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Comparable Corpora for Terminology. Stella E. O. Tagnin - USP Corpus Linguistics, Translation and Terminology New Technologies in Translation - CAPES Universitat Rovira i Virgili-Universidade de São Paulo Tarragona June 9-10, 2009. Comparable Corpora. Natural language in both corpora
Comparable Corpora for Terminology Stella E. O. Tagnin - USP Corpus Linguistics, Translation and Terminology New Technologies in Translation - CAPES Universitat Rovira i Virgili-Universidade de São Paulo Tarragona June 9-10, 2009
Comparable Corpora • Natural language in both corpora • Phraseologies (Conventionality) • Terminology • Discourse • Make for acquaintance with research area • Basic notions • “Clues” for further research
Online corpora with built-in tools
Results of your search - BNC Your query was salt Here is a random selection of 50 solutions from the 2943 found... ABB 131 Add the pimentos, salame and boiling water or stock to the pan with most, but not all of, the parsley and a little salt and pepper. ABB 105A pinch of salt is taken for granted in many cake recipes and is added simply to bring out the flavour of the other ingredients. ABB 1332 Return the veal to the pan, add the fresh and dried tomatoes, rosemary, wine, stock, salt and pepper. AMU 1667 The sea churned the banalities of his life into flotsam: sheets, shirts, sandals, books, charts, salt cellar… B77 931 But it is possible to reduce salt consumption further by `;placing the salt shaker at some distance from the table';. BPG 1548freshly ground black pepper and salt C97 618SALT is the spice of life . CFS 1681 Substitute LoSalt for common salt, at the table and in cooking to reduce your family's salt intake. G36 1259 Sieve flour into a bowl with pinch salt.
Query Results - Cobuild NOTE: no more than 40 lines will be displayed here, since a threshold has been implemented. If there were more than 40 instances found, a random selection will have been applied. are more effective than a pinch of salt. [p] Fold in with a metal spoon, chutney [/h] 2 oz walnuts [p] 1/4 tsp salt [p] 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper [p] 2 sea `vegetables" of all types. Sea salt also provides some as does sw3 (tel: 071-276 5599). 4 Topiary salt and pepper pots by Swid add the saffron and stir. Season with salt and pepper. markets and collected cartoon animal salt and pepper shakers, plastic cuckoo entertaining even Hollywood moguls to salt-beefsandwiches in mainly with boiled water, sugar and salt, can save most diarrhea victims' salt. [p] Herb, vegetable and spice salt: compounds of salt with other few leaves crisp iceberg lettuce [p] salt,freshly ground black pepper [p] a great lover of liberally sprinkling salt on her food at the table, thereby served fried egg and crisp slices of salt pancetta. [p] Caesar salad was tray at my head.l A large pinch of salt should be applied to this story. mousse-like. Sift over the flour and salt, then fold in to the eggs and Lanzarote round potatoes and rock salt. Tomatoes, sweet potatoes, I took her words witha grain of salt, went home, put the sample on a
T-Score - salt CollocateCorpus FreqJoint FreqSignificance And1369241 813 17.533492 Pepper90328516.869713 With364279237 9.984592 Lake2689939.579897 Sugar2472909.427256 Water15678868.887077 Black16881848.744025 City20496858.711252 Pinch405738.533166 Ground8804647.748380 Sea5756597.509810 Tsp290537.271002 Flour676517.119786 Add5006527.052378 Freshly404456.694434 Season16627516.609096
