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Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). The CFDA is the single, authoritative, government-wide, comprehensive source on Federal assistance programs.The five digit CFDA number is the basic reporting data element for Federal financial assistance. Interior has 196 published CFDA programs.Pr
1. Financial Assistance Reporting Financial Assistance Training Seminar
Anita Hairston
Financial Assistance Analyst
Office of Acquisition and Property Management
2. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) The CFDA is the single, authoritative, government-wide, comprehensive source on Federal assistance programs.
The five digit CFDA number is the basic reporting data element for Federal financial assistance.
Interior has 196 published CFDA programs.
Programs selected for inclusion in the database are defined as any function of a Federal agency that provides assistance or benefits for a State or States, territorial possession, county, city, other political subdivision, grouping, or instrumentality thereof; any domestic profit or nonprofit corporation, institution, or individual, other than a Federal agency.
3. RECOVERY ACT CFDAs Federal agencies have identified over 200 new and existing CFDA programs funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act or ARRA). There are only 112 Recovery Act-funded CFDA programs currently published on the CFDA web site. Agencies are still in the process of validating information prior to posting these programs on the CFDA site.
New System Launched May 18, 2009.
Program description tags or special identifiers to distinguish Recovery Act awards:
040 Authorization
050 Objectives
120 Financial Information
180 Criteria for Selecting Proposal
4. Federal Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS) FAADS produces a file of standardized data records on financial assistance awards made by Federal agencies to all types of recipients.
Each transaction record identifies, by the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) program code number and name, the type and amount of financial assistance, the type and location of the recipient and the geographic place of performance.
5. Grants.gov Posting of Funding Announcements
505 DM 2 - Section 2.12 Posting Grant and Cooperative Agreement Funding Opportunities. In order to provide the public opportunity to view potential funding opportunities (as recipients and possible sub-grantees) thereby maintaining transparency consistent with the customer service mandates prescribed in P.L. 106-107, synopses of all cooperative agreement and discretionary grant funding opportunities must be posted to (www.grants.gov).
Posting a Notice of Intent on Grants.gov for Single Source Awards
6. Posting Recovery Act Awards on Grant.gov Include prominent labels and tags to funding opportunity synopses, full funding opportunity announcements, and award notices that clearly identifies them as Recovery Act” actions.
Steps Include:
1. Use term “Recovery Act” within Opportunity Title
2. In the Opportunity Category choose “Other” and add
“Recovery Act” in the Category Explanation text box.
3. For opportunity searchability on site user must post synopsis using Activity Category “Recovery Act”
4. For email notification DOI user must add the code “RA” when updating the synopsis.
7. E Government Scorecard The E-Gov Scorecard tracks how well agencies are executing the five government-wide management initiatives. The initiatives are: Human Capital, Competitive Sourcing, Improving Financial Performance, E-Gov, and Budget & Performance Integration. The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is responsible for the E-Gov initiative. The scorecard uses a three color grading system; green for success, yellow for mixed results, and red for unsatisfactory. Agencies and departments are assessed quarterly and given a color grade for both status and progress.
Deadlines for Bureaus to submit their progress to E-Government Coordinator
Quarter 3 – July 1, 2009
Quarter 4 – September 1, 2009
8. Bureau E-Gov Scorecard Officials: These are the individuals (as of Q3 09) who serve as your Bureau’s E-Gov focal point! ? Joye Durant, USGS
? Eddie Ray, OSM
? Dave Hudson, FWS
? Julie DeNiro, BOR
? Corey Wells, BLM
? George Ingram, OST
?Peter Brownell, NBC
?James Feagans, MMS
?Jenese McCown, NPS
?Shelley Hartman, BIA
?Carl Huls, OHTA
9. Federal Opportunities (FO) Pilot The General Services Administration IAE has been tasked by the Office of Management and Budget to develop a Grants Pilot called Federal Opportunities (fo.gov) that would allow agency users to post both procurement and grant opportunities on the same platform along with the redesigned Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. The Pilot will exist on the FedBizOpps framework.
Public users would be able to search, find and apply for grant opportunities on-line. The proposed design will be similar to the functionality of Grants.gov.
