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Get a basic overview of our scouting program and the conduct of troop leadership. Learn about our code of conduct and what is expected of adult troop leaders. Discover the fun, friendship, and adventure that scouting promises.
Troop 732 Introduction & Code of Conduct Tips for new Parents & Adult Leaders
This presentation focuses on a basic overview of our scouting program and the conduct of the troop leadership. Adult leaders in a scouting program undergo significant training to work with youth, it is a system that has developed and evolved for 100 years! It is important for parents to understand how a scouting program works. Parent volunteers that would like to get more involved in the program need to understand some basic principles, or our code of conduct. These concepts are taught in the advanced adult leader training such as Scoutmaster Specific, Outdoor Leader Skills and Woodbadge. A very brief overview of our program and this training is provided here for new troop parents to understand the program and for new adult troop leaders to understand what is expected of them.
Scouting promises fun, friendship, and adventure.
Scouting offers frequent positive recognition.
Scouting develops social skills and leadership skills.
But, Fun—With a Purpose Scouting is a well-thought-out, highly structured program that provides a step-by-step sequence of skills and personal development.
Personal Safety One of the focuses of early rank advancement is that of personal safety. For instance, while each scout will be allowed to carry and use his own pocket knife, it is only after very specific instruction. The use of his pocket knife is then constantly monitored by the other scouts and adults and there are clear consequences when any rules are not observed.
Independence Through early rank advancement and attending out door events, your son will learn many basic personal skills. He should be allowed to develop his own skills by working on his own rank advancement and learning to interact with other adults. Please allow him to develop his own skills, e.g. learning to pack for camp-outs himself.
Patrol Method Within our Boy Scout Troop, your son will be in a group of boys close to his own age, called a patrol. This is literally a troop within a troop and the first line where scouts learn to work together as a team. The Patrol Leader has significant responsibility both within the patrol and within the troop.
Troop Structure Beyond your son’s patrol is the Junior Troop Leadership. The Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and a list of other positions provide scouts with an opportunity to learn various leadership skills and provide credit for advanced rank advancement. This group works collaboratively through what is known as the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), the junior leader’s governing body. • The Patrol Leader is your son’s primary leader in the troop. • The Senior Patrol Leader is the primary youth leader of the troop. He leads the troop by building consensus on the Patrol Leader’s Council, and by frequent consultations with the Scoutmaster.
One Degree of Separation • Parent’s need to learn to give their son’s autonomy in scouting—let another scout or scout leader work with your child. • Parents do not sign-off on their son’s advancement requirements, or work directly with their own son’s in instruction.
Our Philosophy on Discipline In its most general sense, discipline refers to systematic instruction. This concept is at the core of our troop’s philosophy for working with our youth. To discipline means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct, or to adhere to a certain "order." Consequently, in the field of child development, discipline refers to methods of modeling character and of teaching self-control and acceptable behavior. Self-discipline refers to the training that one gives one's self to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a particular pattern of behavior, even though one would really rather be doing something else… In Troop 732 We do not consider Discipline as punishment.
Our Philosophy on Punishment In Troop 732, we do not punish Scouts. We redirect Scouts. When we redirect a Scout, • We do so in private, in a calm voice. • We don’t yell at scouts. (unless safety might be at risk!) • We never publicly humiliate any Scout. • Whenever possible, we “sandwich” correction between two positive comments. • Boys should be redirected by boys first, then by the Scoutmaster. (Chair of Command Rule) • Other trained leaders may intervene in the Scoutmaster’s absence.
When a Scout Misbehaves… The five steps for handling misbehavior by a scout are: • The Scout will be warned by his Patrol Leader. • The Scout will be again warned by both the Senior Patrol Leader and the Patrol Leader. • The Scout will be required to write and sign a note acceptably explaining his inappropriate behavior. • The Scout will meet with the PLC or with the Scoutmaster for counseling. • The Scout and the Scoutmaster will meet with the Scout’s parents to discuss the problem and develop an action plan, which could include the scout being barred from certain troop activities or even expulsion from the troop.
