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Decompression melting. The process of decompression melting is the upward movement of the earth's mantle to an area of lower pressure. The reduction in overlying pressure enables the rock to melt, leading to magma formation.
Decompression melting • The process of decompression melting is the upward movement of the earth's mantle to an area of lower pressure. The reduction in overlying pressure enables the rock to melt, leading to magma formation. • Decompression melting takes place as a result of less pressure being exerted on rocks
Decompression melting The process of decompression melting involves the upward movement of the earth's mantle to an area of lower pressure. The earths mantle experienced decompression melting plume when St. Helen erupted
Ring of Fire • The zone of volcanic activity surrounding the pacific ocean. An area where large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. • Hawaii was formed entirely from volcanos and is in the center of the Ring Of Fire.
Ring Of FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!! An extensive zone of volcanic and seismic activity that coincides roughly with the borders of the Pacific Ocean. THE Ring of Fire is super dangerous
Intraplate Volcanism is an igneous activity that occurs within a tectonic plate away from plate boundaries. Intraplate volcanism occurs mostly in Hawaiian volcanoes.
Intra plate Volcanism An igneous activity that occurs within a tectonic plate away from plate boundaries. An intra plate volcanism is when a volcano does not occur on a plate boundary.
Hot Spot • A location on the Earths Surface that has experienced active volcanoes for a long time There are many Hot Spots in Hawaii because there are many volcanoes there.
Hot Spot • A point of relatively intense heat or radiation. • A hot spot volcano is one of the most popular tourist spots to be seen by many people.
Viscosity -is a measure of the fluid’s resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. The viscosity of the syrup in the cup was high.
Viscosity • - The state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction. • The magma moved very slowly because of its viscosity.
Vent • Are openings on volcanoes where the lava has escaped to the surface. The family was scared that the lava coming out of the vent of the volcano would damage their house.
Vent • An opening in the earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases are ejected. • The vent caused several trees to catch on fire because of the lava.
Pyroclastic Material • are clastic rocks composed solely or primarily of volcanic materials. The scientists wanted to get samples of pyroclastic rocks for research.
Pyroclastic Material • - A cloud of ash, lava fragments carried through the air, and vapor. • Pyroclastic material that flew from the volcano caused many deaths in the nearby village.
Volcano • Definition: • aventintheearth's crust through which lava, steam, ashes, etc., are expelled, either continuously or atirregularintervals. Sentence: The volcano erupted and lava went everywhere.
Volcano • vol·ca·no /välˈkānō/ Noun A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are or have been... Along the horizon the erupting volcano was barely visible to us.
Volcano • a vent in the earth's crust through which lava, steam, ashes, etc., are expelled, either continuously or at irregular intervals. “Let’s try to stay away from volcanos, they are dangerous!”
Crater • Definition: • A large, bowl-shaped cavity in the ground or on the surface of a planet or the moon caused by an explosion, the impact of a meteorite. Sentence: The impact of the meteor caused there to be a crater I the ground.
Crater • cra·ter /ˈkrātər/ Noun A large, bowl-shaped cavity in the ground or on the surface of a planet or the moon caused by an explosion, the impact of a meteorite, etc. This is the world's largest and oldest meteorite impact crater.
Crater • the cup-shaped depression or cavity on the surface of the earth or other heavenly body marking the orifice of a volcano. “ The moon is so beautiful, even with all the craters.”
Shield Volcano • Definition: • A broad, domed volcano with gently sloping sides, characteristic of the eruption of fluid, basaltic lava. Sentence: Shield volcanoes are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows.
Shield Volcano • shield vol·ca·no Noun A broad, domed volcano with gently sloping sides, characteristic of the eruption of fluid, basaltic lava. Shield volcanoes are low or almost flat, which makes them look like a big shield volcanoes are low or almost flat, which makes them look like a big shield.
Shield Volcano • a type of volcano usually built almost entirely of fluid lava flows “The shield volcano is made of magma”
Cinder Cone • A conical elevation formed by the accumulation of volcanic debris around a vent. • The cinder cone formed steep hills.
Cinder Cone • A cone formed around a volcanic vent by fragments of lava thrown out during eruptions. • A huge Cinder Cone was formed after the volcano had its biggest eruption ever.
Composite Cone • Volcanic cone composed of intermingled masses or alternative layers of lava and fragmental material. • You can tell that the volcano was newly formed because the composite cone is very unique.
Composite Cone • A large volcanic cone constructed of lava and pyroclastic material in alternating layers. • A Composite cone is similar to an onion; they both have many layers.
Caldera • A large volcanic crater, typically one formed by a major eruption leading to the collapse of the mouth of the volcano • They thought the caldera was caused by a meteor that hit a mountain.
Caldera • A large crater formed by volcanic explosion or by collapse of a volcanic cone. • A caldera is like a giant pool created naturally.
Volcanic Neck • Def: A column of igneous rock formed by congelation of lava in the conduit of a volcano and later exposed by the removal of surrounding rocks • Sent: The Volcanic Neck was going to irrupt last night.
Volcanic Neck • A column of igneous rock formed by congelation of lava in the conduit of a volcano and later exposed by the removal of surrounding rocks. That volcano’s neck is very large and intimidating!
Lava Plateau • Def: A volcanic plateau is a plateau produced by volcanic activity. There are two main types: lava plateaus and pyroclastic plateaus. • Sent: The beautiful plateau of Asia was made by a volcanic plateau.
Lava Plateau • An elevated tableland or flat-topped highland that is several hundreds to several thousands of square kilometers in area; underlain by a thick succession of lava flows. • A Lava Plateau is surrounded by lava.
Lahar • Def: A destructive mudflow on the slopes of a volcano. • Sent: The destruction of Hawaii was mostly the cause of a Lahar.
Lahar • A destructive mudflow on the slopes of a volcano. • Look at the Lahar flow down the volcano!
Pluton Definition: A body of intrusive igneous rock Sentence: After a volcano erupts the magma hardens and turns into a pluton. Picture:
Sill Definition: A tabular sheet intrusion that has intruded between older layers of sedimentary rock, beds of volcanic lava or tuff. Sentence: The sill rises up and gets in between the layers of rock horizontally. Picture:
Laccolith Definition: A mass of igneous rock, typically lens-shaped, that has been intruded between rock strata causing uplift in the shape of a dome. Sentence: Laccoliths can cause the formation of mountains. Picture:
Dike • A wall of igneous rock that cuts across another structure of adjoining rock They built a temporary dike of sand bags to keep the river from flooding the town.
Volcanic Dike • A dike is an intrusive body of volcanic magma that pushes its way between layers if rick and sediment. • The dike formed after lava flowed from the volcano.
Batholith • A large body of intrusive igneous rock believed to have crystalized at a considerable depth below the earths surface. • Stone mountain is an example of a batholith.
Batholith • Rocks formed beneath the Earths surface that are cooled magma, deep in the Earth’s crust. Stone Mountain is an example of a Batholith.