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Understanding Chromatin and Chromosomes: a Comprehensive Guide

Dive deep into the intricate world of chromatin and chromosomes, exploring euchromatin, heterochromatin, banding patterns, centromeres, and more crucial biological concepts.

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Understanding Chromatin and Chromosomes: a Comprehensive Guide

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  1. Chromatin and chromosomes

  2. 6.2 Chromatin is divided into euchromatin and heterochromatin • Individual chromosomes can be seen only during mitosis. • During interphase, the general mass of chromatin is in the form of euchromatin. • Euchromatin is less tightly packed than mitotic chromosomes. • Regions of heterochromatin remain densely packed throughout interphase.

  3. 6.3 Chromosomes have banding patterns • Certain staining techniques cause the chromosomes to have the appearance of a series of striations called G-bands. • The bands are lower in G • C content than the interbands. • Genes are concentrated in the G • C-rich interbands.

  4. 6.4 Eukaryotic DNA has loops and domains attached to a scaffold • DNA of interphase chromatin is negatively supercoiled into independent domains of ~85 kb. • Metaphase chromosomes have a protein scaffold to which the loops of supercoiled DNA are attached.

  5. 6.5 Specific sequences attach DNA to an interphase matrix • DNA is attached to the nuclear matrix at specific sequences called MARs or SARs. • The MARs are A • T-rich but do not have any specific consensus sequence.

  6. 6.6 The centromere is essential for segregation • A eukaryotic chromosome is held on the mitotic spindle by the attachment of microtubules to the kinetochore that forms in its centromeric region. • Centromeres often have heterochromatin that is rich in satellite DNA sequences.

  7. 6.7 Centromeres have short DNA sequences in S. cerevisiae • CEN elements are identified in S. cerevisiae by the ability to allow a plasmid to segregate accurately at mitosis. • CEN elements consist of short conserved sequences CDE-I and CDE-III that flank the A • T-rich region CDE-II.

  8. 6.8 The centromere binds a protein complex • A specialized protein complex that is an alternative to the usual chromatin structure is formed at CDE-II. • The CBF3 protein complex that binds to CDE-III is essential for centromeric function. • The proteins that connect these two complexes may provide the connection to microtubules.

  9. The CEN region recruits three DNA-binding factors: Cbfl, CBF3 (an essential four-protein complex ), and Mif2 (CENP-C in multicellular eukaryotes). In addition, a specialized chromatin structure is built by binding the CDE-ll region to a protein called Cse4, a histone H3 variant (analogous to CENP-A in multicellular eukaryotes), probably in the context of an otherwise nonnal nucleosome. A protein called Scm3 is required for proper association of Cse4 with GEN. Inclusion of CenH3 histone variants related to Cse4 are a universal aspect of centromere construction in all species. The basic interaction consists of bending the DNA of the CD E-ll region around a protein aggregate; thereaction is probably assisted by the occurrence of intrinsic bending in the CDE·lf sequence.CDE-1 is bound by a bomodimer of Cbfl; this interaction i s not essential for centromere function, but in its absence the fidelity of chromosome segregation is reduced - 1OX. The 240-kD heterotetramer, CBF3, binds to CDE-111. This interaction is essential for centromeric function.The proteins bound at CDE-1, CDE-Il, and CD Ell/also interact wi th another group of proteins(Ctfl9, Mm12 1, and Okpl}, which in turn link the centromeric complex to the kinetochore proteins ( -70 individual kinetochore proteins have been identi6ed in yeast) ;md to the microtubule.

  10. 6.9 Centromeres may contain repetitious DNA • Centromeres in higher eukaryotic chromosomes contain large amounts of repetitious DNA. • The function of the repetitious DNA is not known.

  11. 6.10 Telomeres are replicated by a special mechanism • The telomere is required for the stability of the chromosome end. • A telomere consists of a simple repeat where a C+A-rich strand has the sequence C>1(A/T)1-4.

  12. 6.11 Telomeres seal the chromosome ends • The protein TRF2 catalyzes a reaction in which: • the 3repeating unit of the G+T-rich strand forms a loop by displacing its homologue in an upstream region of the telomere.

  13. 6.12 Lampbrush chromosomes are extended • Sites of gene expression on lampbrush chromosomes show loops that are extended from the chromosomal axis.

  14. 6.13 Polytene chromosomes form bands • Polytene chromosomes of Dipterans have a series of bands that can be used as a cytological map.

  15. 6.14 Polytene chromosomes expand at sites of gene expression • Bands that are sites of gene expression on polytene chromosomes expand to give “puffs.”

  16. 6.15 The nucleosome is the subunit of all chromatin • Micrococcal nuclease releases individual nucleosomes from chromatin as 11S particles. • A nucleosome contains: • ~200 bp of DNA • two copies of each core histone (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) • one copy of H1 • DNA is wrapped around the outside surface of the protein octamer.

  17. 6.16 DNA is coiled in arrays of nucleosomes • Greater than 95% of the DNA is recovered in nucleosomes or multimers when micrococcal nuclease cleaves DNA of chromatin. • The length of DNA per nucleosome varies for individual tissues in a range from 154-260 bp.

  18. 6.17 Nucleosomes have a common structure • Nucleosomal DNA is divided into the core DNA and linker DNA depending on its susceptibility to micrococcal nuclease. • The core DNA is the length of 146 bp that is found on the core particles produced by prolonged digestion with micrococcal nuclease.