When a Scout Misbehaves… The sixth and unwritten step (for the kids) is that the Scoutmaster may choose (at any point in the five point system) to appoint a trained adult leader to shadow a problem scout, or a scout with special needs--to help him to succeed in the program or at camp. Parents, please remember our Five Step process and the chain of command within the troop. For the most part, what happens at camp, stays at camp! Unless you get a call from the Scoutmaster. You MUST respect this process. Every kids will be challenged, and will challenge us. At some point he will screw-up! Unless you have had a call from the Scoutmaster, you must assume that you son has been held accountable with-in this troop process.
EDGE Teaching Method Through systematic Explanation, interactive Demonstration, and Guided practice, Scouting Enables young men to discover and develop their own unique strengths and interests through hands-on instruction. EDGE is the scouting teaching method that we use in this process.
Stop, Start, Continue is the process we use in group dynamics when a plan is not going well. Parents DO NOT intervene or take charge. Parents need to sit back and allow the scouts to figure it out, themselves…
If your Scout has any special needs, let your Scoutmaster know. Tell him what works well AND what does not help your son.
Be sure to tell the Scoutmaster what your son’s needs are if he is going on • a day trip • a weekend camping trip, or • a week at summer camp. There are many things the Scoutmaster can do to help your Scout be safe, successful and to have fun — if he is informed.
Make sure your Scout understands his own medical condition, and any limitations or situations he needs to be careful of. Each scout should understand his own medications, when they need to be taken or the “triggers” indicate when they should be taken…or have been forgotten. Make Your Son Responsible Too…
As a trained Scout Leader, you will be taught that the scouting method is NOT the military method. We use the Servant Leadership method, not the Top-Down method taught in the military. And while we appear to wear military style uniforms, the scout uniforms help to create a sense of brotherhood, signify the scout’s achievements within scouting (through the display of ranks and other awards) Adults that are trained and wear the uniform serve as role models for the scouts! Consider becoming a trained Scout Leader!
When Adults Work With Scouts To work with Scouts in the Program, you must have the basic Youth Protection Training, a simple on-line course that teaches you about Scouting’s basic rules for adults. In Troop 732, we have specific codes of conduct regarding the Scout leader to Scout interaction. While each adult’s own style and life experience is respected, the actual conduct with the scouts need to be consistent from leader to leader.
When Adults Work With Scouts • We must wear the scout uniform correctly and enthusiastically. • We are roles models for good behavior. (no swearing, drinking or smoking in front of the scouts) • We must have the appropriate training for our level of involvement within the troop program. • We must observe the chain of command with-in the troop.
Adults must allow the scouts to run their own program. But there will be situations where adults will work directly with the troop. This may be in a period of instruction, or with a patrol that is struggling to be organized or to stay on task. Perhaps it is with an individual scout on a merit badge or that is struggling to stay on task …or who has special needs.
In these situations, try to let the Scout(s) know ahead of time what is expected. When activities are long or complicated, help them write down a list of smaller steps Or help them “chunk” them into smaller more manageable tasks.
When we see a scout is having trouble staying on task, repeat directions one-on-one when necessary, or assign a more mature buddy to help him get organized.
Compliment the Scouts whenever you find a genuine opportunity. Ignore minor inappropriate behavior if it is not dangerous or disruptive.
During instruction we need to provide frequent breaks and opportunities for Scouts to move around actively but purposefully. Technical presentations should be short, 20 to no more than 30 minutes. Long instruction periods should provide opportunities for hands-on learning to break the pace. Scouting should not feel like “school.” Instruction Periods
During active games and transition times, be aware when a Scout is starting to become more impulsive or aggressive.
If it has not been possible to intervene proactively and you must impose consequences for out-of-control behavior, use time-out or “cooling off.”
Be aware of early warning signs, such as fidgety behavior, that may indicate the Scout is losing impulse control. When this happens, try… Private, nonverbal signal Or Proximity control (move closer to the Scout) This will alert the scout that he needs to refocus. Constantly calling attention to misbehavior is not good for a scout’s esteem and may further serve to annoy other members of the troop.
Offer feedback and redirection in a way that is respectful and that allows the Scout to save face. When Scouts are treated with respect, they are more likely to respect the authority of the Scout leader.
Keep cool! Don’t take challenges personally. Scouts want to be successful, but they need support, positive feedback, and clear limits. Frame behavior in context of the requirements listed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law
Also remember… Each scout is an individual, but there are also some pretty distinct characteristics by age group. Consider the age of the scout, or groups of scouts, that you are working with.