10. Federal Opportunities (FO) Pilot Federal Agencies participating in the Federal Opportunities Pilot are Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, and Department of the Interior.
Next Steps for the FO Pilot:
GSA is awaiting MOU approval and funding from HHS Grants.gov managing partner agency who is responsible for providing $655,000 for the FO Pilot. Funding is expected in July 2009.
GSA will build and design the Pilot within 60 days of MOU signing.
11. Next Steps for FO Pilot, Continued Pilot agencies will participate in the development lifecycle and user testing.
Based on agency evaluations of the FO Pilot, OMB could recommend the system to be used in lieu of Grants.gov.
12. Reporting is the vehicle for Transparency and AccountabilityShifting the Paradigm for Grants Reporting The Transparency and Recovery Acts have changed grant reporting
From quarterly collection of data; to weekly, monthly, and recently required bi-monthly collection
From obligation data; to award amount and expenditure data
From general information to more specific information on who, what and where
Recipient and sub-recipient reporting are required to be publicly available--viewable
Information being changed from static publication to a more interactive web environment—funding impacts
Accountability of performance of funded grants through findings and reports; and public comment
13. USASpending.gov Website Launched January 1, 2008
Award: Federal financial assistance and expenditures that include:
Grants, sub-grants, loans, awards, cooperative
agreements, and other forms of financial assistance;
Contracts, subcontracts, purchase orders, task orders, and delivery orders;
Does not include individual transactions below $25,000
Other guidelines:
Data must be available within 30 days of award
14. USASpending.gov Data Accuracy Overall, 21 Federal Agencies report valid assistance data submissions, up from 15 in September 2008
Total error rate has dropped from 51 percent to 13 percent
DOI areas of improvement
Reducing duplicate entries
Timeliness and accuracy of reporting
CFDA assignments eliminating the use of 99.999 and “pseudo code”
15. Recovery Act Awards on USASpending.gov Recovery Act awards are reported in the same FAADS PLUS format as currently required for reporting all other Federal assistance transactions on USAspending.gov.
A single FAADS PLUS data file may contain both Recovery and non-Recovery Act funding, however, transactions which utilize both Recovery Act and non-Recovery Act funding must be broken into two separate records. USASpending.gov compares the Program Source/TAS fields from the FAADS PLUS data files against the most up-to-date list of Recovery TAS Codes.
16. What Is Recovery.Gov?
17. ARRA Recipient Reporting Published in OMB Guidance October 10, 2009 Recipient reporting begins, with subsequent quarterly reports due 10 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
Recipient Reporting may include:
Total amount of Recovery Funds received from Agency
Amount obligated and expended to project or activities
Amount unobligated balances
Detailed list of projects or activities
Name of Project
Description of Project
Evaluation of completion status
Estimated number of jobs created or sustained
Infrastructure investments by state and local governments, purpose, total cost, rationale of the agency for funding the investment with Recovery Funds, name of person to contact
18. Recovery Act Reporting Issues currently being resolved for Recovery
Act Reporting:
User Guidance for Recovery.gov
Roles and responsibilities of primary and sub-recipients
Data standards and definitions
Process by which information flows from sub-recipients to the Federal data environment
Approaches to data quality
19. FAADS is one of the sources that feeds into the
The CFFR reports on federal expenditures
or obligations for grants, salaries and wages,
procurement contracts, direct payments for
individuals, other direct payments, direct loans,
guaranteed or insured loans, and insurance.
The CFFR is useful for learning what
types and levels of federal assistance go to
specific geographic areas.
20. Federal Financial Report (FFR) SF 425 The FFR was designed to replace the Financial Status Report (SF269) and the Federal Cash Transactions Report (SF272) with one comprehensive financial reporting form.
Required October 1, 2009 government-wide implementation.
Interim reports will be submitted as directed – quarterly, semi-annually, or annual basis. Final reports with be the end date of the project or grant period.
21. Resources Chip DiMuzio, PAM System Administrator, (202)219-0771
National Business Center FAADS Log On
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance User Manual http://www.doi.gov/pam/CFDAreferenceManual2005.htm
FAADS User Manual
FAADS Testing Database
Grants.gov User Training Materials http://www.grants.gov/agencies/grantors_help_resou.jsp#training