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Appreciative Coaching for RC-Based Learning Communities with a Caring Perspective

Embrace a caring perspective in RC learning communities with appreciative coaching to nurture purposeful, open, disciplined, celebrative environments for students and faculty.

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Appreciative Coaching for RC-Based Learning Communities with a Caring Perspective

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  1. Appreciative Coaching for RC-Based Learning Communities with a Caring Perspective Kam Hou Vat, PhD (屈鑑濠博士) Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement University of Macau, Macau SAR China

  2. We need a Caring RC! What services? 甚麼服務? For Whom?為誰提供 ? In what ways? 用甚麼方法? Under what circumstances? 在甚麼情況?

  3. A Caring RC – Residential College What Services? 甚麼服務 • Proactive Life coaching前瞻性的人生輔導 • Appreciative sharing without being questioned  對分享作出讚賞,不會被質問 • Appreciative inquiry emphasizing the positive 對提出疑問作出讚賞,重視正面的訊息 • Appreciative coaching: Discover, Dream, Design, Destiny 讚賞式的輔導:發掘 ,夢想,設計,委身

  4. A Caring RC – Residential College For whom?為誰提供? • Students & Faculty Members學生及學院老師 • RC learning communities 住宿式書院的群體 • Caring for the whole person關懷全人發展 • Caring for the community關懷社群 • Caring for the groups關懷小組 • Caring for the individual關懷個人 • Holistic pastoral care整全的牧養關懐 • Living, Loving, and Learning活著,愛,學習

  5. A Caring RC – Residential College In what ways? 用甚麼方法 • Through a caring RC community通過一個關懷住宿式書院的社群Learn to love 學習愛 • Learn to care學習關懷 • Learn to serve學習服事 • Learn to lead學習帶領 • Learn to learn學習怎樣學習 • Learn to be servant-leaders學習作僕人領袖 • Emphasizing the nobility of service to others強調高尚的事奉

  6. A Caring RC – Residential College Under what circumstances? 在甚麼情況? • Holistic Student Development 整全的學生發展 • Discover “What is”發掘 “What is” ? • Dream “What might be”夢想“What might be” ? • Design “What could be”設計“What could be” ? • Destiny “What will be”委身 “What will be” ? • Whole-Person Care/Education全人發展關懷/教育 • Servant Leadership Program 僕人領袖計劃

  7. We need to create a Caring RC! Appreciative Inquiry + Coaching 對提出探討/疑問,作出讚賞 + 輔導 Discover: Begin with a grounded observation of the best of “what is”  發掘:從底層觀察 “what is” 的最佳選擇 • Dream: Articulate with appreciation “what might be” 夢想:表達清晰 “what might be” 的願景 • Design: Ensure the consent of those in the system to “what could be” 設計:尋求共識 “what could be” 的成長方向 • Declare destiny: Experiment collectively with “what will be” 確認委身:願意敢闖、敢試 “what will be” 的體驗 • Life Coaching in action, with a Caring perspective 結合關懷概念實行人生輔導

  8. A Caring Perspective – RC! RC Learning Communities must be nurtured to become: • Purposeful (有目標)– Learning to learn with discovery guided by mentoring, rather than transmission of knowledge • Open (開放式) – Learning to respect the dignity of every person, allowing freedom of expression and affirming the virtue of civility • Disciplined(重操練)– Learning to accept obligations to the community, behaving to protect the values of courtesy and privacy, and affirming the code of conduct for common good • Celebrative (光榮感)– Learning to uphold the best campus heritage and traditions central to the Holistic Student Development (HSD) culture of the RC • Caring(富關懷)– Learning to cultivate a sense of connection with larger community, serving others genuinely in need through field learning experiences.

  9. Example Servant Leadership Program • First-Year RC Participants: Self and Others • Complete a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator@ and Strong Interest Inventory@ as part of students’ First-Year Experience (FYE) program • Participate in inventory group assessment with FYE Seminar class • Begin students’ digital portfolios • Complete some hours of volunteer service • Reflect on student assessments and volunteer experience in their digital portfolios

  10. Example Servant Leadership Program Second-Year Participants: Ethical Servant Leadership • Sophomore students should begin to focus on larger issues of leadership including ethics, communication, and teamwork. Making connections and building relationships are key focal points during this year • Participate in some kind of summer Sophomore Leadership Camp • Engage in regular discussions with small groups focusing on topics of ethics, critical thinking, diversity, and service projects • Have opportunity to complete the StrengthsFinder@ assessment in the spring semester if they are interested in applying for some kind of a peer educator position • Begin developing a career plan, including seriously thinking of his or her declared major. • Update reflections and co-curricular experiences sections of their digital portfolios

  11. Example Servant Leadership Program Third-Year Participants: Global Citizenship • Junior students should engage more in their role as peer educator (if any), and should be serving others through their active involvement on-campus. It is a year with a focus on continuing personal development, while engaging themselves as leaders in a larger community. • Continue service to others through their peer roles, leadership roles or other volunteer experiences • Update the reflections and co-curricular experiences sections of their digital portfolios

  12. Example Servant Leadership Program Fourth-Year Participants: Legacy for the Common Good • Senior students are largely transitioning into active, engaged, global citizens who are role models of service and leadership within their RC communities. • Participate in more frequent (say, monthly) reflections related to their transitions • Design, implement, and assess a service project for First-Year students • Serve as a mentor during the, say, Sophomore Leadership Camp • Finalize career plans and steps to find their first professional job or gain entrance to graduate school • Update reflections and co-curricular experiences sections of their digital portfolios • Present their legacies to other members of the RC community

  13. References Bogue, E.G. (2002). An agenda of common caring: The call for community in higher education. In W.M. McDonald & Associates (Eds.), Creating campus community in search of Ernest Boyer’s legacy (pp.1-20). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Boyer, E.L., Sr. (1990). Campus life: In search of community – A special report for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Lawrence ville, NJ: Princeton University Press. Cooperrider, D.L., & Whitney, D. (2005). Appreciative inquiry: A positive revolution in change. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler. Orem, S.L., Binkert, J., & Clancy A.L. (2007). Appreciative coaching: A positive process for change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  14. Thank You! Q & A

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