Stages of Scout Development • New Scouts are energetic and use to everything being done for them. They may not be feel very secure in the Troop. • Young Scouts are learning basic personal and basic scout craft skills. (Pre-First Class) • Intermediate Scouts with a closer mastery of basic personal and scout craft but little patience for younger scouts (First Class) • Advanced Scouts, full mastery of scout craft and the patience to work with younger scouts. (Star Scout and above)
New Scouts New scouts are energetic and use to everything being done for them. Engage them by: • Be very patient as they bridge away from the cub scout methods they are use to. • Coaching them in personal skills and scout craft. • Keep them on track with quick, engaging demonstrations…not long sit down presentations.
Young Scouts Young scouts are also energetic and want to do this themselves. They will often outperform Intermediate Scouts due to their enthusiasm. Engage them by: • Allowing (insisting) on more autonomy & self discipline • Coaching in scout craft skills • High praise for their work as a patrol • Encouraging rank advancement and their own accountability in getting things signed off in the scout handbook.
Intermediate Scouts Intermediate scouts should now be proficient in personal and scout craft skills, but often do not have patience with the younger scouts. Also, may not show much enthusiasm toward their work and events. Engage them by: • Encouraging (and help plan) more high adventure to keep their attention. • Help them to continue their focus on rank advancement. • Reinforce the importance of patience with younger scouts (the early stages of leadership development)
Advanced Scouts Advanced scouts are now proficient in personal and scout craft skills, and should have the patience and maturity to work with the younger scouts. Generally they are very serious and focused scouts. Engage them by: • Encouraging them in advanced leadership positions in the troop. • Re-enforce the importance they are in the troop as role models. • Don’t forget to praise then for their continued rank advancement toward Eagle.
When the guys start getting out of hand… Offer opportunities for purposeful movement by • Leading cheers • Performing in skits • Assisting with demonstrations • Teaching skills This may help to • Improve focus, • Increase self-confidence, and • Benefit the troop as a whole
Challenging Scouts If a scout keeping challenging you, find out if he has any specific conditions or special needs that may require some additional understanding or training on your part. Always refer to the Scoutmaster for the inside track on any challenging scout issues…
Expect the Scout with special needs to follow the same rules as other Scouts. Example: Attention Disorders are a reason for, NOT an excuse for uncontrolled behavior.
Enable the Scout with special needs to achieve the same rules and goals as other Scouts. Example: A scout should never be put in a situation whereby he fails to succeed because of a physical or medical limitation.
Be very respectful and understanding of families that have a scout with special needs Often times these families feel that their child’s condition is their burden, and no one else should (or can) deal with it. Help parents understand that many families in the troop also have scouts with special needs, and that they are not alone. Scouting is for these kids too, and our troop is a fantastic support opportunity for the family.
When Medications are Required • When medications are administered to a scout, we do so in a private and respectful manner. • Our troop medical officers are usually Assistant Scoutmasters that are trained medical professionals. • Parents must turn-over all scout medications directly to the Health and Safety Officer for any trips. • Scouts are not allowed to administer their own medications without the oversight of the acting Health & Safety Officer.
In Conclusion… All scouts are to be handled with dignity and respect. Adult leaders are role models and for the scouts and should abide by the rules of the Boy Scouts of America. The scouts must be allowed to run the troop meetings, outdoor activities and community service events. Only if given the autonomy to run their own troop will they be faced with the challenges, and in turn rewarded with the successes that make scouting such a unique and enriching experience.
In Conclusion… The role of the trained adult in the scouting program is to support and nurture the scouts to learn both personal skills and group dynamics (in the patrol, the troop and through leadership opportunities) Adults needs to understand the goals and aims of scouting and use these methods to allow the scouts to succeed.
Thank-you I personally find my involvement with Troop 732 to be one of the most rewarding and personally fulfilling experiences that I have ever had the privileged to be a part of. I think you will too, and encourage each parent to become involved as a part of our Troop Committee or active within our Troop Program. We cannot do it without you. Yours in Servant Leadership, Ernest Otter Scoutmaster, Troop 732