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Understanding Instruction Set and Programming Languages for Microprocessors

This review delves into the instruction set and programming languages crucial for understanding microprocessors. It covers low-level assembly languages, high-level languages like C and Python, as well as special high-level languages for specific tasks. Discover the importance of compilers, code portability, and the impact of different languages on hardware optimization. Explore the evolution from machine code to modern high-level languages, offering insights into their strengths and weaknesses.

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Understanding Instruction Set and Programming Languages for Microprocessors

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  1. Microprocessors and microcontrollers Digital technics review and programming last modified: 2016. Feb 25.

  2. II.2. Instruction set (processor) • Instruction set: the set of instructions a processor knows in hardware • Machine code: a program containing instructions from the instruction set, in binary or hexadecimal format. It can generally be natively run by the processor (without the need for other software).

  3. Instruction set, programming • Assembly: lowest level programming language, processor dependent. • It is made by assigning easy to remember words (mnemonics) to machine code instructions; make easier data and number formatting; make labels and constants available; make some simple functions

  4. Instruction set, programming • Software originally written in other programming languages have to be converted to machine code using a compiler (in older times, by hand). For very high level languages it can involve several middle steps. • Question: in what language and machine are compilers written?

  5. Programming languages

  6. Low level languages • Nearest to hardware, • thus easiest to compile to machine code, • best for optimizing hardware resource usage. • Generally assembly languages are in this category.

  7. Assembly • Practically a readable version of machine code • Takes lot of time and effort to realize complex functions (of course code parts can be reused) • Hard to overview, find bugs – needs lots of comment • Can directly access hardware, can utilize all special functions of hardware and special cpu/gpu instructions • Code can be made small in size, small in memory footprint, fast to run, optimized for hardware

  8. Assembly • More suited for small programs, for low-end hardware, for microcontrollers and embedded systems with special needs • Eg. military or space uses – small memory, low speed, have to be very reliable • Compilers (esp.in older times) often in asm • Some of op.system’s special functions in asm • But possible to write whole graphical modern op system in asm (see eg. Menuet OS)

  9. Medium level languages • eg. C (though often put in other categories) • developed before microprocessors, • developed for programming Unix operating system • integral part of Unix and Linux systems • often used to write opsystems and compilers • „mother” of many modern prog.languages • less special data types; pointers used for strings and arrays; can use pointers of pointers and chaines lists etc. • can change data type of an existing variable (without conversion) • allows to give value inside a condition (eg. if(a=b) and if(a==b) both are allowed!)

  10. Higher level languages • In high level languages simple instructions can realize complex jobs • closer to human languages and logic • easier, more special data types • easier, faster to develop and debug, easier to overview • though sometimes finding a bug needs looking at the asm/machine code, if the bug is hardware-dependent

  11. Higher level languages • High level languages: • Fortran, Algol, Cobol, Basic, Pascal, Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, C#, Java,... • Easy to learn, to program, to overview • Modern version often give help to create graphical user interface (GUI) (Visual Basic, Visual C, etc) • Compiled code potentially larger and/or slower than if using C or asm • Often need „runtime engine” and larger hardware req. (eg. dotnet,java) • Less chance for syntax errors or algorithm errors, but harder to find errors related to compiler, opsys or hw.

  12. Special high level languages • Windowed system development • Visual Basic / C / whatever • program's visual elements (windows, buttons etc.) are placed in a graphical UI; traditional program code is written for each element

  13. Visual C#

  14. Special high level languages • Dataflow programming • LabView, VEE, Simulink • program's visual elements created in GUI, the corresponding code is also created in a GUI in the form of a flowchart • Labwindows CVI • form of Labview, in which you can put traditional "typed" code

  15. Labview

  16. Special high level languages • Mathematical, logical • MatLab, Maple, Mathematica • R, S (statistics) • Coq (theorem proving), SML (?),Haskell (?)

