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WIGOS OBSERVING COMPONENTS Global Atmospheric Watch Sandro Fuzzi

This article discusses the implementation of a two-way discussion between service providers and end users in the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) structure. It emphasizes the need for flexibility, collaboration, and standards in producing new services, with examples of specific applications such as health, climate negotiations, ecosystem services, and transport and food security. The article also highlights the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) and its goal to support emission reduction strategies.

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WIGOS OBSERVING COMPONENTS Global Atmospheric Watch Sandro Fuzzi

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  1. WIGOS OBSERVING COMPONENTS Global Atmospheric Watch SandroFuzzi Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate National Research Council Bologna, Italy on behalf of Commission of Atmospheric Sciences

  2. GAW structure GAW implements end-to-end approach from observations to service development

  3. “Science for service” concept • “Science for services” can be different in nature and scale from support of the international conventions (e.g. trend analysis and reanalysis) to the short term warning (e.g. extreme events forecasting) and the long-term planning data (e.g. climate services) • Common attribute is a two-way discussion (engagement) between service providers (met. Agencies and their partners) and end users • Co-design is complicated and therefore everyone needs to see the value of being involved (relationship NMHSs and Research Institution) • Need for flexibility for producing new services, and the need for standards to manage quality • Expanded services often require expanded range of collaborations (disciplines and organizations) • Priority for applications has a strong regional dependence • Different type of services put different requirements on the observing system

  4. Examples of the “Science for service” concept Observations and reanalysis: direct support of conventions (LRTAP, Montreal Protocol) Specific service oriented applications: • Health: sand and dust storms, regional and urban air quality (GURME), biomass burning • Support of climate negotiations: Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) • Ecosystem services: analysis of total deposition including deposition to the oceans/marine • Transport security: volcanic ash forecasting • Food security: atmospheric composition and agriculture

  5. The Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) • Improve knowledge of the national emissions • identifies large and additional emission reduction opportunities • provides guidance on progress towards emission reduction strategies and actions to national and sub-national entities WHAT? WHERE? EFFECT? IG3IS Science Implementation Plan HOW? Goal: Support the success of post-COP21 actions of nations, sub-national governments, and the private sector to reduce climate-disrupting GHG emissions through a sound-scientific, measurement-based user-driven approach that:

  6. Near-term plans (2019) Initiation of the Measurement-Model Fusion for the Global Total Atmospheric Deposition (MMF-GTAD) project with the meeting of the science team in February 2019. The purpose is to review the state-of-the-science and establish a activity to generating global maps of total atmospheric deposition, selected gases and particles based on measurement-model fusion technique Meeting of the science team of the Steering committee for the MAP-AQ project (May 2019) and related training event on air quality forecasting in Africa (second half of 2019). The aim is to establish the air quality forecasting capabilities with the downscaling from global to urban scale.

  7. Future infrastructures Key aspects impacting future infrastructures: • new partners and new way of doing science • new technology/community efforts/crowd data • Inclusion the social science insights

  8. New partnership and approach • Need a paradigm shift and investment (not incremental improvement) on how we design the forecasting chain • Preference of the distributed infrastructure over the centralized one • Private sector engagement: leverage on larger socio-economic benefits, co-development as early as possible • User community and private business need to co-design weather and climate information delivery with NMHSs • System design should start from specific application and appropriate modelling and observing systems be developed to support applications

  9. Observations and data • Open data sharing has a risk of data misuse (especially for legally regulated parameters) • Private/crowd source data have limited quality control, but there is a need to go beyond single sensor quality and look at product accuracy and confidence level • Need to identify critical observational gaps (esp. SH) • We learn how to measure the state of the system but we have poor knowledge about the drivers (emissions) and the processes • Observations defining the predictability of the modelling systems should be addressed as the highest priority (which requires better model diagnostics) • Tiered approach/layered approach should be undertaken to design the observing systems and data exchange • Currently observations are not in the places where they bring the highest impact on predictions-> model sensitivity runs have to be used to design observing system and to identify the most critical gaps

  10. Modelling and Computing • Amount of data is becoming unmanageable (Big Data) • Need to collaborate with experts in computing technologies • A feedback service or calibration should be offered to the operators of the crowd networks • Infrastructure planning should take into considerations other planning (national or urban) that has a horizon of 5-10 years • Future infrastructure should build on modular components of formats, methods and systems including the full chain of retrieval and nowcasting algorithms, observation operators, quality control, monitoring and alert systems, numerical models and data assimilation components, exchange formats, verification, diagnostics and intercomparisontools

  11. Low Cost Sensors Statement • Based on peer-reviewed publications through 2017 • Applications of sensors, definitions, sensor performance, evaluation exercises and facilities, quality assurance , conclusions and recommendations • Covers on-line sensors for: • Reactive gases or other air pollutants including NO, NO2, O3, CO, SO2, and total VOCs. • Long-lived greenhouse gases: CO2 and CH4 • Airborne particulate matter (PM) WMO-No. 1215 ISBN 978-92-63-11215-6

  12. LCS Document Conclusions

  13. Challenges in implementing RRR process • The table with requirements for some atmospheric constituents were produced but there are difficulties in the Secretariat to absorb the Excel tables into OSCAR database • Atmospheric composition variables are largely MISSING in WMO data exchange system -> updated Manual on Codes is in production • WMO is a partner in the EU nextGEOSSproject • A deliverable is the harmonized vocabulary for the atmospheric composition variables and the assistance to the GAW WDCs on the harmonized implementation of Near-Real-Time (NRT) and Real-Time (RT) data collection and sharing and the implementation of the WIGOS metadata standards

  14. Enhancing data management • A data management approach with GAWSIS as a central metadata access point to facilitate improved metadata exchange and interoperability, data discovery and analysis, and to promote and facilitate the near-real time delivery of data is slowly coming to life • Expert team on World Data Centres  developed NRT data strategy in GAW but implementation is complicated due to lacking variables description and lacking connection of the GAW stations to GTS/WIS for NRT data sharing • On-line tools for automatic quality control have also to be assessed

  15. How WMO reform may impact performance of GAW? GAW implements end-to-end approach from observations to service development

  16. Thank you! Merci! Grazie!

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