  19. 6.17 Nucleosomes have a common structure • Linker DNA is the region of 8-114 bp that is susceptible to early cleavage by the enzyme. • Changes in the length of linker DNA account for the variation in total length of nucleosomal DNA. • H1 is associated with linker DNA and may lie at the point where DNA enters and leaves the nucleosome.

  20. 6.18 DNA structure varies on the nucleosomal surface • 1.65 turns of DNA are wound around the histone octamer. • The structure of the DNA is altered so that it has: • an increased number of base pairs/turn in the middle • but a decreased number at the ends

  21. 6.18 DNA structure varies on the nucleosomal surface • Approximately 0.6 negative turns of DNA are absorbed by the change in bp/turn from 10.5 in solution to an average of 10.2 on the nucleosomal surface. • This explains the linking number paradox.

  22. 6.19 Organization of the histone octamer • The histone octamer has a kernel of a H32 • H42 tetramer associated with two H2A • H2B dimers. • Each histone is extensively interdigitated with its partner.

  23. 6.19 Organization of the histone octamer • All core histones have the structural motif of the histone fold. • The histone N-terminal tails extend out of the nucleosome.

  24. 6.20 The path of nucleosomes in the chromatin fiber • 10-nm chromatin fibers are unfolded from 30-nm fibers and consist of a string of nucleosomes. • 30-nm fibers have 6 nucleosomes/turn, organized into a solenoid. • Histone H1 is required for formation of the 30-nm fiber.

  25. 6.21 Reproduction of chromatin requires assembly of nucleosomes • Histone octamers are not conserved during replication; • However, H2A • H2B dimers and H32 • H42 tetramers are conserved. • There are different pathways for the assembly of nucleosomes during replication and independently of replication. • Accessory proteins are required to assist the assembly of nucleosomes.

  26. 6.21 Reproduction of chromatin requires assembly of nucleosomes • CAF-1 is an assembly protein that is linked to the PCNA subunit of the replisome; • it is required for deposition of H32 • H42 tetramers following replication. • A different assembly protein and a variant of histone H3 may be used for replication-independent assembly.

  27. 6.22 Do nucleosomes lie at specific positions? • Nucleosomes may form at specific positions as the result either of: • the local structure of DNA • proteins that interact with specific sequences • The most common cause of nucleosome positioning is when proteins binding to DNA establish a boundary. • Positioning may affect which regions of DNA are in the linker and which face of DNA is exposed on the nucleosome surface.

  28. 6.23 Domains define regions that contain active genes • A domain containing a transcribed gene is defined by increased sensitivity to degradation by DNAase I.

  29. 6.24 Are transcribed genes organized in nucleosomes? • Nucleosomes are found at the same frequency when transcribed genes or nontranscribed genes are digested with micrococcal nuclease. • Some heavily transcribed genes appear to be exceptional cases that are devoid of nucleosomes.

  30. 6.25 Histone octamers are displaced by transcription • RNA polymerase displaces histone octamers during transcription in a model system; • Octamers reassociate with DNA as soon as the polymerase has passed. • Nucleosomes are reorganized when transcription passes through a gene.

  31. 6.26 Nucleosome displacement and reassembly require special factors • Ancillary factors are required both: • for RNA polymerase to displace octamers during transcription • for the histones to reassemble into nucleosomes after transcription

  32. 6.27 DNAase hypersensitive sites change chromatin structure • Hypersensitive sites are found at the promoters of expressed genes. • They are generated by the binding of transcription factors that displace histone octamers.

  33. 6.28 Chromatin remodeling is an active process • Chromatin structure is changed by remodeling complexes that use energy provided by hydrolysis of ATP. • The SWI/SNF, RSC, and NURF complexes all are very large; • there are some common subunits.

  34. 6.28 Chromatin remodeling is an active process • A remodeling complex does not itself have specificity for any particular target site; • it must be recruited by a component of the transcription apparatus. • Remodeling complexes are recruited to promoters by sequence-specific activators. • The factor may be released once the remodeling complex has bound.

  35. 6.19 Histone acetylation is associated with genetic activity • Histone acetylation occurs transiently at replication. • Histone acetylation is associated with activation of gene expression. • Deacetylated chromatin may have a more condensed structure.

  36. 6.19 Histone acetylation is associated with genetic activity • Transcription activators are associated with histone acetylase activities in large complexes. • The remodeling complex may recruit the acetylating complex. • Histone acetylases vary in their target specificity.

  37. 6.19 Histone acetylation is associated with genetic activity • Acetylation could affect transcription in a quantitative or qualitative way. • Deacetylation is associated with repression of gene activity.

  38. 6.19 Histone acetylation is associated with genetic activity • Deacetylases are present in complexes with repressor activity. • Acetylation of histones may be the event that maintains the complex in the activated state.

  39. 6.30 Heterochromatin propagates from a nucleation event • Heterochromatin is nucleated at a specific sequence. • The inactive structure propagates along the chromatin fiber. • Genes within regions of heterochromatin are inactivated.

  40. 6.30 Heterochromatin propagates from a nucleation event • The length of the inactive region varies from cell to cell. • Inactivation of genes in this vicinity causes position effect variegation. • Similar spreading effects occur at: • telomeres • the silent cassettes in yeast mating type

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