  17. Coq

  18. Special high level languages • Scripting languages • for small, quick tasks • often built into op system (esp.Unix/Linux) • or built into / support markup language (PHP, Javascript, Flash, Java) • often started as simple script languages, but in the end, can do more than that (most of the above languages) • Markup and supporting languages (often not „real” programming, more like data formats) • HTML / CSS

  19. Portability of source code Portable code • can be compiled (without modification or with little modification) on other hardware or op system • this needs an existing compiler for that hardware (needs not to be compiled on target HW (cross compilation) • different HW might not need exactly the same SW... (Win8 on PC and tablet ??)

  20. Readability „Read-only programming language” (easy to read, hard to write) „Write only programming language” (easy to write, hard to read) And then this...

  21. Programming languages • interpreted • compiled • to machine code • to bytecode • mixed (intermediate) runtime compiled

  22. Operating system • Technically not necessary – programs can be run without it – but it is not convenient to do so • Opsys allow us to: • provide user interface (UI) to load stored programs easily (it needs not be graphical (GUI) – even a command line is a huge help vs the original computers) • provides application programming interface (API) – makes programming easier and portable

  23. Operating system • provides a layer btw HW and user SW • when changing HW, only Driver software changed, but end-user SW sees the same API • API can be a library of a programming language or a function call the opsys provides • BIOS is „first part” of opsys (but is independent), it also provides some simple function calls • opsys can allow for multitasking – it has to keep track of running processes and allocate their cpu time; also helps allocating multi-processor jobs

  24. Instruction set example • Intel 8085A • 8 bit data bus, 16 bit address bus • few MHz clock • its instruction set was the basis for the 8086 and then x86 series processors • it is also similar to many current 8b microcontrollers

  25. 8085 • Instruction types • arithmetics: add, subtract, increment • logics: and, or, xor, complement (negate) • bitwise: rotate (as in a shift register) • data moving: move, exchange, push,pop • branch: jump, call, return • conditional: jump on condition (jz,jnz,jc, etc) • IO: in, out

  26. 8085 addressing modes example • mov r1,r2 • 1 byte, 1 machine cycle, r2r1 • mov r,M • 1 byte, 2 m.cycle, (HL)r • HL register pair contains memory address • mov M,r • 1 byte, 2 m.cycle, r(HL) • HL register pair contains memory address • mvi r, data • 2 byte (code+data), 2 m.cycles, datar • mvi M,data • 2 byte (code+data), 3 m.cycle, data(HL) • lxi rp,data • 3 byte (code+2byte data), 3 m.cycle, datarp (register pair)

  27. 8085 addressing modes example • lda addr • 3 byte (code+2byte address), 4 m.cycle, (addr)A • memory cell’s content into accumulator (A) • sta addr • 3 byte, 4 m.cycle, A(addr) • lhdl addr • 3 byte, 5 m.cycle, (addr)HL • memory word (2B) at address addr into HL register pair • shld addr • 3 byte, 5 m.cycle, HL(addr) • ldax rp • 1 byte, 2m.cycle, (rp)A • memory cell addressed by BC or DE into A • stax rp • 1 byte, 2 m.cycle, A(rp) • xchg • 1 byte, 1 m.cycle, HL<=>DE • exchange contents of register pairs

  28. Data formats

  29. Number systems • Most computers store and process numbers in a binary form • Users mostly see decimal form, programmers use decimal, hexadecimal (base 16), or less frequently octal and binary forms

  30. Number systems • Some notation examples: • Decimal: • D’223’ , 223D, 223D, 22310 • Hexadecimal: • H’2F’, h2F, 2Fh, 0x2F, 2F16 • Binary • B’10101100’, b10101100, 101011002

  31. Number systems • Decimal to binary conversion: • Divide by two, repeat with int(result), read the remainders from bottom up (NB last remainder / first digit is always 1) • Binary to decimal conversion: • Sum up the powers of two where the binary digit is 1

  32. Number systems Hexadecimal (base 16): 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F digits One digit can be translated to 4 bits, so an 8bit number (byte) will always be two hexa digits: 3Ah=0011 1010b

