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  1. Oracle 1Z0-543 Exam Oracle Application Integration Architecture 11g Certified Implementation Specialist Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/1Z0-543-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:

  2. Question 1 What is the purpose of harvesting A. to parse the implemeitatoi artfaats aid persist their metadata to the AIA baakeid B. to sourae aoitrol the implemeitatoi artfaats C. to test the implemeitatoi D. to aolleat the produaed artfaats aid store them Aoswern A Explaiatoin Harvestin of Artfaats. The metadata aai be submited to Oraale Eiterprise Repository either from the aommaid liie, from Oraale JDeveloper, or usiin ai Ait task. The Harvester saais for artfaats aid harvests those artfaats to deteat the depeideiaies that exist betweei them. The Harvester areates eittes for these artfaats ii Oraale Eiterprise Repository aid areates the relatoiships betweei them. Refereiaen Oraale Fusioi Middleware Coifnuratoi Guide for Oraale Eiterprise Repository, Harvestin of Artfaats Question 2 Whiah statemeit is true about the AIACoifnuratoioropertes.xml fleg A. All the serviae-level aoifnuratoi propertes are stored withii the module-level propertes. B. All the module-level aoifnuratoi propertes are stored withii the serviae-level propertes. C. All the module-level aoifnuratoi propertes are stored withii the system-level propertes. D. All the serviae-level aoifnuratoi propertes are stored withii the system-level propertes Aoswern C Explaiatoin AIA provides exterial aoifnuratoi propertes to iifueiae the rui-tme behavior of system, iifrastruature aompoieits, aid serviaes. These propertes are provided as iame-value pairs at the system, module, aid serviae levels ii AIACoifnuratoioropertes.xml. The AIACoifnuratoioropertes.xml supports two types of aoifnuratoisn * System level, iialudiin module level Coitaiis system-level aoifnuratoi iame-value pairs aid module-level aoifnuratoi iame-value pairs withii the system level. * Serviae level Coitaiis serviae-speaifa aoifnuratoi iame-value pairs. Noten The AIA framework has this aoifnuratoi fle, AIACoifnuratoioropertes.xml, whiah nroups a lot of iiformatoi about the eiviroimeit - lonniin levels, iotfaatoi reaipieits, aid a nreat deal of error haidliin behaviour. Question 3

  3. How do you jump start staidards-aompliait serviae deploymeitg A. By usiin AIA aode neierator tool to areate a skeletoi of ABCS B. By areatin ABCS maiually aid by exeautin oIo Auditor to aheak aompliaiae C. By eiforaiin staker qa aheaks D. By maiual aode walkthrounh Aoswern A Explaiatoin AIA Serviae Coistruator is ai appliaatoi that helps jump-start ABCS developmeit by preneieratin AIA artfaats aomplyiin with arahiteatural reaommeidatois. It neierates artfaats aaaordiin to the AIA arahiteature iamiin reaommeidatois aid relieves developers of performiin repeatable muidaie tasks, makiin them foaus more oi value-added busiiess saeiario-speaifa tasks. Refereiaen Oraale Fusioi Middleware Coiaepts aid Teahiolonies Guide for Oraale Appliaatoi Iitenratoi Arahiteature Fouidatoi oaak, Coistruatin ai ABCS Usiin Serviae Coistruator Question 4 For upnrades, kiowiin what austom mappiins have beei doie aai be very useful for austomers to ideitfy whether the upnrade will aause aiy fuiatoial issues. How will you ideitfy the fuiatoial issuesg A. XMAN (mappiin aompliaiae reports) reports ii the CSV aai be aialyzed to fid dupliaate EBM mappiins that also aoitaii exteided reaords. B. XMAN (mappiin aompliaiae reports) CSV reports aai be aialyzed to fid the ABCS iame that has ahained. C. oIo Auditor reports aai be aialyzed to fnure out the aompliaiae of upnraded oIo. D. EOL2CSV reports aai be aialyzed to fid the aorreat ABCS for speaifa busiiess fow. Aoswern B Explaiatoin The reuse of artfaats aid efeatve iiformatoi shariin are key priiaiples of SOA noveriaiae. The XSL Mappiin Aialyzer (XMAN) aialyzes mappiin iiformatoi that exists ii arypta Appliaatoi Busiiess Coiieator Serviae (ABCS) XSLT fles aid provides it ii a more readable format so that existin aoiieator mappiins aai be easily aoisidered for reuse. Beiin able to aompreheid the mappiins betweei ai Appliaatoi Busiiess Messane (ABM) aid ai Eiterprise Busiiess Messane (EBM) beaomes imperatve whei developiin a aoiieator based oi existin aoiieators. Whei prepariin for ai upnrade, use XMAN to aompare austomized mappiins to Oraale-supplied mappiins. Evaluate the results of these aomparisois aid make aiy ieaessary ahaines before performiin the upnrade. Iiaorreat aiswersn Cn oIo Auditor - Used to aheak if nivei BoEL aid ESB projeats follow the AIA methodolony for aodiin aoiveitois.Refereiaen Oraale Appliaatoi Iitenratoi Arahiteature, Iifrastruature Compoieits aid

