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School Management Software

Edunext technologies has developed School Management Software that offers the Online Integrated School Management Information System to manage all school processes in an efficient & cost-effective way.<br><br>https://www.edunexttechnologies.com/<br><br>https://www.edunexttechnologies.com/school-erp.php

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School Management Software

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MY SCHOOL APP School Mobile App For Android & IOS Designed and Developed by Designed and Developed by EDUNEXT TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD info@edunexttechnologies.com http://www.edunexttechnologies.com/

  2. DOWNLOAD THE APP: Download the app from App Store Play Store By searching keyword “SRS International School” Install the App, once it is installed an icon with School logo will appear on your Mobile phone’s screen (as showing in white circle). TAP on it to open the app. then a login screen will appear..…. ~See in next Slide http://www.edunexttechnologies.com/

  3. . LOGIN SCREEN This is login screen where the user need to enter their credential as provided by the school and TAP on login button.

  4. ICON DASHBOARD: These are the icons. By tapping on each icon you can get the information related to your ward, like Homework, Attendance, Communication details, Remarks, Achievements, Image Gallery, Circular, Downloads and many more….!

  5. CHANGE PASSWORD: Once you have logged in. dropdown menu to change the password. Also you can change the view of icons from the same drop down menu. click on

  6. MY PROFILE Displays complete profile of the student including photo, parent details, class teacher address and emergency contact number. details,

  7. NEWS All the news related to the schools will be showing here like summer holidays , sports , curriculum activities etc.

  8. ATTENDANCE Instant notification and detailed view of the student attendance in the current academic including presents, and leaves. year absentees

  9. HOMEWORK Now the homework given by subject teacher is just a click away on your mobile with due date, description and download option.

  10. CIRCULAR Instant alerts on any circular/notice from school and also complete archive thereof with option of attachment download.

  11. REMARKS • Student was active or down today? What’s the achievement? Has he done something good or bad? Find out from daily remarks by teachers. • Red Remark denoted to negative remark & green remark denoted to positive remark.

  12. CALENDAR There are two view of calendar Yearly and Monthly • Now parents, teacher can plan the vacations and get overview of the activities happening in the school by tapping their mobile. • It’s a full schedule of school activities which are going on throughout the year.

  13. FEES DETAILS Parents can see the complete fee information including fee payable, payment status different fee types. and dues for

  14. LIBRARY TRANSACTIONS • What like to read? Is he responsible enough in returning the books in time? Parents can find the answer here. does student • Cross mark denoted that the book is not returned & right mark denoted that the book has riturned the time. within

  15. RESULT TAP on the report name to download the same. As soon as results are declared at school, parents can view and download the progress report card on their mobile.

  16. ACHIEVEMENT IMAGE GALLERY Students can see their photos in which they are participated Parents get updated with their children’s achievements with their respective events.

  17. ATTENDER It insure the security of child. Who so ever will be going to pick the child, the whole profile of that responsible person is already mentioned in the application with respective relation.

  18. COMMUNICATION Now parents can directly communicate with the teachers, management, principal and class teachers regarding the leaves, complains etc.

  19. TRANSPORT Parents can see the whole information related to the transport like bus detail, bus incharge detail, driver & conductor detail with their phone no.

  20. APPLY LEAVES Student can directly apply the leaves and check the approval and rejection status of his/her leave

  21. DOWNLOAD TIME TABLE Students can download the attachment related to the homework , time table, or any other attachment regarding any events. Now Parents can see the whole schedule of their children’s classes. With the teacher name .

  22. FACEBOOK PAGE Would you like to see the postings and event photographs of your school? Like to share with your friends? So here we give the direct link to the teacher, admin, parents for Facebook page website. of school

  23. MEAL MENU VECHICLE TRACKING Parents can track student vehicle's live status through their mobile app only. Parents can check the day by day meal menu available for the students.

  24. WWW LOCATION Now parents, admin, teacher can access the school website without typing or remembering the website address. Tap the link and you are there The Google map helping you to figure out the map and directions to the school from your current location. Isn't interesting!

  25. Also login through from school website (from Login menu) using same credential: www.schoolname.com

  26. Some Additional features as Admin Login……


  28. ATTENDENCE Reduce dependency with instant information regarding attendance i.e teaching staff, non teaching students .

  29. LOGIN INFO Admin can see the login information and detail analysis of his ERP IN graphical as well as tabular .

  30. FEES Complete summary of cash , check and online fees received or outstanding.

  31. Library Info STUDENT INFO Complete information of the students class wise as well as catagories Complete data of library

  32. ADMISSION Summary of enquires received , form solved, registration and admission given.

  33. HOMEWORKS Communication can be viewed between teacher and students regarding homework.

  34. STAFF DETAIL Details can be viewed according to department wise with their personal information and relevant teaching subjects .





  39. Some Additional features as Teacher Login……






  45. MY LEAVE

  46. Thank You for the Opportunity!!

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