  33. Integer numbers • Unsigned integer (uint) • Signed integer (int) • possible storing formats: • sign bit • two’s complement – this one is most popular • offset binary, excess-K • range in abs.value is halved

  34. Sign bit format • first bit is sign • 01010011b=83d • 11010011b=-83d • range: -127 ... +127 • 11111111 ... 01111111 • there are two zeros (00000000, 10000000) • problem when counting • harder to add numbers

  35. Two’scomplement • Take binary number, invert and add 1 • easier to do addition • simply add like unsigned int • try adding a number with its 2’s c. ! • comparison problem: negative numbers appear larger than positive • range in 8 bit: -128 .. +127 • first bit 1: negative, 0: zero or positive • only one zero, good for counting

  36. Offset binary • add 2^(n-1) to binary number • first part of range negative, middle is zero, upper part positive • practically same as two’s compl. but first bit inverted • easier comparison

  37. Numbers larger than data bus width • Eg. 8b system and I want to use 16b long numbers • Of course it is possible, just takes more time • Eg. addition: • first add least significant bytes (LSB), result is LSB of end result, generates Carry flag bit • add next two bytes, add carry bit to it (special add with carry instructions may be available) • and so on

  38. Fractional numbers • Fixed point • Floating point • Traditional fraction

  39. Fixed point • practically store as an integer (eg. when there are no floating point capabilities) • n bit: total number of digits • m: original number • f: number of two’s fractional digits

  40. Floating point • s: sign • b: base (2) • c: significant digits • q: exponent (2’scomplementor offset)

  41. IEEE745 (floating point standard) • first significant digit is always 1 -> no need to store, thuseg. out of 24b we need to store 23 (remaining bit can be sign) • special values: +0 , -0, +inf , -inf , NaN, subnormal • NaN (not a number): exp all 1, rest not 0 • inf (infinite): exp all 1, rest 0

  42. IEEE745 (floating point) • Single precision: 32b (24+8) • approx.6..7 decimal digit precision • exponent format: add 127-et, thus -126..+127 (offset binary) • max: (2−2−23) × 2127 ≈ 3.402823 × 1038 • Double precision: 64b (53+11) • approx. 16 decimal digits precision

  43. Storing multi-byte numbers • word: a number (or piece of data) made up of multiple bytes • generally two types of storage/transmission method: • little endian • LSB (least significant byte) first, it is stored at lowest address • easier hardware for addition (starts with LSB) • big endian • MSB (most significant byte) stored at lowest address

  44. Storing multi-byte numbers • Little endian: • Intel-AMD x86, x86-64 series • Big endian: • Motorola 68000 descendants • AVR32 • IBM System/360, z/Architecture • Internet Protocol (IP, TCP, UDP) • Bi-endian (configurable): • ARM 3-tól, PowerPC, Alpha, MIPS, Itanium etc. • May find this problem in communications (eg. connect PC to a data acquisition device)

  45. Arrays, strings • Array: realization of a matrix • Various support in hw. and sw. • String: a variable containing several characters; a character chain, a 1D array (vector) containing characters

  46. Arrays • Hardware support: • scalar processors: access one element at a time; access by pointers • pointer hw. support: certain machine code instructions can use certain cpu registers to access RAM (register contains memory address, register is the pointer); pointer can also be in RAM • vector processor: SIMD: single instruction, multiple data; one instruction processes an array

  47. Characters • Alphanumerical characters are stored by using a table to turn them into numbers; • eg. BCDIC,ASCII,Unicode,

  48. ASCII • American Standard Code for Information Interchange • originally 7b coding, 8.bit could be parity if needed • thus 128 characters available • 95 printable char. (lowercase, uppercase alphabet, numbers, punctuation) • 32 control char. (for teletypes,printers) (incl. new line, carriage return, end of line, end of file, tab, del, space, etc.) • lowercase and uppercase differ in one bit only (easier conversion) • numbers contain the number in binary (last four bits)

  49. ASCII

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