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SOPAC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals Project

Explore the technical issues surrounding deep sea minerals in Kiribati, including types of resources, history of exploratory cruises, results, gaps in data, and the way forward. Presentation structured around what we know and what we need to know.

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SOPAC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOPAC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals Project Deep Sea Minerals Technical Issues- Kiribati Kiribati National Workshop on Deep Sea Minerals 19th September 2011- Mary’s Motel Conference Room

  2. Presentation Structure • What we know • Types of Deep Sea Mineral Resources • History/ Compilation of Exploratory Cruises • Results/findings • Kiribati and DSM • What we need to Know • Gaps in Technical Data • More research required • Capacity Building • Where to from here?

  3. 1. What we know Types of Mineral Resources • Manganese Nodules • Cobalt-Rich Crusts • Phosphate • Precious Corals

  4. What we know • Manganese Nodules

  5. What we know • Cobalt Rich Crusts

  6. What we know • History of Exploratory Cruises for Seafloor Minerals in Kiribati EEZ

  7. What we know • 14 of Exploratory Cruises for Seafloor Minerals in Kiribati EEZ (to date)

  8. What we know • Results and Findings- Line Islands Geological Model for Variation in manganese nodule abundance in the Line Group

  9. What we know • Results and findings- Phoenix Islands Geological Model for Variation in manganese nodule abundance in the Phoenix Group

  10. What we know • Results and findings- Gilbert Islands Geological Model for Variation in manganese nodule abundance in the Gilbert Group

  11. What we know • Occurrence of Cobalt Rich Crusts in Kiribati EEZ Geological Model for Cobalt rich crusts in Line, Phoenix and Gilbert Islands (from left to right)

  12. 2. What we need to know • Gaps in technical Data • Focus areas where more research is needed • Capacity building • Where to from here • “Kiribati Offshore Minerals Strategy” Paper • The way FORWARD

  13. Questions and Comments?

  14. Kambati n rabwa!&Vinakavakalevu!

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