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Hieroglyphic Corpora

Hieroglyphic Corpora. Toward Standardization Object – Context – Content. Philology. Epigraphy. Object. Multilingual Egyptian Thesaurus. Where? When? How? Who? What? Why? …. Context. Bibliography. Pictures. Content. Manuel Du Codage. Characters. Glyphs. Layout. Torronto. Cairo.

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Hieroglyphic Corpora

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hieroglyphic Corpora Toward Standardization Object – Context – Content

  2. Philology Epigraphy Object Multilingual Egyptian Thesaurus Where? When? How? Who? What? Why? … Context Bibliography Pictures Content Manuel Du Codage Characters Glyphs Layout

  3. Torronto Cairo Turin * Cairo Grenoble Rhodos Munich Paris Horssen Leyde Uppsala Cairo Paris Turin Cambridge Genève Bordeaux * * * Pisa * Oxford Vienna Liège Manuel du Codage Renewal? Hieroglyphs in ISO 10646 / Unicode MultilingualEgyptian Thesaurus 1984-2010 Endorsed « Passport » Wörterbuch Beinlich LookUp GlyphKey Rosette Aaou TLA Inscribe @Ramsès WinGlyph Wikihiero AELalign Glyph in Algol MacScribe Rosette Glyph 1969 HieroText TKsesh JSesh IBM PC CD-Rom MacIntosh PC 386 Windows Pentium DVD iMac Pentium 4 Dual Core iPhone Internet WWW Mosaic 10 mllion NYSE crash 1 billion 1969 Arpanet PostScript C ++ HTML Linux Java XML C # XHTML/CSS

  4. Whatis an «Object»? Museum artefacts

  5. Papyri

  6. On site Objects

  7. Tomb and Temple reliefs

  8. Petroglyphs

  9. Context: MET usage • Who is using it? • Who could use it? • Who may propose improvements? • Who is legitimate to validate? • Who and how to distribute? • Collection • Validation • Distribution

  10. Context: MET completion • Provenance: add recent discoveries and missing sites • Current location: new museums + some missesadd « on site » to enlarge the usage • Support material: include photography, digital image, facsimile, painting, … • Language/Writing: to refine (e.g. state of language) • Translations: some languages are not consistent

  11. Context: MET expansion • Enrich existing Characteristics (datation criteria, provenance names in ancient Egyptian and Greek) • New Characteristics: Color, Culture, Titles, Dimensions, … (using experience from GEM minimum requirement “Passport”) • New languages: Arabic already started in GEM • Bibliography? AEB/OEB as a standard?

  12. Context: MET Revival Project • Ownership : CULTNAT • Executive : GEM website? • Support: I&E Computer Group ? • Contributors: • Museums • Excavators and Curators • Researchers • … and even amateurs • Validation Team: multi-country professionnals

  13. Manuel du CodageCan we shoot several birds with one stone ? • Phonetic values Is it part of the MdC or a user-interface issue? • Sign listAn endless debate … requiring an international and professional Committee • Coding = sign + position … I hand-over to Christian !

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