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Training Programs for Future Teachers of Language for Special Purposes. Orlando R. Kelm University of Texas Toni Cowles University of Pennsylvania Lyris Wiedemann Stanford University
Training Programs for Future Teachers of Language for Special Purposes Orlando R. Kelm University of Texas Toni Cowles University of Pennsylvania Lyris Wiedemann Stanford University Note: All presentation materials are available in electronic format at: http://www.laits.utexas.edu/~orkelm/kelm.htm
Initial Steps: What is our foundation in teaching LSPs? • Take a moment to review why we teach what we teach? • Do not approach, exclusively, LSP as a way to combat decreasing enrollments. • Do not approach LSP as a way to attract students to the “real” language courses.
Why worry about LSP now? • Enrollment Issues (Rising in Spanish, Dropping in LCTLs) • Increased Demand for FL for Instrumental Purposes • Increased Demand for FL in our own Communities • New Questions about our Balance between Intellectual Integrity and Educational Needs • New Approaches to Language Instruction
Traditional Justification for Foreign Language Education* • Administration: General Education • Educated People study foreign languages • Faculty: Language Expertise • Literature, Linguistics, Pedagogy • Students: Instrumental Purposes • Work, business, girlfriend, music, history *Dr. David Maxwell, Drake University
Challenge: Each university needs to establish its mission. • Not all foreign language programs can be given the same emphasis. Priorities need to be made. • Geographic Reasons • Historical Reasons • Community Reasons • University Focus Reasons
Initial Suggestions in building LSP. • Clarify university mission statements on pedagogy. • Bring challenges to the attention of university and community. • Redefine general education objectives. • Recognize the value of the product. • Build interdisciplinary programs. • Identify tasks and reward system. • Create graduate courses that train today’s students to be able to teach LSP.
Initial Steps in Creating LSP Curriculum • Identify the tasks of the specific purpose (examples to follow). • Identify the “language” used in the tasks of the specific purpose (examples to follow). • Observe content courses related to specific purpose (examples to follow). • Convey realistic expectations of the language level necessary to do the specific tasks (examples to follow).
Identify the specific tasks: Example • Austin Police department • Information Gatherers • Where did he go? • What did he steal? • Command Givers • Stay in your car. • Sign here. • Don’t move.
Identify Language Tasks: Example • Austin Police Department: Traffic Stops • Question Words • Command forms • Numbers • Dialog memorization • Yes/No vs. open-ended questions • APD Family Disturbances • Calming Skills • Paragraph-level description • Negotiation and Mediation
Course Observation: Example • Business School Techniques • Case study method • Cohort group dynamics • Resources used • Marketing examples • Financial statements • Nursing School Techniques • Memorization • Question and answer • Getting at true purpose for visit
Realistic Expectations: Example • Traffic Stops vs. Family Disturbances • 20 hr. vs. 40 hr. course • 500 hours in Category II language • Task-base limits • Checklist to verify progress
What we are going to demonstrate • Orlando Kelm • Checklist and Task Approach • Executive Comments on Priorities • “Falando de Negócios” • Cultural Interviews with Latin American and Brazilian Executives
What we are going to demonstrate • Toni Cowles • Language Teacher Development for Business Applications
What we are going to demonstrate • Lyris Wiedemann • Educating Instructors for Bilingual Programs
Define “Gross National Product,” “Gross Domestic Product” and “GNP per capita,” Discuss what this information indicates about a country. (Ch. 1, pg. 16) Discuss the different business entities: e.g., corporations, sole proprietorships, limited partnerships, limited liability corporations, etc. How are each structured and what are the advantages and disadvantages. (Ch. 2 pg. 34) Describe the characteristics, abilities, and qualities of an effective manager or executive. (Ch. 3 pg. 60-61) Describe how to fill out and cash a check. (Ch. 4 pg. 87-88) Describe what is found on a balance sheet and an income statement. What are the components of each and what are they used for? (Ch. 4 pg. 90-93) Describe the various factors that one considers to determine an employee’s salary. (Ch. 7 pg. 183) Describe goods and services and their various classifications (Ch. 8 pg. 210-217). Describe the difference between marketing and advertising. Discuss the elements of price, product, place, and promotion as related to advertising. (Ch. 9 pg. 246-250) Describe and compare the differences between wholesale and retail. (Ch. 10 pg. 276-280) Define stocks and bonds. What are the different types and the differences between them? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each. (Ch. 11 pg. 310-314) Describe a potential plan of strategy for those entering international trade. (Ch. 12 pg. 338-343) Describe and define the following: CFR, CIF, FOB. (Ch. 13 pg. 377-378) Describe the use, function, and benefit of a letter of credit. (Ch. 13 pg. 379-380) Checklist & Task Approach: “Exito Comercial”
