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peer councelling

Peer counseling is a helping process that involves one-on-one interaction or interaction between members of a group, who have several things in common. In an academic setting, it usually refers to students helping their fellow students. It is a way of relating, responding, and helping people, aimed at exploring thoughts, feelings, issues, and concerns, with the hope of reaching a clear understanding and make informed decisions.

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peer councelling

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  1. WhatisPeer Counselling? Peer counseling is a helping process that involves one-on-one interaction or interaction between members of a group, who have several things in common. In an academicsetting, it usually refers to students helping their fellow students. It is a way of relating, responding, and helping people, aimed at exploring thoughts, feelings, issues, and concerns, with the hope of reaching a clear understanding and make informed decisions.It’ssimplertotalkaboutyourproblemsasateenor youngadultwithsomeone yourageor whosharesyour attitude than with an adult. Peer counseling is particularly beneficial because it makes the teen feel comfortable taking theinitialstep toward solving theirproblem.

  2. Howithelpsstudents? • As a student, you may have several stressors in your lives. These may include, but not be limited to, academic stress, pressure tochooseyourcareers,peerpressure, relationshipproblems,bodyimageissues,substanceabuse andaddiction.Itmaynotbepossibleforeveryoneto approachaprofessionalcounselorwithease, dueto variousreasonsincludingunavailability,andthestigma associatedwithaskingforhelp.In such cases,apeer counselor can help you or your friends with several issues such as: • Conflictresolution • Buildingconfidenceand self-esteem, • Academic difficulties, examstress • Adjustmentissueswithteachers,otherstudents • Issuesadjusting tohostellife • Ragging,bullyingandmanymore. • In many circumstances, approaching a peer counselor is beneficialsincetheotherperson canunderstandand connect to your problems. Peer counselors are trained to give students with listening, support, and options rather than givingadvice.

  3. BenefitsofPeerCounselling There arenumerous advantages topeer-to-peer therapy. Itisasystemthat isnotwidelyused.This system is not commonly found in Indian schools and institutions.In truth,fewpeople areawareof the situation. Peer to peer therapy can benefit kids in a varietyof ways,including: CONFLICT RESOLUTION : As students, we have a lot of challenges to deal with. At the same time, we may be hesitant to seek assistance from our elders. Academic stress, relationships,andevenjobguidance areall examples of tensions, and a peer counsellor can help in getting ridofthese issues. EXPERIENCE Peer counselors have typically dealt with similar issues in the past. With their experience, they can efficiently tackleallchallenges.Thefinestteacherisexperience.As aresult,studentscan benefitfrom theirpeers’ experiences and receive assistance in solving their own problems.

  4. INCREASEDSUPPORT Students frequently require assistance as they progress throughvariousstagesoftheirschoolandcollege careers. Sharing it with someone who has been there can help the kids by providing a good support system. Given the current level of school pressure, pupils do requirea strongsupport structure. UPDATEDSOLUTIONS Peer counselors can provide updated solutions because theyareex-students whohavebeen inthesame situation.These arethesolutionsthatwillwork in today’sworld. SAFESPACE Theskilledpeercounselorsensurethatchildrencan shareeverythingtheywant inasafeenvironment. There is no condemnation. The environment is quite safe, allowing pupils to address any conflicts that may arise.Thissecureenvironmentencourages pupilsto openout. Italso looksfor theirmentalhealthand minimizes theirstresslevels.

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