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I have a IEP now what?

By Matthew Bounds. I have a IEP now what?. The law. There are many laws that give guidance for special education. IDEA or the Individuals with Disabilities Act We must provide a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in a Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

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I have a IEP now what?

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  1. By Matthew Bounds I have a IEP now what?

  2. The law • There are many laws that give guidance for special education. • IDEA or the Individuals with Disabilities Act • We must provide a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in a Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). • That means what we must be attentive to our Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) and follow both the Modifications and Accommodations. • Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act • This gives guidelines and prohibits the discrimination of people with disabilities

  3. The law • Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act • This gives guidelines and prohibits the discrimination of people with disabilities • This means if you do not provide services that are in the IEP then YOU are breaking the LAW and can be held accountable.

  4. The law • Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act • This gives guidelines and prohibits the discrimination of people with disabilities • This means if you do not provide services that are in the IEP then YOU are breaking the LAW and can be held accountable.

  5. The law • Texas Administrative Code Chapter 89 • This provides guidelines from the state for what procedures to follow with special education students. • Texas Education Code Chapter 29 • This also gives guidelines for how to proceed with special education students. • TEA information on Special Education • LCISD Special Education Board Policy EHBAB

  6. Bottom Line • YOU are responsible for the education of the student that has the IEP and when you do not follow the IEP accordingly you are denying that student the Free and Appropriate Public Education required by IDEA. YOU are also discriminating against the student and violating section 504 of the ADA. In addition you are violating the Texas Administrative and Educational Codes and LCISD Board Policy. • In short when you do not accommodate or modify for a student that has an IEP you are putting yourself and the district at risk of being sued and risk YOUR teaching certification in the state of Texas.

  7. So what is this IEP you speak of?

  8. IEP • Instructional Area • If a specific subject the student is only responsible for the objectives. • If it says Independent Studies the student is responsible for all content. • Implementer • If you are working with a special education teacher it will have both Special and General Education checked if not then it will just say Regular Education. • Location • Since we are at LCHS it is General Education. • Goals • If this is subject specific this it the ONLY material the student is responsible for and grades should reflect this. • YOU CAN NOT FAIL A STUDENT FOR THINGS NOT INCLUDED HERE. • Method of Evaluation • See codes for guidance on how to grade this student.

  9. IEP • Subject • Find your area and look to the right for modifications that MUST be used in your class for this student. Location • See codes for guidance.

  10. What is a modification and accommodation? • Texas Project First

  11. Confidentiality Log • This is used when people besides yourself or the MLT needs the folder.

  12. Contact Log • This is in each yellow folder and should be used to track parent contact.

  13. Receipt Form • This is a form that you must sign upon receipt of a yellow folder. This MUST be returned to the students Master List Teacher (MLT). • The MLT is the special education teacher assigned to the student. If you are unsure who this is see the Special Education Department chair.

  14. What goes in the Yellow Folder? • Student work samples should be kept in this folder. If you have any notes that you wish to include on the student then that can go in as well. • When contacted aot the ARD this is the kind of information that can be passed along to the MLT.

  15. What is an ARD? • Admission, Review, and Dismissal • This is the meeting that determines the IEP for the coming year for a student. • As a teacher if you do not participate you will be asked to provide input based on documentation such as tests the student has taken that you kept in the yellow folder.

  16. Questions??? • NOT ASKING COULD LEAD TO THE LOSS OF YOUR TEACHING CERTIFICATE! • Contact an administrator, one of the Special Education Teachers, The Diagnostician if you need guidance or the Department Head for Special Education.

  17. Additional Sources • Texas Project First • TEA Special Education Page • Department of Ed. IDEA

  18. Contact Information • Matthew Bounds • mbounds@lcisd.org • (832) 223-6882

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