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Federal/STATE FUNDING EXCHANGE PROGRAM. Michele Risko, CEAO. Introduction. ODOT will allow CEAO to swap up to $12.5 million of federal LBR funds for state funds annually. Funding will be 80% state, 20% local match
Introduction • ODOT will allow CEAO to swap up to $12.5 million of federal LBR funds for state funds annually. • Funding will be 80% state, 20% local match • (Projects that are currently 95% federal using credit bridge credit will be 95% state/5% local match) • ODOT intends to earn credit bridge on these projects
Step 1: • CEAO has sent out a questionnaire regarding existing LBR projects for years FY 15 – 19 and received the list of projects requesting the exchange. List of exchange bridges will be approved at the July 10th Committee meeting. • Beyond FY 2019, the request to swap for state funds will be included on the LBR application. • CEAO will determine which LBR projects are good candidates to switch to state funds: • No impacts to a historic bridge or other historic structure • Does not require an individual 401 permit • Does not impact Category 2/3 Wetlands • Does not impact Endangered Species Note: Projects involving Section 4(f) properties may be GOOD candidates to switch to state funds because when using state funds, 4(f) does not apply.
Step 2: • Once approved by CEAO to swap funds, County Engineer sends a letter to ODOT requesting the swap.
Step 3: Programming • Once approved by ODOT for the Exchange, County works with respective ODOT District to program the project • The CEAO LBR funding application will be used in place of the scope document
Step 4: Environmental • County sends letter to SHPO requesting concurrence that there are no impacts to historic properties • County sends application to USACE requesting a Nationwide Permit • County may send a letter to ODNR requesting a sign-off for impacts to Threatened and Endangered Species • ODNR will either issue the sign-off, or they will require coordination with USFWS • If coordination with USFWS is required, County will send letter to USFWS • OR If County chooses not to send a letter to ODNR, this coordination will be done by the USACE as part of the Nationwide Permit process
STEP 4: environmental (cont.) • County attaches all agency coordination to Environmental Certification form and submits to ODOT
Step 5: right-of-way • County acquires R/W according to ORC • County sends R/W Certification letter to ODOT • Utility Note is attached to R/W Cert
Plans • Project plans can be prepared in-house or by a consultant. • If hiring a consultant, quality-based selection process must still be used.
Bid and AWARD • County Prepares Bid Package (a 5% EDGE Goal is required) • County Bids Project • Advertising on ODOT’s website is not required • County Awards Project • County Sends Award Paperwork to ODOT with a Request to Encumber the Funds • County must Receive a Copy of the Encumbrance before Authorizing the Contractor to Begin Work • County can write contract (No need for ODOT to do it) • OR Projects can still be ODOT-Let if a County prefers (but all traditional ODOT plan reviews, PS&E, sale, and award requirements still apply)
Payment • County pays contractor and then seeks reimbursement from ODOT • OR County can set-up a direct-pay to contractor from ODOT • County must submit a request for payment that includes appropriate documentation for the expense (same paperwork as for a federally-funded project) • Requests for payment can be submitted at the completion of the project or progress payments may be made • If County is requesting reimbursement for Construction Engineering labor, the County must keep sufficient documentation including completed timesheets
Final REview • Once construction is complete, the County will notify the ODOT District. • ODOT staff will perform a final review of the project. • Goal of the final review is to ensure only that the bridge was built according to plan.