Dialog Tasks Eligibility Assessment Interview Dialog 1: Address, DOB Dialog 2: Ethnicity, Marital Status, Schooling Dialog 3: Work, Insurance Health Risk Assessment Interview Dialog 1: GPA Information Dialog 2: Current Symptoms Dialog 3: Breast Self Exam, Sexual Activity Dialog 4: Birth Control, Smoking, Alcohol Dialog 5: Family Medical History Needs Assessment Interview Dialog 1: Social & Emotional Support Dialog 2: Education & Counseling Issues Breast Self Exam Dialog 1: General Procedures Dialog 2: Lying Down Dialog 3: Standing Up Help in Making An Appointment Dialog 1: Making An Appointment Grammar Tasks The verb “ser” 1.2, 1.7 What is your name? 1.14 The verb “estar” 2.1 The verb “tener” 3.2 The verb “doler” 3.6 Verbs in the Present Tense 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 The verb “tomar” 6.1 The verbs “gustar” and “querer” 7.2 Vocabulary Tasks Presentations 1.3 Professions and Specialties 1.4, 1.9 Description Adjectives with Ser 1.10 Feeling Adjectives with Estar 2.2 Days of the week 2.5 Cold and Flu Symptoms 3.3 Parts of the body 3.5 Injuries 3.8 Family Members 5.2, 5.4 Pharmacy 6.3 Side Effects 6.8 Nutrition 7.1 Six Food Groups 7.4 Checklist & Task Approach: “An Introduction to Spanish for Healthcare Workers”
Understand oral Spanish when it is spoken to you (even if you have to answer back in English). Develop the ability to participate in general conversations. Manage personal interactions such as getting around airports, going to restaurants, getting taxis, and handling first meetings designed to get to know people. Be able to describe your own background and experience. Be able to describe your product or business model. Know vocabulary and style related to presentation skills, e.g., PowerPoint vocabulary such as slide, LCD projector. Read and understand annual reports in Spanish Have the ability to argue and defend points of a presentation. Have the ability to argue and defend points of a negotiation. Use Spanish for social events. Develop the ability to debate real business issues in real time. Talk about the key financial indicators for each specific country and company. Know how to talk about business math, economics, and finances because it provides common language and a clear business focus. Develop the ability to be involved in business dialogs. Executive Suggestions: Language
Have an appreciation of soccer. Know about the local political situation. Know about the local current events. Read the local newspaper. Know about US policies toward that country. Even if you do not have an answer to their question, understand the issues. Understand the importance of developing a relationship ahead of time. Understand the necessity of having connections, people on retainer such as lawyers, politicians, and business professionals who can assist in introducing you. Recognize that business is personal. Know the difference between the culture of a Latin American company and Latin subsidiaries of global companies. Develop investigative, sensitivity, and adaptability skills. Learn to think, interpret, and adapt to each situation because they will all be different. Be aware of the importance of first impressions when being introduced and when introducing others. Know the difference between "yes" and "no", even when wrapped around a verbal "yes". Understand timing, deliverables, and commitment. Develop the ability to get alignment on the agreed upon points, with clarity and precision on what the expectation can be. Understand and do not underestimate the role of food, sex, and alcohol in doing business in Latin America. Understand the comparison between Latin American and the US from a personal level (not just a business level). Executive Suggestions: Culture
Doyle, Michael Scott, T. Bruce Fryer, Ronald Cere. 2001. Exito Comercial: Prácticas Administrativas y Contextos Culturales. 3rd Edition. Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers. Chase, Robert O. and Clarisa B. Medina de Chase. 2003. An Introduction to Spanish for Health Care Workers: Communication and Culture. 2nd Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press. Kelm, Orlando R. “Curriculum Issues in Business Language and Culture: Recommendations from Business Professionals” The Journal of Language for International Business 14.1 (2003): 58-70. Kelm, Orlando R. “Report on The National Forum on The Future of Spanish Departments on College and University Campuses.” Hispania 83 (2000): 521-530. References