Mutual Information - salt CollocateCorpus FreqJoint FreqSignificance Pepper 903 285 10.431903 Monosodium 12 3 10.095633 Glutamate 13 3 9.980145 Dampier 18 4 9.925691 Tsp 290 53 9.643600 Pinch 405 73 9.623633 Teaspoon 151 27 9.612068 Paprika 51 9 9.593083 Crinkle 17 3 9.593083 Vinegar 272 40 9.330022 Nutmeg 82 12 9.322967 Sodium 150 18 9.036634 Oregano 43 5 8.991187 Freshly 404 45 8.929159
Equivalence in Translation Pragmatic definition: • a term that “works” in target text as it “works” in source text Translator aims at • fluent translation to ensure better understanding on the reader’s part Therefore he should not • use an unusual term which might sound strange to reader or cause ambiguity
Dictionaries • lack of criteria in compiling terms • lack of usage examples • no updating due to rapid development of scientific and technological research • no coverage of various technical areas
Advantages of a corpus • built according to translator’s needs • can be constantly updated • offers authentic examples of usage • therefore, translator feels secure in his choice of term to use
CorTechttp://www.fflch.usp.br/dlm/comet/consulta_cortec.html • CorTec (Technical Corpus), part of • COMET – Corpus Multilíngüe para Ensino e Tradução • Fifteen comparable corpora English-Portuguese • Each corpus approx. 200,000 words in each language • Description of content
CorTechttp://www.fflch.usp.br/dlm/comet/consulta_cortec.html CorTec (Technical Corpus), part of COMET – Corpus Multilíngüe para Ensino e Tradução • Kidney failure • Computing I & II • Ecotourism • Contracts • Cooking Recipes I & II • Hipertension • Linguistics • Nutritional Supplements • Football (soccer) • Coffee • Cultural Tourism • Astronomy • Electromagnetic flowmeters
CorTec built-in toolshttp://www.fflch.usp.br/dlm/comet/consulta_cortec.html Wordlist • by frequency and alphabetical Concordancer • by word or expression (Expression or word equal to) • by prefixes or beginning of word (Beginning with) • by suffix or endings (Ending in) • by parts of words (Containing) N-gram generator • combinations of com 2, 3 or 4 words
Identifying equivalents • by Wordlist • by Collocates • by Translation of collocates • by Concordances • by Context
Identifying equivalents by Wordlist http://www.fflch.usp.br/dlm/comet/consulta_cortec.html
Contracts Wordlist in both languages • Portuguese:most frequent content word • contrato - 1832 occurrences • contract: just 186 times contrato ≠ contract • English: most frequent content word • agreement - 1724 occurrences
agreement vs. contrato 1a For the purposes of this Agreement, all merchantable Logs 6" in diameter 1b Constitui objeto do presente contrato o intercâmbio eletrônico de documentos 2a 12.2 This Agreement may be cancelled by either party, at it 2b 13.2 A rescisão deste contrato implicará retenção de créditos decorren 3a The term of this Agreement shall expire June 30, 2001, (the "Term“ 3b O presente contrato terá prazo de (xxx), iniciando-se no di Relinquished Property Contract Replacement Property Contract Adhesion contract 42.000 “adhesion contract” 890 “adhesion agreement” (mostly translated sites)
Cooking Recipes chopped sliced finely shredded grated diced
86 Soy sauce - 1 tbsp Onion - 1 medium, finely chopped Celery - 3 sticks, finely chopp • 87 apples - 450g (1 lb), peeled, cored and finely chopped Onions - 225g (8 oz), finely ch • 88 Milk - 600 ml (1 pint) Onion - 2 tbsp, finely chopped Celery - 2 tbsp, finely chopped chop = picar • 29 occurrences with “fino” or derived form: “picad* fin*” (18 occurrences), “finamente picad*” (11 occurrences).
