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This study evaluates the dynamic aperture at injection for the FCC-hh particle accelerator, analyzing the design of arcs, dipole field errors, tolerances on correctors, and considerations on the b3s and b5s parameters. The study concludes that the current dipole errors table provides satisfactory dynamic aperture at injection.
First evaluation of Dynamic Aperture at injection for FCC-hh B. Dalena Thanks to: D. Boutin, A. Chancé, R. Martin, J. Payet, K. N. Sjobaek
Outline • Arcs design • Dipole’s field errors and Dynamic Aperture • First tolerances on b3S and correctors integrated strength • First consideration on b5s B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
Arcs design • MD and b3 correctors have same length as LHC • 2 focusing and 2 defocusing sextupole families • No octupole and decapole correctors are integrated so far • No skew quadrupoles and skew sextupoles • Each quad is equipped with a trim • Relative position of the BPM and the orbit corrector are different from LHC • see D. Boutin talk • Given a minimum beam screen radius 0.132 m 25 r.m.s. beam size at injection B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
Dipoles errors table Systematic First table for dipoles multipole errors provided (E. Todesco FCC-hh design meeting 28/05/2015) • = random number with Gaussian distribution cut at 1.5 (U) and 3 (R) • In the following we use • the same seed for U for all dipoles of the same arc • different seed for R for each dipole • random and uncertainty b2 and a2 not considered (skew correctors not inserted in the lattice yet) • magnet misalignments not considered Fractional part of tunes: Qx = .28, Qy = .31 injection Qx = .31, Qy = .32 collision Rref = 0.017 m B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
DA with errors: injection • Inputs long-term DA study: • 60 seeds • 30 particle pairs • Emit norm 2.2e-6 m.rad • E0 = 3.3 TeV • Q’ = 2 • dp/p = 0.00075 (LHC) • dp/p max = 0.002 • step = 2, [2-40] explored • 5 angles [0,90o] without dipoles errors DA > 80 with nominal dipoles errors: “systematic” b3 uncorrected (chromaticity due to b3 corrected) no need to correct b3S =-5 units • b3S = 15 units intolerable without correction • effect of different straight sections: up to 3 of average DA (at 15°) B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
DA with errors: collision • Inputs long-term DA study: • 60 seeds • 30 particle pairs • Emit norm 2.2e-6 m.rad • E0 = 3.3 TeV • Q’ = 2 • dp/p = 0.00075 (LHC) • dp/p max = 0.002 • step = 2, [2-40] explored • 5 angles [0,90o] without dipoles errors minimum DA > 54 “systematic” b3 uncorrected (chromaticity due to b3 corrected) with nominal dipoles errors: • b3S=20 units intolerable without correction (minimum DA 8 and sextupoles strength more than 3 times the *=0.3 m optics) • need to correct b3S(with b3S = 0 units, minimum DA 28 ) • effect of different straight sections: smaller than at injection (different multipoles play a role) B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
b3 and MCS strength: collision Based on LHC project report 501 MCS integrated strength for B= 0.471 T, LMCS =0.11 m Integrated strength to correct one unit of b3S = 1/Ndipole LHC MCS correct @ LHC |b3S| < 3 [10-4] equal to 70% of MCS max integrated strength @ FCC |b3S| < 1.57 [10-4] equal to 70% of MCS max integrated strength FCC |b3S| < 3 [10-4] equal to 70% of 2 x MCS integrated strength of LHC (to have same tolerance of LHC at FCC) B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
b3 correctors: collision Average b3S for each of the 8 arcs is corrected with spool pieces MCS, one at every dipole (same scheme of HL-LHC). • b3S=20 reduce DA in collision to < 10 σ • 81% of the maximum MCS strength in collision fully correct b3S=3 units (minimum DA 28 σ) B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
b3 correctors: injection Average b3S for each of the 8 arcs is corrected with spool pieces MCS, one at every dipole (as in collision). • 23% of the maximum MCS strength at fully correct b3S =15 units (minimum DA > 12 σ) B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
b3 at injection (possible limit) Based on LHC project report 501 At injection the MCS strength can correct up to 34 b3 units (67 in LHC), nevertheless a tolerance on b3S can come from feed-down effects. LHC = closed orbit = 0.4 mm at injection in LHC = random component of main dipole which is limited by induced beta-beating < 0. 7 units (corresponding to 14% peak allowed beta beating = 10% beam size growth) at injection in LHC for the moment we can assume the same values for FCC B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
b5 at injection • Inputs long-term DA study: • 60 seeds • 30 particle pairs • Emit norm 2.2e-6 m.rad • E0 = 3.3 TeV • Q’ = 2 • dp/p = 0.00075 (LHC) • dp/p max = 0.002 • step = 2, [2-40] explored • 5 angles [0,90o] with b3 correctors DA is above 12 σ at injection, do we really need the b5 correctors ? • b5S = 1 units reduce average DA of 3 σ at 15° • similar effect is produced by different straight sections (different phase advance in the long arcs) B. Dalena, FCC week 2016
Conclusion • Present dipole’s errors table gives good DA at injection • No need to correct 5 units of b3s at injection • b3S =15 uncorrected units gives already DA < 10 • 23% of the maximum MCS strength at injection fully correct b3S=15 units (minimum DA > 12 σ) • Present dipole’s errors table gives DA < 10 in collision • 81% of the maximum MCS strength at collision fully correct b3S=3 units (minimum DA of 28 σ) • With b3 correctors DA is above 12 σ at injection, do we really need the b5 correctors ? Outlook • Effect of the higher order multipoles • Tolerances on the systematic and random components • Effect of different optics (straight section, arc’s phase advances) • Misalignment and feed-down B. Dalena, FCC week 2016