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Learn about the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) results from East Stroudsburg University, assessing student engagement in higher education practices. Explore respondent demographics, campus life, student activities, and institutional emphasis, providing valuable insights for improvement.
2008 – 2014 Results Chris Willis East Stroudsburg University Office of Assessment and Accreditation Spring 2015 http://nsse.iub.edu/
What is NSSE? • Administered by Indiana University at Bloomington • Online, links emailed by Indiana U • Assesses the extent to which students engage in educational practices associated with high levels of learning and development. • Results provide an estimate of how undergraduate students spend their time, what they gain from attending college • Items represent empirically confirmed “good practices” • All PASSHE schools must do it every 2 years 2
ESU’s Administrations • 2008, 2011, 2013: PASSHE required • Comparison data available • 2014: Mobile compatibility pilot • February-April • 2,193 students in the sample, with 653 (30%) responding • 1,164 First-years (24% response rate) • 1,029 Seniors (37% response rate) • PASSHE comparison data currently unavailable 3
A Couple of Caveats… • Room for interpretation in question wording • Tendency toward “higher ed speak” • Potential for sampling error • Who takes the survey • Toward whom it is marketed • New instrument introduced between the 2011 and 2013 administrations 4
A New Instrument • The survey was updated in 2012: • Benchmarks have been replaced with Engagement Indicators 5
An Example… • How much does your institution emphasize… • 2008/2011 – “Providing the support you need to thrive socially.” • 2013/2014 – “Providing opportunities to be involved socially.” 6
NSSE Engagement Indicators • Academic Challenge • Higher-Order Learning • Reflective and Integrative Learning • Quantitative Reasoning • Learning Strategies • Learning with Peers • Collaborative Learning • Discussions with Diverse Others 7
NSSE Engagement Indicators • Experiences with Faculty • Student-Faculty Interaction • Effective Teaching Practices • Campus Environment • Quality of Interactions • Supportive Environment • High-Impact Practices • Service-Learning • Study Abroad • Internships 8
Optional Modules • 2 of 8 additional modules can be added to the survey • For the 2014 administration, ESU chose: • Civic Engagement • Global Perspectives – Cognitive & Social • During PASSHE years (2008, 2011, 2013) PASSHE requires a custom module, and they choose 1 other for all schools to use 9
Respondent Demographics • Overwhelmingly female each year • Ranging from 68% to 72% • First-Years • Majority white, full-time, ~22 years old 11
The Life of an ESU Student • On average, about ¼ First-years work for pay on or off campus, compared to 42% of seniors • Participation in co-curricular activities has increased • From 63% in 2008 to 74% in 2014 • 50% volunteer/do community service* *Based on 2013 and 2014 data only. 12
The Life of an ESU Student • 48% spend 11+ hours/week socializing • 1/4 cared for dependents in 2014 • Down from a high of 36% in 2011 • 27% spend 5+ hours/week commuting to campus 13
Adjustment to College • To what extent does your institution emphasize a residential experience that facilitates adjustment to college? (Percent rating “quite a bit” or “very much.”) 14
Campus Safety • To what extent does your institution emphasize a safe environment for students by providing features and services that enhance safety? (Percent rating “quite a bit” or “very much.”) 15
Campus Interactions • Students. Percentage rating a 6 or 7 on a scale from 1 = “Poor” to 7 = “Excellent.” 16
Campus Interactions • Student Services staff (career services, student activities, housing, etc.). Percentage rating a 6 or 7 on a scale from 1 = “Poor” to 7 = “Excellent.” 17
Emphasis on Social Life • Institutional emphasis on providing opportunities to be involved socially. Percent responding “quite a bit” or “very much.” • Institutional emphasis on attending campus activities and events. Percent responding “quite a bit” or “very much.” 18
Emphasis on Social Life • Institutional emphasis on attending events that address important social, economic, or political issues. Percent responding “quite a bit” or “very much.” • Participation in clubs/ organizations. Percent reporting anything other than “never.” 19
Events & Activities • Attended an art exhibit, play, or other arts performance in the current school year. Percent responding anything other than “never.” 20
Events & Activities • Attended a university athletic event Percent responding anything other than “never.” • Hold a formal leadership role in a student organization or group. Percent answering “done or in progress” or “plan to do.” 21
Diversity • Institutional emphasis on encouraging contact among students from different backgrounds. • Most students (90%+) have had discussions with people of different races/ethnicities, economic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and political views than their own. 22
Diversity • Institutional contribution to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in understanding people of other backgrounds.* • 90% of First-years and 95% of Seniors have connected their learning to societal problems or issues in the current school year. 23 *Based on 2013 and 2014 data only
Service Learning • On average, 49% of First-years and 65% of Seniors have taken a course that included a community-based project (service learning). 24
Career Readiness • On average, 73% of First-years and 89% of Seniors have talked about career plans with a faculty member. • 8% of First-years and 58% of Seniors report participating in “an internship, co-op, field experience, student teaching, or clinical placement.” • 62% of First-years and 74% of Seniors believe ESU contributed to their acquisition of job- or work-related knowledge and skills “quite a bit” or “very much.” 25
Counseling & Health Services • 33% of First-years and 34% Seniors have used the Counseling Center or information on its webpage • Percentage responding “very much” or “quite a bit” on how much ESU emphasized helping manage non-academic responsibilities. 26
Counseling & Health Services • Percentage responding “very much” or “quite a bit” about how much the institution emphasized providing support for your overall well-being (recreation, health care, counseling, etc.). 27
The Educational Experience • How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution? Percent rating “good” or “excellent.” 28
The Educational Experience • If you could start over again, would you go to the same institution you are now attending? (Percent “Probably Yes” and “Definitely Yes”) 29
What’s the Big Picture? • Busy students have only gotten busier • Work, social life, volunteering, academics • Diverse campus • Students talk/work with people from all walks of life • ESU’s campus environment • Lower ratings compared to other schools • Overall educational experience • Student ratings lower than PASSHE recently • Fewer students would definitely attend ESU again 30
NSSE 2015 • Invitations emailed Tuesday, February 17, 2015 • Survey links are provided by Indiana University at Bloomington • It is our job to remind students to check their emails • This year’s module will be “Experiences with Information Literacy” Spring Break 31
Thank yoU Chris Willis Assessment Specialist cwillis4@esu.edu 570-422-3459