Results for picad* • most frequent adverb with “picad*” is “bem” (79 occurrences): “bem picada, bem picado” etc. • “picadinh*” (96 occurrences, out of which 10 are “bem picadinha”). • best equivalences for finely chopped “bem picad*” or “picadinh*”
Results for picad* • 2 cebolas médias bem picadas • ½ dente de alho bem picado • junte os tomates pelados bem picados. • Calabresa picadinha • 100 g de bacon picadinho • 2 dentes de alho picadinhos • Polvilhar salsa bem picadinha • ½ cebola bem picadinha
finely sliced Slice = cortar em fatias(?* fatiar) • Calda 4 laranjas descascadas cortadas em fatias finas • 200 g de cebola cortada em fatias finas • 1 pepino sem sementes cortado em fatias finas • 6 rabanetes, cortados em fatias finas • Juntar as batatas cortadas em fatias finas. • Decore a quiche com um alho-poró cru cortado em rodelas finas. • 1 cebola média cortada em rodelas finas • 400 g de lingüiça portuguesa cortada em rodelas finas
finely diced • 50 g de bacon em cubinhos • 500 g de peito de frango cozido e cortado em cubinhos • 1 tomate sem pele e sementes cortado em cubinhos • 1 abacaxi médio cortado em cubinhos • 150 g de presunto cozido cortado em cubinhos • 1/2 xícara (chá) de queijo prato cortado em cubinhos • 1 cebola grande, cortada em cubinhos • 100 g de bacon em cubos pequenos • 300g de abóbora moranga cortada em cubos pequenos • 200 g de bacon cortado em cubos pequenos
finely grated 2 occurrences for cheese • 2 col. (sopa) de queijo parmesão ralado fino • 80g de queijo gruyère ralado fino • 2 colheres (sopa) de parmesão ralado • 50 g de queijo parmesão, ralado 32 occurrences for cheese • 1 xícara de queijo prato ralado grosso • 2 xícaras de queijo mussarela ralado grosso (200 g) • Para polvilhar 50 g de queijo parmesão ralado grosso Vegetables and chocolate • 1 cebola ralada fino • 4 xícaras de repolho ralado fino • Cobertura de chocolate ralado bem fino
Hipertension heart coração & cardi- • Heart : 768 occurrences • heart failure & heart disease 7 dy fou 154 th ISH reduced the incidence of stroke, heart failure, and 8 si 255 AG increases with advanced age, stroke, heart failure, 9 as had 706 ol subjects,12 and patients with severe heart failure.18 10 ysfunctio 281 l infarction or in patients with severe heart failure. These inuria 365 ); acute pulmonary edema, congestiveheart failure, left 12 • e was si 312 ocardial infarction, stroke, congestiveheart failure, hows 495 h hypertension, obesity, and congestiveheart failure, the • mHpresença de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, hemorragia cere-2 is quando existe insuficiência cardíaca congestiva associada. Podem causar 3tensão severa ou insuficiência cardíaca congestiva associada. Limitações do
Identifying functional equivalents by Concordances • marcar um gol
kidney vs. renal • rim vs. renal
Identifying functional equivalents by Context • gol contra
Discovering new terms overtime injury time
overtime??? 49 eam that lost the penalty kicks scores a goal in the overtime period, 1 as the game extended from regulation toa pair of 15-minute overtime periods. 2 Too many games decided on the free kicks that follow the overtime period. 3 In the 110th minute, early in the second overtime session of a 1-1 tie at a sold-out Olympic Stadium, 4 score, 1-1, in the 19th minute with a header off a corner kick. In overtime, the two became involved again, this time with Zidane 5 One minute into the injury time added on to the 30-minute overtime, 6 Their patience almost paid off at the start of the 30-minute overtime as reserve
acréscimos - prorrogação • 5 Quando todos esperavam a prorrogação, os italianos definiram a vitória nos acréscimos. • 6 nos últimos minutos, mas acabou levando mais um gol nos acréscimos • 7 mas conseguiu um gol de pênalti marcado por Totti, nos acréscimos da partida. • 8 Van Bronckhorst acabou expulso nos acréscimos por entrada dura em Tiago. • 1 Ahn marcou o gol que eliminou, aos 12min do 2º tempo da prorrogação, os italianos nas • 2 e sacramentou a vitória argentina sobre o México por 2 a 1, já na prorrogação, • 3 mas nada disso foi suficiente para evitar que a partida fosse para a prorrogação