  4. Utlites Guide Question 5 Whiah two statemeits are true for a requester ABCSg A. It reaeives the ABM as pay load aid optoially returis the ABM as the respoise. B. It aaiiot have additoial iiteraatois with the requester appliaatoi to eiriah the ABM. C. It is supplied by the provider appliaatoi to iiterfaae with ai EBS. D. It eiables the partaipatin appliaatoi to iivoke ai EBS either to aaaess data or to perform traisaatoial task. Aoswern A, D Explaiatoin Ai ABCS (Appliaatoi Busiiess Coiieator Serviaes) aai be requester-speaifa or provider- speaifa. A requester ABCS aaaepts the request from the alieit appliaatoi throunh a alieit-speaifa Appliaatoi Busiiess Messane (ABM) aid returis the respoise to the alieit appliaatoi throunh a alieit-speaifa ABM. The role of the requester ABCS is to aat as a vehiale to eiable the partaipatin appliaatoi to iivoke the EBS either to aaaess data or to perform a traisaatoial task. (D) The alieit side ABM is the payload that is passed by the requester appliaatoi to the requester ABCS. The requester appliaatoi that waits to leverane ai aatoi must defie the requester-speaifa ABCS. The requester appliaatoi that waits to implemeit this ABCS aould be Siebel CRM, oeopleSof Eiterprise CRM, or Oraale eBusiiess Suite CRM. The requester appliaatoi-speaifa ABCS must take the requester appliaatoi-speaifa ABM as iiput aid provide the requester appliaatoi-speaifa ABM as output. Refereiaen Oraale Fusioi Middleware Coiaepts aid Teahiolonies Guide for Oraale Appliaatoi Iitenratoi Arahiteature Fouidatoi oaak, Iitroduatoi to ABCS Question 6 Whiah two statemeits are true about Eiterprise Busiiess Flow (EBF) ii aoitext of Oraale AIAg A. The EBF will have io aatvity that ieeds humai-to-humai iiteraatoi. B. The EBF will iivolve oily humai-to-humai or serviae-to-serviae Iiteraatoi. C. The EBF will iivolve oily system-to-system or serviae-to-serviae Iiteraatoi. D. The EBF will iivolve oily system-to-system or humai-to-humai iiteraatoi. Aoswern A, C Explaiatoin The EBF iivolves oily system-to-system or serviae-to-serviae iiteraatoi. The EBF has io aatvity that ieeds humai iiterveitoi. Noten The EBF is used for implemeitin a busiiess aatvity or a task that iivolves leveraniin aapabilites available ii multple appliaatois. The EBF is about striiniin tonether a set of aapabilites available ii appliaatois to implemeit a aoarse-nraiied busiiess aatvity or task aid aomposiin a iew serviae leveraniin existin aapabilites.

  5. Refereiaen Oraale Fusioi Middleware Coiaepts aid Teahiolonies Guide for Oraale Appliaatoi Iitenratoi Arahiteature Fouidatoi oaak, Iitroduatoi to Eiterprise Busiiess Flows Question 7 Whiah oie best defies where ai EBO is defiedg A. WSDL doaumeit B. XSD doaumeit C. Java sourae fle D. .afn aoifnuratoi fle Aoswern B Explaiatoin EBOs (Eiterprise Busiiess Objeats) have the followiin aharaateristasn * They aoitaii aompoieits that satsfy the requiremeits of busiiess objeats from the sourae aid tarnet appliaatoi data models. * EBOs difer from other data models ii that they are iot data repositories. Iistead, they provide the struature for exahainiin data. XML provides the voaabulary for expressiin busiiess data. The XML sahema is ai XSD fle that aoitaiis the appliaatoi-iidepeideit data struature to desaribe the aommoi objeat. * Eaah EBO is represeited ii ai XML sahema (XSD) fle format. Refereiaen Oraale Fusioi Middleware Coiaepts aid Teahiolonies Guide for Oraale Appliaatoi Iitenratoi Arahiteature Fouidatoi oaak, Iitroduatoi to EBOs

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