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Recreational Fish Species List Fish illustration, Minimum size, Bag limits

Recreational Fish Species List Fish illustration, Minimum size, Bag limits. Anchovies Family Engrauilidae Minimum size – none Bag limit - none. Baardman (bellman, tasselfish ) Umbrina spp. Minimum size – 40 cm Bag limit - 5. Banded galjoen Dichistius multifasciatus

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Recreational Fish Species List Fish illustration, Minimum size, Bag limits

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  1. Recreational Fish Species List Fish illustration, Minimum size, Bag limits

  2. Anchovies Family Engrauilidae Minimum size – none Bag limit - none

  3. Baardman (bellman, tasselfish) Umbrina spp. Minimum size – 40 cm Bag limit - 5

  4. Banded galjoen Dichistiusmultifasciatus Minimum size – none Bag limit - 5

  5. Bank steenbras Chirodactylusgrandis Minimum size – none Bag limit - 5

  6. Blue marlin Black marlin Sailfish Billfishes Family Istiophoridae Minimum size – none Bag limit - 5

  7. Blacktail ( dassie) Diplodussarguscapensis Minimum size - 20 cm Bag limit - 5

  8. Blue hottentot Pachymetoponaeneum Minimum size - none Bag limit - 5

  9. Bronze bream (bluefish) Pachymetopongrande Minimum size – 30 cm Bag limit - 2

  10. Cape knifejaw Oplegnathusconwayi Minimum size – none Bag limit - 5

  11. Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargusholubi Minimum size – 20 cm Bag limit - 5

  12. Carpenter (silverfish) Argyrozonaargyrozona Minimum size – 35 cm Bag limit - 4

  13. Catfacerockcod Epinephelusandersoni Minimum size – 50 cm Bag limit - 5

  14. Chub mackerel Scomberjaponicus Minimum size – none Bag limit - none

  15. Cutlassfish (wellawella) Trichiuruslepturus Minimum size – none Bag limit - none

  16. Dageraad Chrysoblephuscristiceps Minimum size – 40 cm Bag limit - 1

  17. Dane Porcostomadentata Minimum size – none Bag limit - 5

  18. Elf (shad) Pomatomussaltatrix Minimum size – 30 cm Bag limit - 4

  19. Englishman Chrysoblephusanglicus Minimum size – 40 cm Bag limit - 1

  20. Fransmadam (Karelgrootoog) Boopsoideainornata Minimum size - none Bag limit - 10

  21. Galjoen Dichistiuscapensis Minimum size - 35 cm Bag limit - 2

  22. Garfishes Family Belonidae Minimum size - none Bag limit - none

  23. Garrick (leervis) Lichiaamia Minimum size - 70 cm Bag limit - 2

  24. Geelbek (Cape salmon) Atractoscionaequidens Minimum size - 60 cm Bag limit - 2

  25. Glassies Family Ambassidae Minimum size - none Bag limit - none

  26. Hake (stokvis) Merluccius spp. Minimum size - none Bag limit - 5

  27. Halfbeaks Family Hemiramphidae Minimum size - none Bag limit - none

  28. Horse mackerel (maasbanker) Trachurustrachuruscapensis Minimum size - none Bag limit - none

  29. Hottentot Pachymetoponblochii Minimum size – 22 cm Bag limit - 10

  30. John Brown Gymnocrotaphuscurvidens Minimum size – none Bag limit - 5

  31. Bigeye kingfish Bluefin kingfish Blacktip kingfish Brassy kingfish Blue kingfish Giant kingfish Kingfishes Caranx spp. and Carangoides spp. Minimum size – none Bag limit - 5 Yellowspotted kingfish

  32. Kingklip Genypteruscapensis Minimum size - none Bag limit - 1

  33. King mackerel Scomberomoruscommerson Minimum size - none Bag limit - 10

  34. Dusky Kob Silver Kob Squaretail Kob Snapper Kob Kob caught from a boat at sea [Cape Agulhas to Umtamvuna River] Argyrosomus spp. Minimum size – 50 cm Bag limit – 5 but may only land or be in possession of one kob > 110 cm per day

  35. Dusky Kob Silver Kob Squaretail Kob Snapper Kob Kob caught from a boat at sea [The province of KwaZulu Natal] Argyrosomus spp. Minimum size – 40 cm Bag limit – 5 but may only land or be in possession of one kob > 110 cm per day

  36. Dusky Kob Silver Kob Squaretail Kob Snapper Kob Kob caught in estuaries & from the shore [East of Cape Agulhas only] Argyrosomus spp. Minimum size – 60 cm Bag limit – 1

  37. Dusky Kob Silver Kob Squaretail Kob Snapper Kob Kob [West of Cape Agulhas only] Argyrosomus spp. Minimum size – 50 cm Bag limit – 5

  38. Large-spot pompano Trachinotusbotla Minimum size - none Bag limit - 5

  39. Leopard cat shark Porodermapantherinum Minimum size - none Bag limit - 1

  40. Bluetail mullet Flathead mullet Longarm mullet Fringellip mullet Large-scale mullet Southern mullet Mullets/harders Family Muglildae Minimum size – none Bag limit – 50

  41. Natal knifejaw (cuckoo bass) Oplegnathusrobinsoni Minimum size - none Bag limit - 5

  42. Natal stumpnose (yellowfin bream) Rhabdosargusserba Minimum size - 25 cm Bag limit - 5

  43. Pinky (piggy) Pomadasysolivaceum Minimum size – 7.5 cm Bag limit - 10

  44. Poenskop (black musselcracker) Cymatocepsnasutus Minimum size – 50 cm Bag limit - 1

  45. Queen mackerel Scomberomorusplurilineatus Minimum size - none Bag limit - 10

  46. Ragged tooth shark Carchariastaurus Minimum size - none Bag limit - 1

  47. Red stumpnose (Miss Lucy) Chrysoblephusgibbiceps Minimum size - 30 cm Bag limit - 1

  48. River bream (perch) Acanthopagrusberda Minimum size - 25 cm Bag limit - 5

  49. River snapper (rock salmon) Lutjanusargentimaculatus Minimum size - 40 cm Bag limit - 5

  50. Roman Chrysoblephuslaticeps Minimum size - 30 cm Bag limit - 2

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