubleMu/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleMu_Run2011A_May10ReReco_v1-86117ca6e7c92434b30c5816c0580eab/USER /DoubleMu/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleMu_Run2011A_PromptReco_v4-fe1e7fc291a9c826b8925e83aa7c775e/USER /DoubleMu/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleMu_Run2011A_PromptReco_v6-1d73d4a3c31e88365d81b0724325807d/USER /DoubleMu/jslee-v3-Fall11_DoubleMu_Run2011B_PromptReco_v1-1d73d4a3c31e88365d81b0724325807d/USER /MuEG/seungen-v5-Fall11_MuEG_Run2011A_PromptReco_v4-ab165cb697ee9e376f353fb258fbebb5/USER /MuEG/seungen-v5-Fall11_MuEG_Run2011A_May10ReReco_v1-29ee753e551b7bc2d4baf08f70643993/USER /MuEG/seungen-v5-Fall11_MuEG_Run2011A_05Aug2011_v1-26be1f713248cc03292ca074478201ea/USER /MuEG/seungen-v5-Fall11_MuEG_Run2011A_PromptReco_v6-21329aa84db5fdb5806615c5d8918b06/USER /MuEG/seungen-v5-Fall11_MuEG_Run2011B_PromptReco_v1-21329aa84db5fdb5806615c5d8918b06/USER
Isolation • isolation in tracker only : • isolation in tracker+calorimeter : • relative isolation in tracker only : • relative isolation in tracker+calorimeter :
Delta-beta correction for lepton isolation Corrected lepton isolation : ne>=2, pt>10, |η|<2.5, |d0|<0.02, el_eidLoose nm>=2, pt>10, |η|<2.5, good muon, hits_val>20, nsation>=1