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. ((( dmr ))). A Presentation for the DATA OVER PMR GROUP -. WHAT IS DMR. What is (( dmr )). A LOW COST LOW COMPLEXITY DIGITAL RADIO PROTOCOL Using a polite protocol?. PMR BUSINESS MODEL. PMR Business Model. WHAT IS DMR(2). What is (( dmr )) (2). Repeater. Peer to peer. Trunked. SWISS.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. . (((dmr))) A Presentation for the DATA OVER PMR GROUP - WHAT IS DMR


  3. PMR Business Model WHAT IS DMR(2)

  4. What is((dmr)) (2) Repeater Peer to peer Trunked SWISS

  5. Telemetry Protection from Eavesdropping AVL Email Short Messages Licenced Short Messages Licence Exempt Data brick Simultaneous speech+data ETSI & TEAM

  6. ((dmr))– THE TEAM WHAT IS DMR

  7. What is((dmr)) • A Digital PMR Standard serving Existing PMR markets. Licenced and licence exempt • Fits in existing PMR Spectrum • MB, VHF & UHF • Conventional ETS 12.5Khz channel (1 carrier/Ch) • plus 2 channels/carrier and channel sharing • Range as good as F.M • Simple LOW COST or fully featured radio’s (including data-bricks) • Peer to peer OR infrastructure modes SO – • Fully Scalable from two radio’s to large trunked networks FEATURES CIRCLE

  8. Range – Equal to FM Low cost Terminal Manufacture Security Scalable from two radio’s to wide area fleets Works out of the box Plug and Play Data Good quality Speech Repeaters2ch/carrier TRANSMITTER HAS A 12.5kHz ANALOGUE MASK Battery Life (((dmr))) DIFFERENTIATOR FROM FM

  9. Differentiator (from FM) • “Free” protection from eavesdropping • “Free” Voice Storage • “Free” Pager • “Free” Simultaneous speech and SMS • “Built-in” Data. • Spectrum Sharing • Two channels/carrier STARTING WITH 2 UNITS BACK 2 BACK

  10. Starting with two DMR units working back-to-back in licence exempt spectrum The Marketing is in the Box It Works Out of the Box BRICKS

  11. These may be Databricks WORKING THROUGH A REPEATER

  12. Working through a Repeater SUPPORTS TWO SIMULTANEOUS CALLS

  13. One Channel supports two independent simultaneous calls SHARING A CHANNEL

  14. Independent Repeaters sharing a single channel (in licence exempt spectrum?) TRUNKED

  15. Repeaters may be linked or sites may have multiple channels DATA

  16. I am a Modem • Access Interface • MAP27 • Custom • ……………… Data Application TEKKI STUFF(1)

  17. Tekki Stuff • Modulation – 4 level FM. Transmitter Mask EN300-113 • Symbol Rate 6kb/s. Bit Rate 12kb/s • 20mS slots each of 240 bits unprotected • 18 slots/frame. 4 frames/superframe TEKKI STUFF(2)

  18. Tekki Stuff(2) DIVINITY

  19. DATA and divinity http://www.mod.uk/issues/pcomms/physics.htm Capacity = Bandwidth x Log2 {1 + Signal to Noise Ratio} TEXT BOOK


  21. 7.2 Kbit/s 4.8 Kbit/s MER=10 % MER=1% MER=10 % MER=1% 450 MHz - 150 Km/h 15.8 18.4 12 14.2 450 MHz - 50 Km/h 16.8 20.5 12.8 16 150 MHz - 50 Km/h 18.0 23.8 14.2 19.3 66 MHz - 5 Km/h 17.8 28.3 16.1 26.2 Static Conditions 7.8 8.4 6.6 7 Simulations for DMR THROUGHPUT

  22. Throughput RA

  23. (((dmr))) Licensed Exempt PMR446 - equivalent CEPT dedicated harmonised simplex channels in UHF1 (currently considering the PMR446 channels and if market demands further channels in the range 440-450MHz) Licensed PMR & PAMR 3W erp Handheld (max) 10W erp Mobile (max) 25W erp Base/Repeater (max) . More Informations

  24. More Information LPRA+URL’s

  25. LPRA URL’s There is an opportunity for the DATA OVER PMR GROUP to influence what DMR becomes. WHAT DO YOU WANT? MOD web site http://www.mod.uk/issues/pcomms/physics.htm Shannon Article http://www.fyldemicro.com/dmr/shannon.doc DMR Article http://www.fyldemicro.com/dmr/what_is_dmr.doc This Powerpoint Presentation http://www.fyldemicro.com/dmr/pmr-dmr.ppt

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